Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier Lyrics
i want to bring You my everything
but i've failed You so many times
how can i stand here before You
when i begin to steal what only belongs to You
i am able to bring You nothing that isn't already Yours
i am so ashamed of what i ever called my own
take what i have, take these broken remains
what can i give You that You don't already deserve
You laid down Your life when i refused to give mine

yeah like he said in a artical i read, his lyrics are love letters to God

Unless the writer of this song lost a friend in the army...then...I believe this song to be about the writers relation with Christ, the word you is capitalized in the middle of sentences. 'You laid down your life when I refused to give mine.' Meaning Christ laid down his life, and that second part Im a bit confused on
confused about the i refused to give you mine part???? lol its simple Jesus died for us even when we were sinners and didn't want his salvation....hence i refused to give u mine Jesus still died and gave up his life get it?
confused about the i refused to give you mine part???? lol its simple Jesus died for us even when we were sinners and didn't want his salvation....hence i refused to give u mine Jesus still died and gave up his life get it?

Christ unselfishly gave up his life for everyone's sins.
He's greedy and is thanking Christ for giving up his life, and he's saying that Christ is completely unselfish because no one else would do the same.

This is such a powerfil song. It amazes me how he can scream and yet make something have such an overwhelming sadness and not sound in the least bit angry. This song is so much more than music.

I don't really see how he got the title for this song, but it's still awesome. His lyrics sound like he's writing down prayers and then putting music to them. That's what's great about these guys: I can follow along with their songs and totally feel the Spirit.

This seems like a very emotional one from the album. he feels what god gave us isnt even close to what he did for us.

This song is about coming b4 God and wanting to bring You all that is in his heart. But feeling not good enough in the eyes of God. Feeling as though he has failed God so many times. (I am so ashamed of what i ever called my own) feeling ashamed in God presence. But through this shame he is asking God to (take what i have, take these broken remains) He is offering it all to God. the last line says (You laid down Your life when i refused to give mine) refering to jesus who layed down his life on the cross for ua all. but we offen hold on to things when we should give our "whole" life to him.

This is a really powerful song, to me. I read alot of these comments, and some people are trying to say As I Lay Dying are not religous, but you can deffentaly see it in this song. This song is about someone wanting to love Christ as much as Christ loves him to give his life up for him. But, he wants to give more than he can. The line "but i've failed You so many times" is meaning he can't serve him as good as he wants, and failed him, or sined. "You laid down Your life when i refused to give mine" is about how christ died on the cross for US, but this person just can't. Powerful song, one of my favorts.

I laugh at the people who get on others cases because they think it's about soldiers. Seriously, chill out. Can't things have double meanings sometimes? Can't some people see things differently then others or is your religious view the only thing that is acceptable? Yes, I do believe the song fits a more religious theme because AILD is a Christian band, but can't other people think it can be about soldiers and normal people refusing to give up their lives to protect others? Some of you got extremely defensive when someone brought up it could be about soldiers and not Christ. So let other people have a voice as well, your religious views aren't always the "correct" way.

Damn, this song makes me wanna cry every time i hear it.
powerful words