13 Meanings
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Life Goes On Lyrics

You sucked me in and played my mind
Just like a toy
You would crank and wind
Baby, I would give you to what you want
You left me lying in a pool of doubt
If you're still thinking your the daddy mack
Ya shouldn't known better
But ya didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact
Once you get on board
Say good-bye
'Cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight
And I really want to get it right
Where I'm at
It's my life before me
Got this feeling
That I can't go back

Wish I knew then what I know now
You held all the cards
And sold me out
Baby, shame on you if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
Should've of known better
But I didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact
Once you get on board
Say good-bye
'Cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight
And I really want to get it right
Where I'm at
It's my life before me
Got this feeling
That I can't go back

Na na na na life goes on
Na na na na made me strong

Oh oh yea

Got a feeling that I can't go back

Life, goes, on

On yea,
On and on and on

Shame on you if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
I should of known better
But I didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact
Once you get on board
Say good-bye
'Cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight
And I really want to get it right
Where I'm at
It's my life before me
Got this feeling
That I can't go back

Na na na na life goes on
Na na na na made me strong

Oh oh yea

Got a feeling that I can't go back
No I can't go back

Oh oh yea

I've got to go now I'm on run
No turning back
Gonna make me strong

Got a feeling that I can't go back
No I can't go back
No yeah
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13 Meanings

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Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

I love how LeAnn has grown up in her music. This song is about moving on and letting go of the past. About learning to live with your past and growing stronger from it. And I LOVE the video.

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

i think the words are "i would give til you wore it out"

@NooNeSpeCiaL you are correct.

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

Definitely not one of my favorite songs, but it has a message many can relate to. A fun song nonetheless.

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

I think it's not a good Leann Rimes song... But its video is good.. I liked the green dress she's wearing!

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

i'm not a big leann rimes fan, but i have to say that ever since my best friend melissa started talking about this song it has been on repeat for about a week...thank you!

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

I like this song coz u can sing 2 with it without it being a boring ballad

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

I LOVE this song! Its by favorite song by leAnn

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

Its a good solid song. I like the way she is heading with her career - away from the country, and more into the Michelle Branch / Vanessa Carolton mold. She's a veteran too. Her Coyote Ugly stuff was underrated, because no one knew how to take her - as a country singer, or as a pop singer? But with this song, I think the transition is made.

The song speaks well to me, in particular the chorus. Has good, solid lyrics that can be related to. Good song

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

Noonespecial,that's what I thought too.

Cover art for Life Goes On lyrics by LeAnn Rimes

I like the lyrics because they help me to forget the past.