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The Fountain Of Lamneth Lyrics

I. In the Valley

I am born;
I am me.
I am new.
I am free.

Look at me;
I am young.
Sight unseen;
life unsung.

My eyes have just been opened,
and they're open very wide.
Images around me
don't identify inside.

Just one blur I recognize,
the one that soothes and feeds.
My way of life is easy,
and as simple are my needs.

Yet my eyes are drawn toward
the mountain in the east.
Fascinates and captivates;
gives my heart no peace.

The mountain holds the sunrise
in the prison of the night,
till bursting forth from rocky chains,
the valley floods with light.

Living one long sunrise,
for to me all things are new.
I've never watched the sky grow
pale, or strolled through fields of dew.

I do not know of dust to dust.
I live from breath to breath.
I live to climb that mountain
to the Fountain of Lamneth.

II. Didacts and Narpets
Stay, go!
Work, no!
Learn, live!
Earn, give!
Stay or fight, what's right?

III. No One At the Bridge

Crying back to consciousness,
the coldness grips my skin.
The sky is pitching violently,
and drawn by shrieking winds.

Seaspray blurs my vision.
Waves roll by so fast.
Save my ship of freedom.
I'm lashed, helpless, to the mast.

Remembering when first I held
the wheel in my own hands,
I took the helm so eagerly
and sailed for distant lands.

But now the sea's too heavy.
And I just don't understand,
why must my crew desert me
when I need a guiding hand?

Call out for direction
and there's no one there to steer.
Shout out for salvation
but there's no one there to hear.

Cry out supplication
for the maelstrom is near.
Scream out desperation
but no one cares to hear.

IV. Panacea

The whiteness of confusion
is unfolding from my mind.
I stare around in wonder.
Have I left my life behind.

I catch the scent of ambergris
And turn my head, surprised.
My gaze is caught and held and I
am helpless, mesmerized.

Panacea, liquid grace.
Oh, let me touch your fragile face.
Enchantment falls around me
and I know I cannot leave.

Here's a meaning for my life,
a shelter from the storm.
Pacify my troubles with
her body, soft and warm.

Naked in our unity,
a smile for ev'ry tear.
Gentle hands that promise me
comfort through the years.

Yet I know I must be gone
before the light of dawn.

Panacea, passion pure.
I can't resist your gentle lure.
My heart will lie beside you,
and my wandering body grieve.

V. Bacchus Plateau

Another endless day.
Silhouettes of grey.
Another glass of wine.
Drink with eyes that shine.

To days
without that chill at morning.
Long nights,
time out of mind.

Draw another goblet
from the cask of forty-three.
Crimson, misty mem'ry,
hazy glimpse of me.

Give me back my wonder.
I've something more to give.
I guess it doesn't matter.
There's not much more to,
not much more to live.

Another foggy dawn.
The mountain almost gone.
Another doubtful fear.
The road is not so clear.

My soul
grows ever weary,
and the end
is ever near.

VI. The Fountain

Look the mist is rising,
and the sun is peaking through.
See the steps grow lighter
as I reach their final few.

Hear the dancing waters;
I must be drawing near.
Feel, my heart is pounding
with embattled hope and fear.

Now at last I fall before
The Fountain of Lamneth.
I thought I would be singing,
but I'm tired, out of breath.

Many journeys end here,
but the secret's told the same.
Life is just the candle,
and a dream must give it flame.

The key, the end, the answer,
stripped of their disguise.
Still it's all confusion,
and tears spring to my eyes.

Though I've reached a signpost;
it's really not the end.
Like old Sol behind the mountain,
I'll be coming up again.

I'm in motion.
I am still.
I am crying.
I am still.
I'm together.
I'm apart.
I'm forever
at the start.
Still, I am.
Song Info
Submitted by
shed27 On Aug 20, 2002
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34 Meanings

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Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

To fully appreciate the magnitude and depths of this song it must be listened to many times over...but one day you will get it and when you do you will never dismiss its greatness again..you will never cease to listen to it...it will stay with you forever...I truly love Rush with ever fibre of my being...their music has meant so much to me in some very dark days..and i thank them for it

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

The Fountain of Lamneth is probably my second favorite Rush song. I still prefer 2112 over it, but this one is a very close second for me.

I agree with byhatchetaxeandsaw on this one. This song is about a man's life, from birth to death.

In The Valley (BIRTH and CHILDHOOD). I am born, I am me, I am new, I am free. As in childhood, the man has curiousities about his future, "Yet my eyes are drawn toward the mountain in the east..."

Didacts And Narpets (ADOLESCENCE), all the way. It is all about rebellion. Your parent says work! And you say no! Your teacher says learn! You say live! And live it to the fullest. Party all night, sleep all day!

No One At The Bridge (College, Young Adulthood, First Job, On Your Own). You're on your own, there's no safety net now. Maybe a bit through college, but then it's out into the real world, and you have to make it on your own. "Why must my crew (your parents or friends) desert me? I need a guiding hand." You get that first job, and you have to be grown up enough to keep it, make a living for yourself, pay the bills, etc. But you sail on, toward that dream you fantasized about In The Valley.

Panacea (FIRST TRUE LOVE, MARRIAGE). Then you find the one that you can steer your boat with. You find that you can forget about your troubles with her body, soft and warm. Still, it may not be all that you need, and it may not last. It might end in divorce, as mentioned above, but for now, you've got that peace of mind, and that's what's important.

Bacchus Plateau (GOLDEN YEARS, RETIREMENT). This is my favorite part of the song, not so much because you've reached this point in life, but it rocks and flows so well! Truthfully, this is about the rewards in life for working so hard and getting this far, "Draw another goblet from the cask of '43." Another endless day, silhouettes of gray. You're just enjoying the fruits of your labors, and of course, it's even better if you still have your Panacea with you!

The Fountain (OLD AGE, THE END, DEATH). Yeah, you're happy at first, you have reached the goal that you longed for In The Valley, but you now realize that, like the fabled Fountain of Youth, it doesn't mean you're going to live forever...death is still a part of life, and you come to that realization. "Now at last I fall before The Fountain Of Lamneth, I thought I would be singing, but I'm tired, out of breath. Many journeys end here, but the secret's told the same. Life is just a candle, and a dream must give it flame." Like a candle, life finally burns out, but your dreams and desires are what keep the candle going. If the candle didn't get lit, you were never born to begin with. "I am crying, I am still." That line is very moving, that is just before death. "I'm forever at the start...still I am." You realize that you're back to the start point In The Valley, and you might think your life has been pointless. "Still I am..." Every life has some purpose and meaning, though we may never fully understand it all.

The point is, live your life to the fullest each and every day, because there's only one candle, and once that flame is extinguished, it's gone forever.

Great, great song! I wish they would do this one live in concert again, the entire 19 minutes and 57 secs of it!

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

That's rather unfortunate because LSD was first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann.

This song doesn't have any drug overtones, it's just another one of Neil Peart's adventures in song form. A darn good one at that.

@BMaloney This song is about taking LSD, written and performed by experienced LSD users. The intended audience were people who were open to experimenting with LSD and the psychedelic journey that they faced. There are so many obvious LSD references, that they probably wanted to call the song \'Fountain of Lysergic\' but their record company made them change the name. Sorry all you Frank Zappa followers, but this song was about dropping acid and also happens to be masterpiece of the prog rock genre. So, with that understanding, you can try to look into the lyrics for all the...

@BMaloney This song is about taking LSD, written and performed by experienced LSD users. The intended audience were people who were open to experimenting with LSD and the psychedelic journey that they faced. There are so many obvious LSD references, that they probably wanted to call the song \'Fountain of Lysergic\' but their record company made them change the name. Sorry all you Frank Zappa followers, but this song was about dropping acid and also happens to be masterpiece of the prog rock genre. So, with that understanding, you can try to look into the lyrics for all the...

@sandman71 it absolutely is not, ya dumbass.

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

To me this song is about life in general."I am born" gives a hint. And that "life is a candle"and that dreams need to fuel it. The first Rush that made me realize how special Rush is

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

[II. Didacts and Narpets]

Stay! Go! Work! No! Learn! Live! Earn! Give! Stay or fight? What's right? Listen!

there were some lyrics missing, there they are

i can't belive nobody has said anything about this song, some new rush fans might be intimidated by the length, but if you havn't listened to it yet, just give it a try, it is, in my oppinion, the best rush song, and if you don't agree with that, at least agree that its one of their best

the song's pretty straight forward, it says the meaning near the end: "Life is just the candle, and a dream must give it flame."

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

Totally agree with you. Definitely one of Rush's best songs!

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

Amazing piece of music. Unlike other "epic" songs by the likes of Opeth, this one actually manages to hold your attention, until its conclusion. Bacchus Plateau is just fantastic, what a melody! Further evidence, if it were ever needed, that Rush are the best band ever.

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

I think that the song is more so about how we all try so hard in life to reach a goal, only to not be satisfied with it when we get it, hence the lines "Now at last I fall before The Fountain of Lamneth. I thought I would be singing, but I'm tired, out of breath." and "I'm forever at the start"

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

The opening and closing lines are some of my favourite lyrics from any song ever.

Cover art for The Fountain Of Lamneth lyrics by Rush

Thing is that no matter what song you're listening to, if you're using lsd all songs are about it. This forum only proves that a lot of people who listen to RUSH are also using lsd lol

Anyhow, I don't think RUSH advocates the use of drugs and that they can create amazing music without it as well.

@Zerstoren 100% - the same way that thieves don't trust anyone or that pervs think everyone is pervy, these acid dropping fools think everyone is on acid.

The boys freely admit to smoking (or having smoked) the hippie cabbage. Geddy makes mention of Lifeson's continued enjoyment when they shared the stage for his My Effing Life book tour.

Stop dropping acid, kids. It makes you seriously stupid.