12 Years Of Catholic Skool And This Is What I Learned Lyrics

parading your hate justified by 2000 year old writings
by straight white males
which feed the opression the "sinful" are subjected to
dismissing equal rights as special rights
let a man love a man
let a woman love a woman
9 Meanings
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this song kicks serious ass

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yea this song rocks, and i couldn't agree more with the lyrics!

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12 years in school and he learned that religion has no place in our modern world.

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What kind of ridiculous band is this?! xD

OmGosh sooooo sc3nE! Every1 shuld be bisexxxuallll!!!11one1!!

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kyuuketsuki_hime -- your entire favorites list gives you no right to make fun of any band... ever...

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Yeah fuck open-mindedness am I right?

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Wtf, Kyuuketsuki_hime?

they are not saying "hey i think you should suck some dicks lolz", they are saying that a man has the right to love a man(and woman the right to love a woman) and it's not up to a priest with a book of lies made to opress to say the opposite

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