Richter Scale Madness Lyrics

Okay this is a song about killing everybody, let's all sing along now

Dream machine,
John and exene,
Smear campaign,
And a swat team.

Let's have a feudal lord,
Let's have a fascist regime,
Side effects,
Coupled with withdrawl bleeding.

This is a riot, right?
Let's all riot riot,
Let's tear this place to shit,
Commit pact suicide.

(you know you all want it, now let's all kill ourselves)
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.

Put your hand to my mouth,
And a gun to my head,
Let's stop this false pretence,
Become real friends.

Let's have a mustard gas war,
Because a fuck's a fuck,
Richter scale madness,
Join the gun club, join the gun club.
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Submitted by
little_miss On Nov 25, 2001
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Cover art for Richter Scale Madness lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

this is the most brutal, insane song and I love it. if you haven't seen the performance of this on farmclub, do whatever you can to get your hands on a copy of the tape. mayhem/destruction/hilarity. kill, kill kill.....

Cover art for Richter Scale Madness lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

I remember when I saw them live, there was this: "can you say kill?" audience: KILL! "can you say kiss?" audience: KISS! "so let's kiss and kill!"

Mayhem... hehe

Cover art for Richter Scale Madness lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

this song is crazy. its chaotic. its beautiful.

Cover art for Richter Scale Madness lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

this is the first song i ever heard by this band via their old Farmclub performance. I remember watching that episode for the ATDI performance, and AYWKUBTTOD blew me away. i've been in love ever since...

Cover art for Richter Scale Madness lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

I may be wrong, but before the "kill kill kill" part, doesn't Conrad say something like "1995, one more year I'll die" or something that sounds like that?

It sounds like "1995 was a wonderful year to die, but I hear 1997 is going to be even better" to me.

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Cover art for Richter Scale Madness lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

Oh, and I love this song because I feel like it purposefully takes that whole 'rock-music-is-evil' stereotype to another level. Its just so blatant, it beats you over the head with the idea. Perfect way to start out their first album.