One Last Run Lyrics
Try to find but no one ever knows
This small town makes you wanna stay
Who the hell would want to anyway?
Well I'm leavin'
Thought I got it all
Then I finally saw
And I found out where it's all at
Tried it once and now I want it more
Memories all cut in half
Tell the truth and then I watch 'em laugh
I'm not laughin'
Thought I got it all
Then I finally saw
And I found out where it's all at
Watch and learn
Sell it all
Watch it burn
You know the score so just shut your mouth
One more run then I want out
Not like them I'd rather go without
Without needing
Thought I got it all
Then I finally saw
And I found out where it's all at
And I never thought
Then I finally saw
And I found out where it's all at

This song, reminds me of GREAT SEX...not the words, but the rhythym of it. It goes faster, then slower, and the energy builds up at the end...then BOOM, it's all over! I LOVE this song! If you haven't heard it, go out and BUY the CD, and tell me that I'm wrong!

this song is about a person who thinks he has good friends in a good place but then he realizes that he was wrong and they weren't the friends he pictured them to be. they pushed him to do things he didn't want to do. TOO BAD FOR HIM!

this song is about chad goin on 1 last drug run cos he feels he's friend r pulling him down

Sounds to me like the song is about someone who's always looking for bigger and better things ("and i want it all/thought i got it all/then i finally saw/and found out where it's all at"). The verses reinforce this. Also the line "memories cut in half" makes me think that he's only choosing to remember the memories which remind him of how crappy his life was before his current situation. For example - he lives a certain way, then he finds out that it's not cool/the way he wants to live etc. anymore, so he quickly lives life this new way, and brands his past life situation/s as shit.

from Playboy interview with Chad:
PLAYBOY: Let's go back to the mushrooms. What else did you sell? CHAD KROEGER: I sold a little weed here, some mushrooms there. I had to subsidize the income somehow. I knew a lot of people who had weed, and a lot of people working on the oil rigs needed weed. I could get it. That seemed like a no-brainer.
PLAYBOY: So is the song "One Last Run" from The State autobiographical? CHAD KROEGER: Absolutely it's autobiographical. I can't believe some of the shit I'm telling you. So this one time, I buy a case of beer and borrow this girl's truck, and she and I drive 45 minutes to the nearest city. I buy some weed, and we're driving back. We've got beer bottles all over the floorboards, and we're laughing, with the tunes cranked. Next thing I know, we're heading into a ditch. I see this metal pole coming at us, and I steer just to the left of it. Beer bottles are flying all around. I bring us back onto the road and bring the truck to a stop. Grass from the side of the road is collected a foot high around the entire truck, so the truck looks as if it's wearing a hula skirt. We get all the grass pulled off, and who pulls up? A cop. I've got an ounce of weed down the front of my pants. As he rolls down the window, I say, "We're just waiting for two friends. They had to stop for gas." He rolls up his window and drives away. That was "One Last Run.

from Playboy interview with Chad:
PLAYBOY: Let's go back to the mushrooms. What else did you sell? CHAD KROEGER: I sold a little weed here, some mushrooms there. I had to subsidize the income somehow. I knew a lot of people who had weed, and a lot of people working on the oil rigs needed weed. I could get it. That seemed like a no-brainer.
PLAYBOY: So is the song "One Last Run" from The State autobiographical? CHAD KROEGER: Absolutely it's autobiographical. I can't believe some of the shit I'm telling you. So this one time, I buy a case of beer and borrow this girl's truck, and she and I drive 45 minutes to the nearest city. I buy some weed, and we're driving back. We've got beer bottles all over the floorboards, and we're laughing, with the tunes cranked. Next thing I know, we're heading into a ditch. I see this metal pole coming at us, and I steer just to the left of it. Beer bottles are flying all around. I bring us back onto the road and bring the truck to a stop. Grass from the side of the road is collected a foot high around the entire truck, so the truck looks as if it's wearing a hula skirt. We get all the grass pulled off, and who pulls up? A cop. I've got an ounce of weed down the front of my pants. As he rolls down the window, I say, "We're just waiting for two friends. They had to stop for gas." He rolls up his window and drives away. That was "One Last Run.