It sticks in my throat I'm gonna choke I cannot speak
Besides it runs the fear of the unknown
Could this be some reckoning
Wrath for wrong I've done, comin' back to haunt me
The God I have denied his power shown
But now I can't protest although defiant heart it pounds deep in my chest
I know that this will have its way with me
For now I choose to go
I know it's just the mind tryin' to interrupt my flow
Intentions all fall down
My soul has died
Now, this will not die they warned me in church when I was young I could rely
If there's a God, he's one I've never seen
& now I just lament
Did not held the threat I played the cards that I've been dealt
Like putting out the fire with gasoline
For when I used I lose won't face the fear of life without something abused
That now I'm forced to find another way
My show your final show
A homicide I tried to warn, you should have known
Now I'll take you with me
Show you my pain
Feed the need it's not greed, I figure so what
Can you fix the hole
that resides deep in this gut
I'll fix myself whatever it takes I cannot wait
Come & get it, Come & get it, get some
I feed the need that twists my mind
Time & time again Blah Blah Blah Come & get it

it's about not goin back on dope. i thought this site was suppose to have a deeper look at lyrics. not people writing shit like "this song is just wonderful" what the fuck???

This song is just wonderful.

There is something incredible in this song! Peace to Straight Lynn!

correction: Lynn Strait

I agree with kadadust, the final verses are rather explanatory.

Awesome fucking song.
Love the ambient guitar...

This song gives me chills...
I think he's saying he had no reason to believe in God because his life was so shit that why would an all loving God allow all that crap to happen to him and everyone else in the world. He turned to drugs to fill the void in his life, but now that he feels his days are numbered he starts to "Fear the unknown" maybe there is a God and all the bad shit he's done in his life will cause him to burn in Hell forever. He doesn't know what to do but he has no idea how to get off the drugs or if he even knows how to handle life without the drugs. So he just keeps abusing and living in fear.
God I almost cry when I hear this song.

Anyone who's not just struggled, but had their life consumed and destroyed by addiction over and over....lost all or most of their friends to overdose, had their family and remaining friends all turn their backs on you, been to jail and/or prison multiple times, been to hundreds of rehabs and halfway houses, been homeless, lost everything and anyone that's ever been important to you, and after all that you still got high....I think they probably understand the song meaning. With the knowledge that all of those previous listed things have already happened because of your addiction and will happen again if you use, and when the love of your life and soulmate, and coincidentally the last person on earth who still loves you and believes in you, tells you that if you use again she will leave and never come back, and when the ER doctor tells you that if you get one more infected absess from shooting dope, he's going to have to take your arm, and you STILL get high..... Then you'll truly know what this songs about (one armed mic drop)....