My Mirror No Longer Reflects Lyrics

Choke on your forked tongue as you lie to me again
Say it's too early to show how we feel
just shove me away / but what can be said
to someone who can't hear
or comprehend your actions
I've lost faith in what I've been told / it’s all a lie
I show true feelings always feeling the pain
Smash me to the ground a thousand times as before
But I can't rationalize anymore / carry me away
on concrete pillows incinerate me once more
Love means nothing to you anymore
blood stains on the wall with disfigured forms / end me
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Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

I think this song is about commiting suicide. It makes sence from the lyrics. "I've lost faith in what I've been told / it's all a lie." "Love means nothing to you anymore blood stains on the wall with disfigured forms / end me" The last 2 words do it.

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

yes this is the best poison the well song, but keeping with the theme that this whole album is a concept album chronicaling the relationship of one person, this song shows how he this girl he fell in love with, ie nerdy, just wants to remain friends, ie not with in arms length, so now he is fed up with her, and is sick of the fact that she avoids his true feelings, and after all this he is back where he started, ie 12/23/93

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

this song is by far the best poison the well song.

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

This song just makes me think of the girl who cheated on me and it kinda makes me feel better about the whole deal....I love this song sooooooo much.

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

This song kicks hella ass. I like to think its all about hypocrites. And maybe murder in there too. Who knows Jeff knows how to write lyrics and thats whats so fucking awesome about this band, bedides the music the lyrics give it that extra kick-assness!!!

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

this song is fabulous, takes my breath away every time

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

mad breakdowns...

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

i think this is the best poison the well song. the lyrics are awesome...and how they piece the whole song together is just unbelievable. truely amazing.

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

I think this song is how he or she is slowly seperating from the relationship. "Love means nothing to you anymore", means that at the beginning of the relationship she cared, and she loved, but as things were moving apart love meant nothing to her, and she just faked it through. Its like me and my g/f i feel she is seperating from me so thats my favorite part....Poison the well has the best damn lyrics!

Cover art for My Mirror No Longer Reflects lyrics by Poison the Well

I also forgot to say that she is also cheating on you..:-p