20 Meanings
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Whipping Lyrics

Don't need a helmet, got a hard, hard head
Don't need a raincoat, I'm already wet
Don't need a bandage, there's too much...blood...
After a while, seems to roll right off...hmm...

Whipping, ah...they're whipping, ah...
...they're whipping, ah...they're whipping...

Don't need a hand, there's always arms attached
Oh, don't get behind, I can't fall back
Why must we trust all these rusted rails?
They don't want no change, we already have

They're whipping, ah...they're whipping, ah...
...they're whipping, ah...they're whipping...

Don't mean to push, but I'm being shoved!
Ohh, I'm just like you, think we've had enough
I can't believe a thing they want us to...oh...
Oh, we all got scars, they should have 'em too...

Oh, they're whipping, ah...they're whipping, ah...
...they're whipping, ah...they're whipping...
They're whipping, ah...they're whipping, ah...
...they're whipping...yeah...they're whipping
Song Info
Submitted by
ark On Nov 22, 2001
20 Meanings
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This song is supposedly about pro-choice. But either way, it's awesome. Vitalogy is always thought of as an experimental album but it doesn't get enough credit for its harder more aggressive stuff.

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This song speaks about a form of "moral protectionist" attitude among conservatives - the Christian Right in particular I believe.

The sort of attitude that distrusts the ability of young people - indeed ppl of ANY age - to make their own informed choices on a range of matters, not only abortion. (ie: protect me from myself)

Eddie is railing against the idea that anyone ELSE feels justified in making moral decisions on his behalf. The lyrics hint that even though he may choose "wrong" or make a mistake and get hurt, it's still HIS mistake to make.

My Interpretation
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"Don't need a bandage, there's too much...blood... After a while, seems to roll right off...hmm..."

This sounds like a follow-up to the song "Blood", which was a lash-out on the cynicism of the media. If "Blood" was about being spun around and rolled over, than this is about a whole new stratosphere of dissatisfaction with the misgivings of celebrity life - no privacy and high expectations.

I think it suggests that you can try to support Eddie & Co., but it's not going to make the media or the crazy stalkers go away. Much sarcasm expressed.

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maybe about become more famous as a band? the first verse is stating how "tough" they are, a high tolerance level. and then second verse is about how they dont want to trust all the people who just want to be a part of it for the money or fame. They dont want to change who they are as a band but its already begun from the pressure and fame. the last verse is questioning what is being asked of the band by the music industry and maybe producers or something. They're whipping is pretty obvious that the band feels like they are being punished by all the pressure and pushing (im being shoved). That might not be very right but its my interpretation

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Political song, against the government trying to control you.

@Benplace liberals are almost always for more government and conservatives are for less.. And since PJ is one of the most outspoken liberal bands in the nation, seems like an odd choice of words if that's true.

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This is a pro-choice song, I've read it in many places. The first verse I don't fully understand, anyone have any thoughts? It's either sexual or abortion-related imagery. The second verse is all about supposedly having mercy on the baby: "we all got scars, they should have em too" -- this line is talking from the point of pro-life activists, whom the band disagrees with -- saying just because we have had problems in our lives we should inflict it on unwanted children

Part of the agenda of some pro-choice (like Vedder) activists is the belief in reincarnation, or a second chance (look at the liner notes to the album). They think that killing the baby is doing it a service because it deserves (and will get) a second chance at life...

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I never looked at it that way,

I know understand the Pro-choice movement a little clearer....

I can rationalize with their ideas moreso,

anyways this is about the abortion issue and free speech and I dont give a damn if eddie is a Bleeding heart liberal, he writes some of the best music to ever be recorded...

I love this song, It is one of the best Rockin songs on vitalogy, (save for Last Exit and obviously Corduroy)

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It's about abortion, but against it in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

My interpretation, anyway

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i see the sexual innuendos in the first verse as this tough guy who's proud of himself but gets the girl pregnant and then the "whipping" part is him not wanting to take responsibility and now she needs to decide whether she wants an abortion.

as she's thinking, it's like, why should i trust these "rusted rails" a bunch of old men pro-lifers making decisions for my body.

but still, the whipping, it still hurts her. i think it's a song about pro-CHOICE, and that eddie is trying to tell us that just because you're pro-choice doesn't mean you like to have abortions.

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Right, Lucy; just because people support abortion doesn't mean they like having them. No one LIKES having them.

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