146 Meanings
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Uninvited Lyrics

Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave

But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch Shepard meet Shepard

But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before

But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

I don't think you unworthy
I need a moment to deliberate
Song Info
Submitted by
kevin On May 03, 2001
146 Meanings
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Actually, I think it's written from someone who has an admirer, but she is fighting it. Maybe she's been hurt in the past, or she's not ready for something so serious. So she scoffs at him.

It's sort of like three stages. At first, she's like "Yes, thank you I'm flattered. But I just cannot do thi snow."

Then she goes to stage two. The music builds a little more. "Look, I understand. And you must really like to make me squirm and feel all uncomfortable, right? But I am NOT interested. No matter how much I want to, I can't."

Then stage three. She's almost like putting her foot down. "I know you think you love me, but you don't! You think you know love? You think you've ever experienced anything like MY love before? You have to stop! This is not allowed!" And the music crescendos and builds until.....

It's all suddenly calm. And then finally, the end. She caves in. "I don't think you unworthy of my love.....I just need to think about this before I plunge right in."

And then I like to think that the sudden crash of the music back to the heavy stuff is her deciding, plunging in dramatically, and ultimately being happy.

It's like a beutiful poem.

Pretty cheesy, huh.

I think edbear's interpretation (on the first page) is the closest, in my opinion, to what I think the song is about. If the song was written for 'City of Angels' (where it appears) then subwoofer's (again on first page) is the best fit.

From the research that I did into when the song was released, when the movie was released and filmed, and the original intention to never have this song as a single for Alanis - I think subwoofer's post is the most accurate.

It's really interesting to read the interpretations of what the song means to different...

I agree with you edbear0817. I enjoy all of Alanis Morissette songs, but this one just speaks more openly to me. It's almost as if this song for me symbolizes a reluctancy towards love. Speaking from experience, I know how frustrating it can be to earn others respect or rather have others look up to you. Trying to keep that sense of mind frame together with people that are attracted to you can be difficult. Especially when you come to terms that you can't control what others feel for you. But that's a whole other story! I believe that this song...

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I think this is about someone being having a secret admirer reveal themself to her. She is flattered, but feels violated at the same time. This is someone who has thought of her in ways she did not ask for. She needs time to absorb this and he doesn't seem to want to give it to her.

I think this is a great song because we always think of having a secret admirer as a GOOD thing, but it is really just a few steps short of stalking. The woman in this song is trying to figure out which is which.

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From what I see in this song this is a woman trying to tease her love interest into higher desire. She is telling him/her that she is flattered but only wanted an object to crave. In other words saw him/her as nothing but a casual encounter. Now she goes on to say that he/she is uninvited to be with her but that this is an unfortunate slight. In other words she doesn't really want to put him/her off but she is letting him/her go to see if they will come back with even more passion. Notice, the music increases in passion after this is said. Now she tells him/her it must be strangely exciting to see the stoic squirm. Here she is referring to herself trying not to show interest but tearing herself up inside. Here is the interesting part where she refers to Shepard meet Shepard - two people that lead the flock. This is an alpha meets alpha situation. The union will be really hot when it happens. The music gets more passionate as the sexual tension between the two increases. She pushes him her away yet again by saying he/she is not allowed/invited an unfortunate slight. She is killing herself by doing this but knows the end result will be the craving she desires. Now the words to the next phrase speak for themselves. When she is showing uncharted territory - using herself as strong bait but still holding him off for even more passion. The music starts to go crazy as I can imagine the sexual tension gets to the point where it is impossible to bear. Then the music goes almost silent as if she is finally released. she tells him/her that she doesn't think him/her unworthy giving him hope but then she takes it away again when she says "I need a moment to deliberate." The music goes nuts as the passion must as well and then the song completes leaving it open ended and up to your imagination.

@isaacgesser I agree, I would add I think it's with a man, it's just the way I hear it, and I think he is married, I can't think of a better reason to put a wall up and not pursue this passion....but he's not allowed, he's uninvited an unfortunate slight. He's off limits, hence married, he's uninvited, she doesn't want to have an affair, an unfortunate slight, she has a wall up but regrettably so. I agree with how her resolve weakens as the tempo gets stronger and also the lyrics suggest this. I believe at the end, when she says "I...

@isaacgesser I agree, I would add I think it's with a man, it's just the way I hear it, and I think he is married, I can't think of a better reason to put a wall up and not pursue this passion....but he's not allowed, he's uninvited an unfortunate slight. He's off limits, hence married, he's uninvited, she doesn't want to have an affair, an unfortunate slight, she has a wall up but regrettably so. I agree with how her resolve weakens as the tempo gets stronger and also the lyrics suggest this. I believe at the end, when she says "I...

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That is a real nice translation of the song.

Though I think that this song is written in the form of the relationship between the two characters in the movie.

I agree with all of the steps that it went through, each a little more firmer, each reveiling a little bit more about her feelings, she was discovering her own feelings in the song she did not even know.

But, in my opinion, everytime she said, "You, you're not allowed, you're uninvited, an unfortunate slight" she is refering to their differences in between the two characters in the movie.

In the verses she was talking about their equalities and about him and her and the love they have for each other, but then she remembers he is an angel, he is uninvited, and unfortunate slight of plans. So everytime she builds herself up in the verses then at the end she sees the reality of it all.

But i guess it depends on the person and their outlook, that is why i like Alanis Morissette's songs, everytime you hear any of her songs you have to dig deep and find a meaning, all her songs are deep, and they all describe one of her emotions, she holds nothing back. She is the most talented artist in my eyes.

She will never die as long as i keep playing her songs... (Hence) her songs are her life.


I love your meaning of the song. I agree completely.

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I have a new interpretation.... I think this could be about a woman propositioning her. She has never considered a lesbian relationship before and dismisses it at first - but the last line.....well she's considering it now.

I tend to agree with that one. For me, "not allowed" is as much a keyword as is "uninvited", and it could point to a woman in love with her.

However, there are plenty of lines in that song that point to plenty of other meaings. It's pretty unspecific and and therefore could be applied to a lot of situations- forbidden relationship, media, "City of Angels"...

Or, alas, a man approaching a lesbian...

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I dont think that it is at all about rape or stalking, maybe a relationship where the feelings arent on the same level, but she clearly returning affection to some point. I do think tachere's theory about a pregnancy is interesting, but sounds more like from a fling if that is the case. I think the word "Uninvited" is being taken way to literally. I think she has been hurt terribly before and had her defenses up as a result, was just looking for something safe "I simply wanted an object to crave" and she wasnt prepared for someone so dedicated to her, and I think she is scared and unsure, but falling hard, hence, "you, you're univited, an unfortunate slight" maybe she isnt literally rejecting him, but she is realing from her unexpecting feelings and fear of falling in love and being hurt, she is playing distant with him because she is scared and completely confused. You, you're uninvited, you tore down my wall and got to my heart again.

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"like any uncharted territory i must seem greatly intriuging" ---great line

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I think one of the key clue in this song is in the line "an unfortunate slight." It confused me at first because it was seemingly just pieces of a sentence, so you start wondering "slight of hand," "slight of plans," someone else mentioned it could refer to slight differences between characters, but none of that really made sense to me. I decided to look up "slight" in the dictionary, and guess what? It can be used as a noun (as it is in this case). Here's the definition: "an insult caused by a failure to show someone proper respect or attention." So it sounds like either she did something to disrespect him, or the other way around and someone let an insult slip that they regretted.

Personally, I see the song as romantic interest that's crossed the line and she's now saying she wants to take it slow. She's intrigued by the idea that he likes her, so invites him over, but then things get frisky, someone is disrespected, someone gets angry, and then it changes to "okay, stop right there, I'm kicking you out." Not that it's over, but she just needs time to think about it and take things slower.

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it's about a love that has come to you and the other person though you never thought it was right.like it shouldn't have happened like you shouldn't have ever met..but it's making you want more and more even if he seems the wrong person the wrong choice.you try to push all feelings away push him away...but at the same time you don't want this to stop.at first you are only flattered but then this grows and you can't avoid it.you are angry cause of this but you also try to figure it out.it's madneeess ...or just call it karma...that's how i see this song that's how i feel now...

p.s sorry for my english

My Opinion

I like your interpretation.

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does anyone else notice this has a really obvious resembelence to that song from the land before time (one)??? haha

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