24 Meanings
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Children Of The Revolution Lyrics

Well you can bump and grind
If it's good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout
Let it all hang out
But you won't fool the children of the revolution
No you won't fool the children of the revolution
No no no
Well you can tear a plane
In the falling rain
I drive a Rolls Royce
'Cos its good for my voice
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24 Meanings

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Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

I always think it's taking a pop at John Lennon. He wrote "Imagine", which he claimed was a musical setting of "The Manifesto of the Communist Party", but he owned a Rolls Royce and a large mansion, neither of which fits well with the Communist system he was advocating. He also sang a cover version of "Twist and Shout" with The Beatles.

It could also be seen as a criticism of hypocrisy in music generally.

@DavidBrown Cool! Never would have noticed this stuff on my own, thanks!

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

I believe this song critisizes poser bands that sell themselves through the call revolutions. I think the song specifically mentions the beatles as of these bands, because of the 'twist and shout' and (john's) rolls royce references.

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

Apparently it was just about teenager rebellion. Or trying to encapsulate the rebellious attitude that teenagers hold.

I always thought it was about the counterculture of the 60s but after a quick Google search it seems as if no one else has made that connection.

I'm not the biggest TRex fan (well actually this is the only song of theirs I know) but I have always liked this song. Just because in my mind, I had it romantically linked to 60's youths challenging the orthodoxy of the establishment and (for the most part) winning.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

kool kool kool!!!

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

oh yeah, who saw Pete Dohertys verson on Live 8?

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

hmm, don't mention the Doherty version. Terrible! But anyway this song rocks! Basically what it means in the title, just sing along to it guys!

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

Kick ass song (not the best lyrics though), can't stop the youth who are taking over and causing the revolution

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

it means smoking tons of crack with Pete backstage before his Live8 performance..Hey, has anyone seen my lighter?? I just had it a second ago but I gave it to Pete....

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

I think that the song is about glam rock poser bands. Poser bands may be even more popular than the real thing (Hence the "I drive a Rolls Royce 'Cos it's good for my voice" line"), but they only fool wannabe pre-teens ("But you won't fool The children of the revolution").

Funnily enough, things have not changed since the seventies.

Cover art for Children Of The Revolution lyrics by T. Rex

This song is like heavy but still fun. Makes me think of a gray city on a cloudy day. I loved the scene on Billy Elliot (where theres a lot of TRex music) where they play this song with Billy and this girl he likes fighting with pillows (OH and did you notice her wall with white swans on it?? Ride a white swan!!!!!)