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Let Her Cry Lyrics

She sits alone by a lamp post
Tryin' to find the thought that's escaped her mind
She says, "Dar's the one I love the most
But Stipe's not far behind"

She never lets me in, only tells me where she's been
When she's had too much to drink
I say that I don't care, I just run my hands through her dark hair
Then I pray to God you gotta help me fly away

And just let her cry if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing if it eases all her pain
Let her go, let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be, let her be

This morning I woke up alone, found a note standing by the phone
Sayin', "Maybe, maybe I'll be back someday"
I wanted to look for you
You walked in, I didn't know just what I should do
So I sat back down and had a beer and felt sorry for myself

Sayin' let her cry if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing if it eases all her pain
Let her go, let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be, let her be
No, no, no, no

Let her cry let her cry if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing if it eases all her pain
Let her go, let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be, ah

Last night I tried to leave, cried so much I could not believe
She was the same girl I fell in love with long ago
She went in the back to get high
I sat down on my couch and cried, yellin'
"Oh, mama, please help me"
Won't you hold my hand and

Let her cry if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing if it eases all her pain
Let her go, let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be

Let her cry, if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing, if it eases all her pain
Let her go, let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be
Ah, let her be
Song Info
Lyrics © Sony/atv Music Publishing Llc
Darius Rucker, Dean Felber, Jim Sonefeld, Mark Bryan
Submitted by
oofus On Jun 23, 2001
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85 Meanings

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Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

Ready for the facts????

The lyrics tell the story of a patient man in love with a woman who is an irresponsible alcoholic. He keeps trying to save her and salvage the relationship, even as he sees the toll it is taking on him and the probable futility of his attempts to keep it together. Darius Rucker said he wrote the song about one of his own past relationships, but swapped the gender roles - that in real life, he was the irresponsible one and his girlfriend was the long-suffering partner who tried to keep things together.

Darius Rucker acknowledged that he originally wrote the song as a country song.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

This is the best Hootie song ever.

Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

broken relationships, torn apart by one person's inability to return the feelings

a guy who is in love with a girl who is out of control and he is beside himself because he just doesn't know what to do anymore.

'and just her cry if the tears fall down like rain. let her sing if it eases all her pain. let her go, let her walk right out on me and if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be.' Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain

in this part of the song he's saying that he's going to let her do what she needs to make herself...

  • in this part of the song he's saying that he's going to let her do what she needs to make herself feel better and he's just going to let her go and if in the morning, the sun still rises and his world is still in tact, then he'll just let her be because he loves her that much.
  • 'last night i tried to leave, she cried to much i just could not believe she was the same girl i fell in love with long ago.'

  • and in this part of the song he is saying that he see's this girl who is so weak and so fragile and he just can't believe it's the same girl he fell in love with in the beginning.
  • i don't know. just my opinion, i guess. i've been there, done that...and i'm so glad it's over with. but at the same time, i'll never forget that time in my life.

    Not Valid

    @purrbiscuit If you have ever fell in love you would know that love is a powerful bond. like robinhood said to maid Maryanne, "I would die for you..."

    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    I was just at a Hootie concert in May, and Darius introduced this song by telling a story how he and Dean were in a bar, and they heard "She Talks to Angels" and Darius couldn't believe that it was the same Black Crowes who did "Hard To Handle." Later on when he was at home playing video games and listening to Bonnie Raitt--you know how Darius loves Bonnie--he got this idea about rewriting "She Talks to Angels" for Bonnie to sing.

    It was really cool because he was strumming "She Talks to Angels" all the while he was telling the story, and then when he was done he kinda segued into the first chords of "Let Her Cry." I didn't realize what song he was introducing until that minute.

    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    I think you people are missing the timeline of the lyrics, and the point of this song. You assume that drugs mentioned are immediately bad and are the smoking gun here but if you just take an extra 2 minutes to look at things as they are presented you find that it isn't the case in the least. News flash, drinking is something adults can do responsibly. And drugs? Hootie is far from a straight edge man, I don't think a little recreational use is going to be a deal breaker for him. I believe It's about his never ending obsession with this woman he loves, and she doesn't feel the same way, at least not yet. Explained in detail below.

    Think of the timeline of the song as watching a movie on rewind. It starts with the present and goes back a little bit in the second verse, and further yet in the third.

    For continuity I'm going to jump to the third verse just to keep the timeline straight. "Last night" he says he tried to leave her. It didn't take long before he realized she really is the girl of his dreams. She goes out back to relax a little with a totally unimportant drug and he gets some alone time to contemplate how crazy he was thinking. He breaks down confused and remorseful.

    The second verse he goes back to "this morning". It could actually be the morning of that day, or just a morning in the blur of days that pass by while he battles with himself. At any rate we can assume it's in the recent past. He wakes up after feeling more attached to her than ever from his actions the "night before" just to find a simple note sitting by the phone telling him it's over. In addition it says there's a chance he could have her again. She comes walking back in the door and he realizes the gravity of the situation. Now he is in some crazy in between situation with a woman that he finally just realized he truly loved. He can't bring himself to just walk away from her so he decides to take his chances with "maybe" He sits down and does what any logical man would do, drink it all away.

    He starts in the present time with the first verse. Looking at her from afar and seeing how things have changed between them now that they are separated, but he still cant pull away. She doesn't open up to him the same way she used to, and he misses that. He is caught in the infamous friend-zone, and takes that attachment because it beats being alone. His only saving grace is sometimes she has a few too many and spills it all. He can't deny his attachment, he just wants to disappear.

    The chorus is repeated so many times because it symbolizes what he tells himself every day but can't bring himself to actually do. He knows it's best for him to just let her be, but at the same time, tomorrow sounds like a great day to start, until tomorrow is upon him, so maybe the day after, and then the day after. Endlessly procrastinating what he knows he has to do because deep down he knows he can't actually bring himself to follow through.

    My Interpretation

    read the song backwards.......dont think so


    you are absolutely correct . it is in reverse The song references the definition of a "stipe" meaning of a mushroom a stipe (/ˈstaɪp/) is the stem or stalk-like feature supporting the cap of a mushroom. ( circumcision / ancestral roots ) (a birthmark) features of the stipe are required to make a positive identification of a mushroom... someone whom is of the same root and or faith (someone trustworthy) -if referencing from a woman's point of view saying " father (dad)s the one she loves the most , "stipes" not far behind.. men look for women who remind them of their mother...

    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    beautiful, beautiful!

    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    indeed kwise...we don't give a shit. But i love this song haha...its kind of odd...because i generally like bright eyes...brand new...taking back sunday..the get up kids..the white stripes stuff like that...and i just started listening to this song again...it's ironic..

    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    "You walked in I didn’t know just what to do so I sat back down had a beer and felt sorry for myself"

    this is so sad; not being able to walk away, but not wanting to stay either, so you just sit and do nothing

    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    I think it is drug/alcohol related. Somewhere I read Darius wrote this about himself but in reversed roles because of his old alcohol problem that was affecting him and his wife. Anyway the part saying "She never lets me in, only tells me where she's been" to me summed up..you can only help someone and give love to a point but if they are hung up on their past, their habits. I've loved people who were/are addicts, can only reach your hand out so far and if they don't help themselves you have to "let them cry" find themselves and hope god will guide them through their trials.

    My Opinion
    Cover art for Let Her Cry lyrics by Hootie & the Blowfish

    To my knowledge and research, I'm under the impression that it's an extreme commonly misunderstood lyric: "She says Dar's the one I love the most..." is the intended delivery. Not "dad's" Fight me? ????

    Song Fact

    @AccessorizedBelt that's what I've always thought she said.

    @AccessorizedBelt you are correct! Just created an account to say this when I should have just read the comments first.