Caught Somewhere In Time Lyrics
An open mind and time to choose,
Would you care to take a look,
Or can you read me like a book?
Time is always on my side.
Be Devil may care, fulfill your dream,
If I said I'd take you there,
Would you go, would you be scared?
Time is always on my side.
Safe as any soul can be ... honestly,
Just let yourself go.
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time ... oh oh
You try to hide your deepest sins,
Of all the things that you've done wrong,
And I know where you belong.
Time is always on my side.
You've only got your soul to lose...
Eternally...Just let yourself go!
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time
Caught now in two minds!

This song reminds me about the (2001) film Donnie Darko. It's weird, because Somewhere in Time was released in '86. "Time is always on my side" brings an instant image of Frank the Rabbit to mind. It's probably about time itself, if you look closely, the album itself is:
Wasted Years: Running out of time, realizing it's to late to go back
Sea of Madness: maybe somebody did something terrible (murder?) and wants to rewind time, but they can't, thus remaining in the Sea of Madness
Heaven Can Wait: Near-Death Experience
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner: cross-country runner, eyes always on a clock, like in the short-story
Stranger in A Strange Land: how somebody got preserved in ice, thus time remains still for them, them never being able to move, yet
Déjà Vu: that odd feeling, like you've been somewhere before
Alexander the Great: History, self-explanatory.

WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 322, Oakview, CA 93022. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.

Well, I DID agree with TonganDeathGrip, right up until the whole alternate universe thingy...
"If you had the time to lose, An open mind and time to choose, Would you care to take a look, Or can you read me like a book?"
The devil is asking if the guy has the time to go to another time, maybe to see himself in the future. Then he asks if the guy KNOWS that the devil is going to take his soul, seeing thorough his scam.
"Can I tempt you, come with me, Be Devil may care, fulfill your dream, If I said I'd take you there, Would you go, would you be scared?"
This sounds like the devil is asking if the guy is willing to do something scary in order to fulfill his dream.
"Make you an offer you can't refuse, You've only got your soul to lose... Eternally...Just let yourself go!"
This sounds like the actual offer, eternal enslavement to the devil, losing your soul, etc.
"Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, You try to hide your deepest sins, Of all the things that you've done wrong, And I know where you belong."
The devil can see through the guy trying to mask his sins by acting good, and knows that he belongs in Hell.
Basically, the song is about a guy who wants to time travel, probably to the future. The devil comes and offers to take him if he's really devoted. The devil tries to pursuade him to give him his soul in order to take him to the future. The guy apparently agrees, as the chorus is "caught somewhere in time". He is stuck somewhere in the future and can't leave. Maybe he doesn't like it, maybe he misses his home. In any case the devil never takes him back. "Time is always on my side" maybe refers to the fact that the devil can control time, in the song, to take the guy to the future and dump him there.
@Narcoleptic Bird Good analysis! Yes, definitely means that. Being a songwriter and someone who's into words a lot, even I feel the song is describing a person's predicament of going into the future at the cost of selling his soul to the Devil.
@Narcoleptic Bird Good analysis! Yes, definitely means that. Being a songwriter and someone who's into words a lot, even I feel the song is describing a person's predicament of going into the future at the cost of selling his soul to the Devil.
"Make you an offer you can't refuse, You've only got your soul to lose... Eternally...Just let yourself go!"
"Make you an offer you can't refuse, You've only got your soul to lose... Eternally...Just let yourself go!"
is a definite sign.
is a definite sign.

The song is partly based on Doctor Who, which was almost cancelled during the mid-80's. This is Iron Maiden's tribute to the show, in a sense. I believe, on one version of the album covers there is a TARDIS on the back of the sleeve.
Great song.
@Insanity_Himself I saw the TARDIS too, the version of that album cover is actually my background
@Insanity_Himself I saw the TARDIS too, the version of that album cover is actually my background

I agree with Atno000, and I think its a concept album. I think that Narcoleptic bird is right, but I think it is about travelling into the past, where subject wants to change something he did in the past. At wasted years he realize that devil fucked him and realize that now there's no coming back. Sea of madness is probably song about something wrong that subject did and now he wants to change it, but on way to there he has near death experience(heaven can wait). At LOLDR he decides to take the shit in his hands and try to get back in the future. He fucks up and goes somewhere else(SIASL)

A good song off of Iron Maiden's "Somewhere In Time" album. My favorite part of the song is probably the chorus.

No it doesn't. It sounds like it says "Caught soomewhere in time" as they are the lyrics. How you can even think it that the sound "ty" is the sound "tur" I don't know. It doesn't even come close to sounding like that. anyway, good song about someone who's got power over time and can go anywhere, I think.

yeah, anthrax i have no idea what you're talking about. the vocals are pretty distinct, unless you're trying to be funny or something. anyway, this song is great. somewhere in time is one of my favorite maiden albums.

Any idea what the song actually means, anyone.

ZiM: If you haven't build your Time MAchine out of a Delorean, I'm with you! Contact me asap. Can bring a live Katana, Experience in Aikido, and an SVD-Dragunov Sniper Rifle.