Throwing It All Away Lyrics
Need I say I care
Need I say that emotion's,
Something we don't share
I don't want to be sitting here
Trying to deceive you
Cos you know I know baby
That I don't wanna go.
We cannot live apart
That's the situation
I've known it from the start
Every time that I look at you
I can see the future
Cos you know I know babe
That I don't wanna go.
Throwing it all away
Is there nothing that I can say
To make you change your mind
I watch the world go round and round
And see mine turning upside down
You're throwing it all away.
Who will hold your hand
Who will find you the answers
When you don't understand
Why should I have to be the one
Who has to convince you
Cos you know I know baby
That I don't wanna go.
Someday when you're free
Memories will remind you
That our love was meant to be
Late at night when you call my name
The only sound you'll hear
Is the sound of your voice calling
Calling after me.
Throwing it all away
There's nothing I can say
We're throwing it all away
Yes we're throwing it all away...

I think Steve has no clue what he's talking about. Phil has stated this song was inspired by his divorce.
double meaning = two meanings
double meaning = two meanings
The obvious meaning that anyone can get is the one about a relationship ending. I provided plenty of explanation for the other meaning.
The obvious meaning that anyone can get is the one about a relationship ending. I provided plenty of explanation for the other meaning.
I know it's shocking, but art can express multiple ideas at once and be fully intended that way. Good luck with life.
I know it's shocking, but art can express multiple ideas at once and be fully intended that way. Good luck with life.

This song is about a relationship.
I think that the part that has the most emotion in it is:
Now who will light up the darkness Who will hold your hand Who will find you the answers When you don't understand Why should I have to be the one Who has to convince you Cos you know I know baby That I don't wanna go.
Someday you'll be sorry Someday when you're free Memories will remind you That our love was meant to be Late at night when you call my name The only sound you'll hear Is the sound of your voice calling Calling after me.
That part really gets you.
@arielisbored Yes, it really does, even years later.
@arielisbored Yes, it really does, even years later.

This is a song about divorce or the ending of a long-term relationship. In the song he is pleading with her, not do this. Also, he sees the problem, is that they are no longer communicating and sharing emotions. They are no longer showing their vulnerabilities to each other. But, he does not say in the song, what has caused this to happen. He loves her, and believes she still loves him, Also, he still wants a future with her, and wants her to consider the future consequences, which will not be good, of this ending. He wants to overcome these problems, and is pleading with her, to work out the relationship. But, he is feeling he is losing the battle.

This song really hit home for me. My wife left me, and it broke my heart. I heard this song, and it felt like I was going to lose it. Even though I'm remarried, it still brings back the loss I felt.

This song is a killer, isn't it? What a place to be in. Especially the bridge: "someday when you're sorry..." Damn, hits hard.

This song is a killer, isn't it? What a place to be in. Especially the bridge: "someday when you're sorry..." Damn, hits hard.

During an interview, Mike Rutherford mentioned: The song was structured around a guitar riff by Mike Rutherford, who also wrote the lyrics. It\'s about the end of a relationship. The point where you don\'t want it to end, but in the back of your mind you know it\'s best.

he is pleading for her to change her mind that she will regret her actions no matter how much she calls she will never hear him answer

First of all, although Phil wrote a TON of material around his divorce(s?), all indications here are the lyrics were written by Rutherford here.
Second, I was always confused by "You know I know" not being the other way around - I thought it would make much more sense to be "I know you know" - especially the "I don't wanna go" - but I think that really demonstrates the lack of empathy and understanding, and a real strong self-centered vibe in the point of view of the author here. In some ways it makes it more realistic and relatable. Even when people are terrible and selfish in their relationship they still feel wounded if it's ended without their consent. If they were more self aware they wouldn't be in this situation.
A lot of this is covered by chaidrinker earlier in the comments, but one area that really defines this seems to be missing even there.
Now who will light up the darkness Who will hold your hand Who will find you the answers When you don't understand
So, this other person apparently never lights up his darkness, holds his hand or helps them to understand anything... they probably have done more than their fair share, but this dolt is too solipsistic to have even notice - no wonder she dumped you. Not to even mentioning the insulting nature of the reference to mansplaining years before it was a word.
Anyway, I thought that was interesting.
ugh - sorry about all the grammar and other mistakes there - how embarrassing!
ugh - sorry about all the grammar and other mistakes there - how embarrassing!
1) they PROBABLY wouldn't have been in this situation 2) to have even noticeD 3) not to mention or Not to even MENTION (minus the -ing)
1) they PROBABLY wouldn't have been in this situation 2) to have even noticeD 3) not to mention or Not to even MENTION (minus the -ing)

I can't believe no one has commented on this song. Very emotional song, obviously about a broken marriage. One of my favorite songs by Genesis.