Wasted Lyrics
i think she means that she is trying to be good to this person, trying to form herself to him, maybe, but her efforts are useless, and she feels like her intentions are wasted because they don't care. maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, but that's what I think
I think she's talking about a waaaay bored middle-aged woman that is beggining to figure out she wasted her youth, her life... trying to ammuse herself with religion and common deeds... Gawd, she's talking about a housewife??? ehehehehe
Love this song! It's dripping self-indulgence... ehehehe
first verse - she got to know you by putting her hands into your ground. all she found was someone else's song (ideas and beliefs) and you had nothing original to offer. she feels mistaken and disappointed.
second verse - she tried religion and got a little bit of good out of it. it brightened her day or maybe life for a bit.
third verse - she's been out all day long (maybe on a long journey not just one day) and at the end of it she watches the sunset which is always in the west. when it's finally night she goes back home to her place and she feels defensive and hard like barbed wire, and just totally exhausted and her mind is tired like stoned.
she used 'wasted' for all of them to show the many uses and feelings the word can provoke in different contexts.