Das Alte Leid (English) Lyrics
A creature presses me to go
For the same thing and this old pain
Catching my tears with laughter
And on the mat rots a young body
Where fate directs its puppets
For the same thing and this old pain
I know at last nothing's for free
everybody knows what remains at the end
the same thing and this old pain
driving me slowly into insanity
and on the mat rages the same war
still scorching my heart
the same thing and this old pain
I know at last
[No more]
[No more] - this old pain
a creature presses me to go
for the same thing and the old grief
cathing my tears with laughter
and on the mat rots a young body
where fate directs its puppets
for the same thing and the old grief
I know at last

For a while, I couldn't figure out why the outro in this song features a baby crying. So I reread the lyrics, and it kinda makes sense to me now. The 'Old Sorrow' is life itself. The translation I read was slightly different from this one...it read 'out of the seed', instead of 'on the board', which makes more sense to me. It represents being born, and having to put up with all the sorrow of life. And all he wants to do is fuck, because that makes life a little more bearable, but at the same time he'll bring into the world another child to experience the pain. The crying baby represents this child experiencing just the beginning of the pain and sorrow.

well the I want to/will fuck line kinda give the whole thing away to me, its about someone who wants to have sex with a real person, not just masturbate like he is doing now, he feels like his young body is rotting and fate is making him touch himself like a puppet. He wants a real person in his bed
@LadyMage I kinda support your response to the lyrics as a valuable reading of the lyrics. Can\'t go with such statements as \'the right reading\'. There are other clues to flesh out the meaning(s) of Das Atle Leid; the fact the lyrics are written in French, yet sung in German, and the song is in the style of T-Rex (which) links with the sound dub of child\'s cry.
@LadyMage I kinda support your response to the lyrics as a valuable reading of the lyrics. Can\'t go with such statements as \'the right reading\'. There are other clues to flesh out the meaning(s) of Das Atle Leid; the fact the lyrics are written in French, yet sung in German, and the song is in the style of T-Rex (which) links with the sound dub of child\'s cry.

Wonderful, Rock Hawk has given the right meaning of the song, he got it! I just can add that the other key word other than life and sex, is the delusion of love. Love is the master at the head of this fake mechanism of sex and life. Thank you.
@6linde6mann6 respectfully, and with LIFAD, I don\'t agree that Rock Hawk has "given the right meaning of this song", as if implying other reading are incorrect. Other reading such as LadyMage are relevant, and valuable as a interpretation / reading. of the lyrics. There are other clues to flesh out the meaning(s) of Das Atle Leid; the fact the lyrics are written in French, yet sung in German, the song is in the style of T-Rex.
@6linde6mann6 respectfully, and with LIFAD, I don\'t agree that Rock Hawk has "given the right meaning of this song", as if implying other reading are incorrect. Other reading such as LadyMage are relevant, and valuable as a interpretation / reading. of the lyrics. There are other clues to flesh out the meaning(s) of Das Atle Leid; the fact the lyrics are written in French, yet sung in German, the song is in the style of T-Rex.
@6linde6mann6 respectfully, and with LIFAD, I don\'t agree that Rock Hawk has "given the right meaning of this song", as if implying other reading are incorrect. Other reading such as LadyMage are relevant, and valuable as a interpretation / reading. of the lyrics. There are other clues to flesh out the meaning(s) of Das Atle Leid; the fact the lyrics are written in French, yet sung in German, the song is in the style of T-Rex.
@6linde6mann6 respectfully, and with LIFAD, I don\'t agree that Rock Hawk has "given the right meaning of this song", as if implying other reading are incorrect. Other reading such as LadyMage are relevant, and valuable as a interpretation / reading. of the lyrics. There are other clues to flesh out the meaning(s) of Das Atle Leid; the fact the lyrics are written in French, yet sung in German, the song is in the style of T-Rex.

This is fucking terrible. The translation is so off. Will = Want to, not will.

Uhm I'm not sure about the meaning of the lyrics.
But I know 1 thing: "Ich will ficken" means "I want to fuck". Just in case you don't know. (Yes I know German, I'm Dutch)