Natural Blues Lyrics
oh lordy, trouble so hard,
don't nobody know my troubles but God
don't nobody know my troubles but God
my soul got happy and stayed all day
looked on the bed and brother was dead

I like this song too. but you can't put your trust in an invisable man. no one knows if he is real or not. maybe he is singing about hoe he prays to go for something or someone, and it never comes true.

I actually sung this song to myself as I was walking out to the football field the day of my graduation. It was the only one I could think of that described my emotions at the time. To me, it was the ending of one chapter in my life and a beginning of another.
Also, a little interesting trivia tadbit. The lyrics song in the song are actually from a 1930s recording made by some guy doing a documentary about the rough times (or something like that). It was brought up on TechTV's Audiofile, on a segment about sampling.

"oh lordy, trouble so hard, don't nobody know my troubles but God"
The expression "only God knows" means nobody knows. Nobody is inside his skin, so nobody knows how much it hurts him. Nobody truly knows what's been through, except for him... and the God, if you will, he's crying out to... and maybe the listener, if he can successfully empathize. For me, it's about the loneliness of suffering, and the suffering of loneliness.
I like the contrast between "stayed all day" and "didn't stay long". To find your brother dead, metaphorically or literally, is a powerful image for troubles nobody can really understand without experiencing them and surviving the experience with the memory intact.
Living in a mad swing between panic attacks and bouts of depression, that's how I see what the guy is talking about.

I too fell in love with song thinking he said "Don't nobody know my troubles with god"
Also seeing the lyrycs on a few other sites with a lowercase "g" in God, changes the meaning of this to an unnamed hypothetical higher power, and not THE God... aka: your particular one and only. With that being said, even in his reference to 'god' he's not saying yours... he includes all faiths and religions there.
I for one will keep my lyrics in mind when I hear this song. And to those of you bashing us Atheists and Agnostics... that's very Christian of you. All I have to say in return, must be nice never having to truly say goodbye to your deceased loved ones like we do... but I wouldn't trade that pain for the world if it meant living with part of my brain turned off.
If your so scared of death being final that you need Religion as a crutch in your life, I will respect that, like all but the most militant of atheists will... all we ask is that you respect our belief as well... we're all still human aren't we? And besides; since when has a holy war ever bettered mankind?

Am I losing my hearing? The first few hundred times I listened to the song, I thought it said, "Don't nobody know my troubles with God". lol well, that changed the entire meaning of the song.

If you listen to the lyrics and how they're being sung, you will notice a resemblance between this and songs that black slaves would sing in the fields as a way to communicate without the slave masters knowing what they're talking about. It seems like a brilliant recreation of such a song describing how someone was murdered.
I noticed that too.
I noticed that too.

This song is really only religious in the aspect that is simply mentions God. The comforting factor is in having a song with a feel to which you can relate.
This song is about a typical suicide scenario, in which nobody really saw it coming because nobody really knew how bad the person was feeling or how bad their life really was, or both. Or, it can be about someone dying after a very hard life with nobody who knows or understands, and thus finding relief in death.
"Oh Lordy, trouble so hard." (Self-explanatory.)
"Don't nobody know my troubles but God." (This is akin to sayings like 'God only knows.' When only God knows, it's a way of saying that nobody, or at least no other humans, know. This line explains that nobody knows the painful/stressful/etc things that the person is experiencing.)
"Went down the hill, other day. Soul got happy and stayed all day." (This is the 'suicide' or 'death' scene. Going down the hill is akin to phrases like 'downhill from here/there, and is metaphorical to deciding to die or just simply dying. The person's soul stayed all day because, well, they died. Their soul stayed where it landed. And from the perspective of the person, it was a positive relief sort of feeling. Also, it is common than when a suicidal person makes the decision to end their life and plans it out, the day or so before they carry it out, they actually seem much happier and at peace.)
"Went in the room, didn't stay long. Looked on the bed and brother was dead." (For the time period, 'brother' does not mean a literal male sibling, but rather it is simply referring to the character previously spoken in first-person throughout the song. Think of the song We Are Family and the line that goes something like 'got all my brothers and sisters with me.' This is the scene after the death in which the dead body is discovered. Another person enters the room and finds the dead body, but they don't stay long. This probably means that they don't give it much thought.)
Overall this is a nice song for relating and processing thoughts/emotions when you are going through some rough sh*t and nobody really knows the depth of it or understands it.
That's a compelling idea. It could be about suicide. There is a music video depicting an elderly, very disabled man in a nursing home. The lyrics definitely fit into the context of that scenario as well. I don't think it has to be suicide... I think it is probably any series of "hard troubles" that are ultimately the death of you.
That's a compelling idea. It could be about suicide. There is a music video depicting an elderly, very disabled man in a nursing home. The lyrics definitely fit into the context of that scenario as well. I don't think it has to be suicide... I think it is probably any series of "hard troubles" that are ultimately the death of you.

You can never explain your pain to anyone... Only God can know...
As for the moron that posted that this song is just a techno remix: You're an idiot, honestly...

This song is actually a complaint to God himself for not helping the protagonist. He is singing about his or her troubles that only God knows and can solve. But he doesn't.
So this is quite an emotional song.

Great Song. D/L it.