Rise Above Lyrics
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
They distort what they say.
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
Try and stop what we do.
Rise above,
when they can't do it themselves.
Try and stop us, it's no use.
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
Think they're smart,
can't think for themselves.
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
Laugh at us
behind our backs.
I find satisfaction
in what they lack.
Try to stop us, it's no use.
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
I am gonna have my chance.
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
Try to stop us, it's no use.
Rise above.
Rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
We're gonna rise above.
We're gonna rise above.

FAVORITE FLAG SONG...its...awesome...and somewhat amusing

good ol rollins. so this doesnt have any direct meaning? just rise above in general? cuz itd be rad to hear about some instant like rollins getting locked up and stirring up heat or some shit

This song epitomizes the "hardcore punk anthem".

I like it, but at the same time find it a little comical.

only 2 messages on one of the defining 80s US harcore songs???? well not much to say apart from (and i quote) :
"This song epitomizes the "hardcore punk anthem"."

I LOVE THIS SONG i think the meaning is obvious to anyone with common sense and if u lack common sense...well ur on ur own...

This song, like a lot of BF songs, is a fucking kick in the teeth.. i love it

"We are tired of your abuse Try to stop us is no use."
Fuck. This is the soul of hardcore. Really... rise above is an anthem. Ginn guitar and Rollins voice are unique.

the only place where noone's arguing...well, anybody wants to argue??Just read the goddamn lyrics!!!

rising above something tragic in their loves?!!!!! You cleary have no idea. This is about rising above ignorant jocks and idiots that tease geeks like me. Black Flag isnt about romance.