18 Meanings
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My War Lyrics

My war you're one of them
You say that you're my friend
But you're one of them

You don't want to see me live
You don't want me to give
Cuz you're one of them

My war you're one of them
You say that you're my friend
But you're one of them

I might not know what a friend is
All I know is what you're not
Cuz you're one of them

My war you're one of them
You say that you're my friend
But you're one of them

I have a prediction, it lives in my brain
It's with me every day, it drives me insane
I feel it in my heart, that if I has a gun
I feel it in my heart, I'd wanna kill some
I feel it in my heart, the end will come
Come on!!

My war you're one of them
You say that you're my friend
But you're one of them

Tell me that I'm wrong
Try to sing me your ego song
You're one of them

My war you're one of them
You say that you're my friend
But you're one of them

My War.
Song Info
Submitted by
black_cow_of_death On May 10, 2002
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18 Meanings

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Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

This songs just about mounting paranoia about other people being against you. Ilove this song, this era of black flag was pretty damn forward thinking considering it was the early 80s. I really dont get the artwork, if anyone has a clue whats goin on with it, id love to hear.

@horror show You would really have to ask Raymond Pettibon. Granted, often, artwork for posters and album covers were bits of work that Raymond had already finished, much like how OFF! does now for the most part.

@horror show The album art is a puppet holding a knife, some people may look at this politically and say its a reference to politicians being puppet masters making everyone else go to war. Given the content on the album i veiw it more broadly, symbolising that alot of things can make people do bad things. Thats just my veiw of it

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

This song has a lot of meaning to me. This is the first song that comes to my mind when I hear any pop punk band or see any preppy poseur in a New Found Glory shirt.

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

I'm not sure how accurate this may be, but it seems to me that the this song is about someone suffering from Paranoia Schitzophrenia. I say this because of how crazy Henry Rollins is during this song.

"It lives in my brain, It's with me everyday"

Plus it's the war against the forces controlling the minds of a schitsophrenic person.

It also has some screaming that although is the same kind as in the shitty emo bands, actually goes with the song, and is the only time I have ever heard screaming utilized in a decent way. Even the recording quality sucks and it's a great way of how Black Flag stays true to true punk and says "Hey fuck your polished music, recording industry."

Enough of my ramblings...

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

Yeah, I agree. During the song you come to realize that the guy is getting crazier and crazier, even turning against his own friends. Great song. Old school hardcore is what I live for. Black Flag rules.

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

is there a drug reference in here (e.g., the "war on drugs")? I forget when it was that Ginn starting hitting the bong again, but "the process of weeding out" is definitely a pot reference (among other things)

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

I definitly see how this song could be about drugs...but I'm pretty sure it's just straight foward, and is about feeling like you can't trust anyone. Chuck Dukowski wrote this one, not Greg Ginn.

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

on black flag's "complete 1984 demos plus more" LP, rollins says, just before starting my war, "this is a song about drugs"

Yeah but if you listen closer you can hear him saying "not really" very low afterwards.

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Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

this song... this ong makes me want to scream along at the top of my lungs... but I can't since it's past 10 PM and I'll wake up the neighbors haha

Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

I think OceanOfChaos is right, the song is against all the mainstream kids that walk around. f.e. the emo kids, posers in general...

what i kinda assoziated with the song when i heard it the first time was that he is talking to a cop. Basically sayng that the cop works for the system and therefore he will kick his fucking ass. maybe

song is still pretty brutal old school HC! got to love that shit.

Song Meaning
Cover art for My War lyrics by Black Flag

"This is a song about drugs" - Greg Ginn