Bring Me Coffee Or Tea Lyrics
Give me something I need,
Bring me coffee or tea,
And call me pretty little bee
You steal my butter and bread
You threw me out of my bed
And ask me, "Are you dead?"
Yeah, I feel
I'll get ready in the chimney; I feel
I'll get ready in the chimney; I feel
Give me something I need,
Bring me coffee or tea,
And call me pretty little bee
You steal my butter and bread
Throw me out of my bed
And ask me, "Are you dead?"
A-yeah-eah, a-yeah-eah
Give me something I need
Yeah, I feel
I'll get ready in the chimney; I feel
I'll get ready in the chimney; yes I'm again
Yes I'm again, yes I'm again
Yes I'm again, yes I'm again
Oh! Yes I'm again, yes I'm again

To be honest, I always interpreted this as one of those "break-up" songs, however surreal...
"You used to smile at me/Give me something I need/Bring me coffee or tea/And call me pretty little bee" Typical cohabitating, pet names, general affectionate how-d'you-do, but then...
"You split me in the head/You steal my butter and bread/You threw me out of my bed/And ask me, "Are you dead?"" Things go wrong; Damo's protagonist's significant other turns sour on them for no specific reason.
"Oh, I'll get ready in the chimney/Yeah, I feel" He now feels so restricted and so scared that he can't go about the house, and is forced to do everything in secluded areas; hence, he's packing to leave, but he has to "get ready in the chimney". And what does he feel? Scared? Alone? Happy? Who knows? He won't say. Maybe he can't say.
"Yes I'm again" Maybe this has all happened to him before. Maybe it's an oblique spiritual reference (reincarnation or suchlike; wouldn't be surprised with Can...).

I have absolutely no ideea what this song is about. Anyone got a clue? Still, it sounds awesome, one of my favorite tracks from Can

it's about a person high as fuck waiting to talk nonsense with another druggie, and in the process he feels he's floating up a chimney. lol i don't fucking know. that's my best guess.

yes i agree it could be about an intense relationship for damo or anyone for that matter. his style of writing is unique and beautiful. but lazyoldsun makes a wonderful insight as well. i don't think anyone could have put it more eloquently than lazy old sun.

Well tbh, you just gotta admire the indian grooves and laugh at the lyrics that flow from Damo. It doesn't seem at all funny when you are at one with the song, oddly enough

It's really sad to me... I thought he was saying, 'Bring me something I need, Bring me coffee or tea'

I don't think it makes any difference whether Damo 'got' or 'had' religion when he sung the Vocals to Tago Mago - after all does it matter whether composers of older times such as Wagner, or Beethoven or Handel, Hayden or Elgar or Taverner were believers or not, they still made great music, and so did Can.

Maby I'm look at this song completly wrong, but for my it's seems to be about the Holocaust (I'm guessing because can was a german group formd in the time after world war II) or any other kind of genocide.
My main argument for this is of course his sentence "I'll get ready in the chimney, I feel", but if you look at the other sentences like "Throw me out of my bed" or "you used to smile at me" in this way, they also get a howl new sense. If you look now on "Yes, I'm again" or the "I'-ll- get ready...", it maby tells use he is not singing about ab particular case rather about an in general rising mood in the society. That also would explain why he sounds so sad and scared.
But incased if you look at Damo himself, there is still a very big chance of this lyrics beeing just a copletely improvised pulp fiction. And anyways it's also one of my most favoried songs of all time

good shit.