Cute Without The 'E' (Cut From The Team) Lyrics
Don't bother Angel,
I know exactly what goes on
(Well which would you prefer?)
My finger on the trigger, or
(Me face down, down across your floor)
Me face down, dead across your floor
(Me face down, down across your floor)
Well just so long as this thing's loaded
You've got your gun to my head?
This all was only wishful thinkin',
This all was only wishful thinkin'
And will you tell all your friends
You've got your gun to my head?
This all was only wishful thinkin',
This all was only wishful thinkin'
Let's go...
I know exactly what goes on when you're on, and
How about I'm outside of your window?
(Well how about I'm outside of your window??)
Watchin' him keep the details covered?
You're such a sucker (for a sweet talker, yeah)
...Such a sucker...
You've got your gun to my head?
This all was only wishful thinkin',
This all was only wishful thinkin'
(The only thing I'll regret is that I...)
And will you tell all your friends
You've got your gun to my head?
(...I never let you hold me back)
This all was only wishful thinkin',
This all was only wishful thinkin'
A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins
I will never ask if you don't ever tell me
I know you well enough to know you'll never love me
Hoping for the best just hoping nothing happens
A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins
I will never ask if you don't ever tell me
I know you well enough to know you'll never love me
Hoping for the best just hoping nothing happens
A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins
I will never ask if you don't ever tell me
I know you well enough to know...
And all of this...
For this simple reason I
Just need to keep you in mind
As something larger than life
(She'll destroy us all before she's through)
I stay wrecked and jealous for this,
For this simple reason I
(She'll find a way to blame somebody else)
Just need to keep you in mind
As something larger than life
(She'll destroy us all before she's through)
I stay wrecked and jealous for this,
For this simple reason I
(She'll find a way to blame somebody else)
Just need to keep you in mind
As something larger than life

It's probably pretty obvious that this song is about a guy whose girlfriend is cheating on him. She doesn't think he knows and tries to make excuses for it ("Don't bother Angel, I know exactly what goes on"). He realises that what she really wants is to be with the other guy ("everything that you wanted Princess") He knows that either she'll stay with him, which will be good news for him but will hurt her ("My finger on the trigger") or she'll hurt him and leave him for the other guy ("Me face down across your floor") but that either way someone is gonna be hurt ("just so long as this thing's loaded"). He imagines that she talks about him to her friends and plans to dump him ("you've got your gun to my head") and he realises that their relationship was never going to work out, he just wanted to believe it was ("this all was only wishful thinking"). He's clearly quite obsessed with her ("I'm outside of your window") and thinks that her lover doesn't really care about her the way he does ("You're such a sucker for a sweet talker"). The best he can hope for is that nothing will change ("Hoping for the best just hoping nothing happens"). He's planned out things to say to her to keep her with him but won't even bother saying them("A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins"). He won't ask if she loves him because he doesn't want to hear her say that she doesn't, which he knows is the case ("I will never ask... you'll never love me"). He hates that he's in love with her and can't move on to someone else while she's with another guy ("Why can't I feel anything from anyone other than you?") He sees the mess they're in now as all her fault - she went out with him even though she could never love him, and then cheated on him ("All of this is all your fault"). She's acting innocent though and pretending that she's not the one to blame ("She'll destroy us all before she's through and find a way to blame somebody else"). He knows he should just move on or resign himself to what's happening, but he can't because to him she's still amazing despite what she's done and he's still in love with her ("I stay wrecked and jealous... I just need to keep you in mind as something larger than life").
werewolfcookie you have given the most thoroughly thought out response to a song meaning ive ever seen... omg thank you. if you could do that for ever TBS song thatd be amazing. thank you for your effort and time on this cuz im smart enough to figure it out myself... but you put it in a way i never wouldve thought of.
werewolfcookie you have given the most thoroughly thought out response to a song meaning ive ever seen... omg thank you. if you could do that for ever TBS song thatd be amazing. thank you for your effort and time on this cuz im smart enough to figure it out myself... but you put it in a way i never wouldve thought of.
Very good sir
Very good sir
You made one rethinking have a orgasim
You made one rethinking have a orgasim

hey, who ever typed the lyrics up missed the best line in the song (maybe even on the whole cd..)
Hoping for the best just hoping nothing happened A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins I won't ever ask if you don't ever tell me. I know you well enough to know you'll never love me. <b>why cant i feel anything from anyone other than you?</b>

first off, of course this is about a girl who is involved with two guys, written from the perspective of one of them.
second, i agree with a bunch of the people who posted saying, "dont just post and not address the meaning of the song, this forum is about lyrics not about approval or disapproval." however, most of those people immediately contradicted themselves by not including their view of the song after saying that.
third, don't look up taking back sunday lyrics and then post saying "taking back sunday is emo-pussy shit." if you dont like the band, then you shouldnt be here. also, why is singing about a girl pussy shit? since the beginning of music, rock especially, 90% of the songs created have been about girls. i hate the name of the genre, "emo," because all music is emotional. the difference between "music" and "noise" is emotion.
last, some posts were on the right track bringing up the bands history. the question about this song is "who wrote it?" if adam wrote it then it is definitely about john's sister, cheating on him. this seems logical. however if john wrote this song, then it would have to be about the incident with jesse lacey's girlfriend, and how he felt about her while she was dating jesse.
haha Adam wrote it and it was written wayyyyyyyyy before any of that stuff happened.
haha Adam wrote it and it was written wayyyyyyyyy before any of that stuff happened.
@understand if the difference between":music" and and "noise" is emotion, than how do you rate the pyshcocandy album by the Jesus and Mary Chain? because it's definitely emotional and about a girl, but it's definitely noise also.... (PS Not a criticism becuase I love them also.)
@understand if the difference between":music" and and "noise" is emotion, than how do you rate the pyshcocandy album by the Jesus and Mary Chain? because it's definitely emotional and about a girl, but it's definitely noise also.... (PS Not a criticism becuase I love them also.)

it's just music..everyone get over it and fuck labeling. it's ludricous.

I can really relate to this song. It's about your ex-girlfriend and thinking that she cheated on you and saying that she makes a habit of it "she'll destroy us all before she's through and find a way to blame somebody else"

i think that people have missed a huge key component in all of this. watch the video closely, especially the very beginning where it says, "I am Jack's recrut" for anyone that has seen the movie fight club, it should have put two and two together. the movie is all about how nothing is what it seems. if you watch the video and listen closley to the words you will understand. the song is trying to stress that nothing really is what it seems.

After I broke up with my boyfriend because of addictions he wouldn't let me help him overcome, I found out that he was just using me the whole time and cheated on me. He's an amazing liar. He has to have antisocial personality disorder. My intuition couldn't even detect his lies, and my intuition is usually amazing. Anyway, his friend actually had the decency to tell me that he cheated on me. I wanted him to know that I knew without getting his friend in trouble for telling me, so I Facebook messaged him a link to the video for this song, along with this message: "Here. I like using songs to say things. Remember how I know when you're lying and how you're so easy for me to read? I know everything... I'm a pretty good actor, aren't I? Oh yeah, and you're a sociopath and have schizoaffective disorder. You may want to get those checked out... Don't fuck a psychologist and expect to get away with shit." It made me feel pretty awesome. Then after I sent it, I noticed the part towards the end of the video where the subliminal message style words say "God does not like you", and it made me laugh because my ex was always trying to convert me to Christianity, but I don't think cheating and using people are very Christian things to do, lol...

I think Tell All Your Friends is so far the best album of 2002. Taking Back Sunday is great, and I think their career will will take off from here.

This song totally rocks. Taking Back Sunday is the most kick ass band ive heard in a while and Tell All Your Friends is the best album...EVER. Go buy this cd u will love it! and then tell all your friends to do the same! haha

Tell All Your Friends is BY FAR the single best album of 2002. absolutely incredible. and Taking Back Sunday is the best group of guys. theyre humble and amazing. couldn't ask for more.