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Little Rock Lyrics

I know I've disappeared a time or two
Along the way I lost me and you
I needed a new town for my new start
I'm sellin' VCRs in Arkansas at a Walmart

I haven't had a drink in 19 days
My eyes are clear and bright with-out that haze
I like the preacher from the Church of Christ
I'm sorry that I cried when I talked to you last night

I think I'm on a roll
Here in Little Rock
I'm solid as a stone
Wait and see
I got just one small problem
Here in Little Rock
Without you
Baby I'm not me
Without you
Baby I'm not me

I don't know why I held it all inside
You must've thought I never even tried
You know your daddy told me when I left
Jesus would forgive, but a daddy don't forget

Lyin' here upon this motel bed
Thoughts of you explode within my head
Like a castle built upon the sand
I let love crumble in my hand
7 Meanings
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Wow, hard to believe nobody's commented on this song! It's really a beautiful, sad piece that often makes me misty-eyed.

The premise itself is really straightforward. It's easy to see in the song. He loved a woman, things were going great, then something happened. From the sounds of it, maybe he starting drinking a bit too much. Or maybe he just got scared of what he had and disappeared. Only after he's gone, when he's making himself a new start, does he realize what an idiot he was for losing the one thing that helped make him complete. Absolutely awesome song.

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It's a song about a recovering alcoholic who is trying to get his life together, but had to leave his family to do it. He wants to reunite with them if they'll take him back, and he wants his wife to know that he is making progress toward sobriety, and that he still loves her.

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My husband became an alcoholic about 1 1/2 years ago. I finally made him leave in August of 2007. It's now January of 2008. I miss his terrible and talk to him often. He lives with his dad in PA now and has been in and out of rehabs during the past 6 months. I've heard this song lots of times, but now that I actually have someone in my life that is an alchoholic I now know what the meaning is. It's sounds just like him when he talks to me. AA believes you should look for a higher power, for most in the US that's God, which is in the song and he always calls and says how thoughts of things explode in his head. It's a very powerful song if you are living it. ~janet

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I know this song is about a recovering alcoholic; But I also interpret it as a man recovering from anything.

He's moving on, and trying to change, but just can't do it without her.

My favorite part of the ENTIRE song is "You know your Daddy told me when I left, 'Jesus will forgive, but a Daddy don't forget.'" That is so my Daddy. Exactly how he acted when I was going through a similar situation with my husband.

Amazing song, amazing lyrics. Few tears do drop everytime I hear it.

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I love how simple the lyrics to this song are, like:

"I like the preacher from the Church of Christ/ I'm sorry that I cried when I talked to you last night."

Because when you're recovering from any kind of addiction, it's the little things you celebrate. You're truly learning to live life without that addiction, and it's like being a child in a lot of ways. You're learning social skills that you should have learned years ago, but turned to a crutch instead. I was proud of myself when I could simply go to a bar, have a few drinks, and not score cocaine, and still have a good time.

"You know your Daddy told me when I left, Jesus may forgive, but a Daddy don't forget." <~ Frickin' amen. My dad, to this day, still won't even let me speak about my ex because of how much he hates my ex.

This song ALWAYS makes me cry. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Sorry, "Jesus WOULD forgive" <~ My bad w/ the typo

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"Little Rock" centers around a man, who is a recovering alcoholic trying to rebuild his life in Little Rock, Arkansas, which also serves as a metaphor for his faltering marriage caused by his alcoholism. He explains that he sells VCR's at a Wal-Mart and that he hasn't had a drink in nineteen days. The narrator repeats the phrase "I think I'm on a roll here in Little Rock" but later explains that his only problem is that his significant other is not with him (presumably she separated or divorced him)

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Its about a man trying to convince his woman to take him back because he's improving but he can't even convince himself, he knows the words don't ring true,that's why he sounds so desperate and is ready to cash it all in.

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