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You're So Last Summer Lyrics

She said, "Don't,
Don't let it go to your head
Boys like you are a dime a dozen,
Boys like you are a dime a dozen"
She said,
"You're a touch overrated,
You're a lush and I hate it,
But these grass stains on my knees
They won't mean a thing"

And all I (all I)
Need to know (need to know)
Is that I'm something you'll be missin'
(Is that I'm something that you'll miss, it's pathetic)
(Maybe I should hate you for this)
Maybe I should hate you for this
Never really did ever quite get that far,
(Maybe I should hate you for this)
Maybe I should hate you for this
Never really did ever quite get that...

I'd never lie to you
Unless I had to, I'll do what I got to
Unless I had to, I'll do what I got to
The truth is you could slit my throat
And with my one last gasping breath
I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt

And all I (all I)
Need to know (need to know)
Is that I'm something you'll be missin'
(Is that I'm something that you'll miss, it's pathetic)
(Maybe I should hate you for this)
Maybe I should hate you for this
Never really did ever quite get that far,
(Maybe I should hate you for this)
Maybe I should hate you for this
Never really did ever quite get that...

'Cause I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions
This'll be the last chance you get to drop my name
'Cause I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions
This'll be the last chance you get to drop my name

If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (maybe I should)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (hate you for this)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (maybe I should)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (hate you for this)
(if only you knew half as much as you pretend to)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (maybe I should)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (hate you for this)
(if only you knew half as much as you pretend to)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (maybe I should)
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar (hate you for this)

Maybe I should hate you for this
(If only you knew half as much as you pretend to)
(I slept here, too hopeful, and you failed to return my calls...)
Maybe I should hate you for this
(If only you knew half as much as you pretend to)
(Someone to hope for, too let down to sell her...)
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525 Meanings

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Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

Song about a guy who really likes a girl and is actually given a chance with her. To the girl, who is probably popular and well-known, the guy is nothing special and just another guy. From the guy's point of view he has the best thing ever and he devoted to her. When the girl finally starts to drop him, the song is basically him begging for her and wondering if this was all just a big mistake.

the grass stains line isn't about head (wtf)....its probably him on his knees in front of her house or basically begging her to take him back

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

This is a great song…..

I think this whole song is in the girls point of view. In the beginning Shes trying to hurt the guys ego by saying nothing about him was special anyways. Boys like him are overated. She says the sexual things they did didn’t mean anything and to not let it go to his head that he got her. Boys like him are a dime a dozen. But then she breaks down and says she needs to know if she’s something that he will even miss. Then calls herself pathetic. She is mad at herself saying she should hate him for it but she can’t she still loves him and doesn’t get why. Then as if trying to explain why she was so good for him and cared for him so much she says she’d never lie to him unless she had to save him from pain. She says the truth is even if he killed her she would still love him so much, she would apologize for doing something bad to him like bleeding on his shirt

. . .“you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleedin' on your shirt” is a beautiful line

Then she tries to retaliate again by saying she’s a wishful thinker with the worst intentions and when she’s done with him he won't want to drop her then she name ..maybe to his buddies bragging about what they did or something. Then she says if she’s just bad news...like him saying shes clingy or the relationship ended bad then that to his friends then he’s a liar because of how perfect they used to be.

I’m probably way wrong on this but it's what I always think when I hear it.



you just basically described my relationship with my ex. >___>

and i agree with you, tis' how i hear the it too(=

<3 N

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Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

just an observation but he never really officially closed the quotation from the girl when he said "she said your a touch..." so isnt there a possibility that the song is from a girls perspective rather then guys

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

This song is so real, so truthful. To me it seems like The realationship ended when the girl got over him and changed her mind( "boys like you are a dime a dozen"), but he can't seem to have any hate towards her("maybe i should hate you for this, never really did ever quite get that far") doesn't understand why she's acting this way("I'd never lie to you, unless i had to i'll do what i got to. the truth, is you could slit my throat..)and still has the hopes and wishes that she'll come crawling back to him("all i need to know is that i'm somethin that you'll be missin") but it also seems like at the end of the song he comes to the conclusion he's not as bad as she's making him out to be..and tells her(" if i'm just bad news,then you're a lier") and i think the title "you're so last summer" is possibly mocking her a year after the realationship is over..or it could be something she may have said to him

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

I freakin LoVe this song!!!!!!! it's so awesome!! i love the part "boys like you are a dime a dozen!"

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

his voice is so sexy when he sings this song...i mean its always sexy but ESPECIALLY sexy in this one....i would like a boy to sing this to me:( never gonna happen IF YOU ARE FROM DALLAS PM ME!!!!

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

this is the greatest song I have ever heard, it explains how he is right fer her and she should admit it.. TBS is amazing in concert, I seen them back in April and I can't wait until I see them again in August!!

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

scuzz boots was makin fun of blink182nfg you dumb fucks, but any way yes this song kicks ass

Cover art for You're So Last Summer lyrics by Taking Back Sunday

Coconut: they say "maybe i should hate you for this." hope that helps :)