You're Dead Lyrics
And can you explain this mess
It seems your playing a game
Where you only know how to take out the best
Cause if assholes could fly
This place would be busier than O'Hare
There's proof in the sky
It's as thick as our skulls yet it's thinner than air
I have something to say
If the chip off your shoulder should fall to your chest
Get it off right away
Cause if you don't then it won't be in peace that you rest
It's just a matter of time
That we all go away to a better place I'm told
It all sounds well and fine
But without you around I feel nothing but cold
And I now have nothing
But your heartbeat in my head
And a photograph of my traveling friend
And I became nothing when I found you were dead --- When I
found out I'd never see you again
And all the time they took talking in circles
To get them off the hook would take
miracle workers
We're nowhere near prepared there's
no way of knowing
Why don't they just admit they're scared
Cause its already showing

To me this is a letter to god asking how the hell he could let someone die so close to someone. Also showing god has failed on anything. And theres nothing else to grasp because everyone else in the world seems inane. Very depressing song

i agree completli w/ firstars. he nailed it. veri.. veri.. depressing.. especialli after u've just lost someone yourself.

I think I've listened to this song every day for the past month. Alkaline Trio has been my favorite band for so long, but since the death of a really close friend (who also loved them) this all means so much more. This song is about the confusion that comes with death. The feeling of hopelessness and guilt... i agree with firstars about this being to God... it's such a touching song... "and I now have nothing but your heartbeat in my head and a photograph of my traveling friend." because all you have are the memories... their geniuses--i just want to know his motivation behind this song

I love this song, it's one of the many of there's that I'm just in love with. And after Firestars observation, it makes a lot more since. I hope I get to meet them at Warped Tour, and I know I'll be watching them.
Just.. awesome band.

i am the same as weh... im in love with so many of there songs too!! this song i had 2 hear a few times before i really listened to the lyrics and found the meaning, brings a tear to my eye

this song is so good, does anyone here think it may have some relation to the maybe ill catch fire relese 'fuck you aurora'? it seems like it could, maybe thats just me. but at any rate alkaline trio will tear it up no matter what

i think the song is expressing immense sorrow, as well as questioning the existence of a god who seems to only "take out the best" people. the last lines seem to be directed at religious organizations, "And all the time they took talking in circles. To get them off the hook would take miracle workers." the church(es) have dug themselves in so deep with all of their talk of heaven and life after death, but they have no solid evidence. "We're nowhere near prepared. There's no way of knowing. Why don't they just admit they're scared cause its already showing" No one knows if there is a god, no one knows when or how one will die, so we might as well face the truth about the matter. Live each moment as if it may be your last, because it very well could be...

this really surprised me, a really mature song, i can relate to what he's singing about although i never seem to give a shit when someone walks out or dies, this song makes me wish i did! I take it by "my travelling friend" he means the person he has lost. I definitely agree that this is written about 'god' or as Matt puts it 'whatever the hell his name is'

Yeah this is a very mature song, I'm very anti-christian that doesn't mean I worship the devil the only thing I worship is my lady's love button, but I can't stand religion and especially christianity so it makes this song even better for me in a warped sadistic way.

well I'm Christian, but i still love the fuck out of Alkaline Trio.
just cos i listen to them dont mean i gotta agree with them.. i DO agree, however, that they have extremely awesome lyrics (i cant think of a term that best fits them, cos everything's an understatement.)
i think you guys hit it on the nail, about the meaning of this song. =)