A Single Second Lyrics
My God this can't be happening!
God tell me,
tell me this isn't real!
I can't believe all that I have foreseen is finally happening.
I cannot for a single second stand the way I feel.
I always knew.
I always saw it coming.
Enveloped now,
encased by my worst fear.
I've never felt the nausea of longing to feel nothing,
I never wanted to cease to exist,just disappear.
Fear memories are all that lie ahead.
Never have I felt so lost.
Memories dull my senses.
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead.
Never have I felt so dead.
Once felt so warm,
no I'm fucking freezing.
I am the once embraced abandoned one.
I raised my eyes up to the light in hopes of finding healing;
no relief was mine,
I was burnt, by the sun.

This song reminds me of the anime Lain, very much so in fact...

i was burnt by the sun also. but clouds don't keep me from being burned. they numb the pain but it is more intense when the clouds evacuate, cos they too are charred to death. rain is the aloe for my burns, when it rains i am soothed, someone understands my pain.



I think he is going through a life crises (duh!). It seemed like this problem just crept upto him like he discribes but even worse then he thought was going to happen but he saw it coming before it happen but did nothing to stop it to happen becuase he says "Enveloped now, encased by my worst fear." and also saying that "I always knew. I always saw it coming." Most likely he did something to someone. Becuase he says "I am the once embraced abandoned one." Now he wants god to fix everything that he did. But it seems like God is doing nothing becuase he says "I was burnt, by the sun" By that he feels abandoned by God becuase their is no reply back from heaven.

I think im Hades is right...


i feel so loooooooooost gotta love it hehe

I pretty much agree with Hades, except for the whole God thing. I really don't think that God plays a role in this song...Even though in the beginning it says, "Oh my God! My God this can't be happening!" It just doesn't seem to make sense. This is, however, one of my favorite AFI songs. It's extremely badass and somewhat aggressive. Davey is one helluva writer. I'll say that much.

I'm feeling all that good stuff, but I dont agree with the God thing. Davey is extremely agnostic, if not satanic. I can remember at numerous shows him saying things like God dammit or Christ Fuck (which is my favorite). I'm sure it's some kind of betrayal, but not relationship-wise. it's probably more like he abandoned himself and he's stuck in a nightmare