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Ad Mortem Festinamus Lyrics

Scibere probosui de contemptu mundano
ut degentes seculi non mulcentur in vano
iam est hora surgere
a sompno mortis pravo
a sompno mortis pravo

Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur
mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur
omnia mors perimit
et nulli miseretur
et nulli miseretur.

Ad mortem festinamus
peccare desistamus
peccare desistamus.

Ni conversus fueris et sicut puer factus
et vitam mutaveris in meliores actus
intrare non poteris
regnum Dei beatus
regnum Dei beatus.

Tuba cum sonuerit dies erit extrema
et iudex advenerit vocabit sempiterna
electos in patria
prescitos ad inferna
prescitos ad inferna.

Ad mortem festinamus...


I want to write of the evil in the world
lest the time should pass unused.
The time has come to awake
in the face of death,
in the face of death.

The short life soon will end,
death comes faster than you would believe.
It destroys everything
and has no mercy,
and has no mercy.

We rush into death,
don't want to trespass any more,
don't want to trespass any more.

If you don't turn back and become like a child
and you don't change your life,
you won't go into, as a happy one,
the Kingdom of God,
the Kingdom of God.

When the trump resounds, Judgement Day
has come. The judge appears
and calls the chosen ones to his Kingdom
but the damned to hell,
but the damned to hell.

We rush into death...
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Cover art for Ad Mortem Festinamus lyrics by Qntal

A monodic song from 1399 that is one of the oldest medieval manuscripts that contains music and lyrics.


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