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Hello Cruel World Lyrics

hello cruel world, did i keep you long?
you've waited so patiently
to torture my soul, to ruin my life
my anguish your ecstasy
and i've complained, but it's to no avail
i've complained day after day

good morning, cruel world, did you sleep well last night?
were you dreaming of all the ways
to torture my soul, to ruin my life
this anguish day after day
and i've complained, but it's to no avail
i've complained day after day...

goodbye cruel world, it's time to go
who's leaving though? no, not me
i'm tugging the sails, i'm turning the tide
your anguish my ecstasy
and you'll complain, but it's to no avail
you'll complain again and again and again and again
you're stuck with me, stuck with me, stuck with me
out of luck with me

1 Meaning
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The world can seem to be acting against you, portrayed as a person in this song, but it's not. The first 2 verses set up how cruel the world can be and the 3rd tells you to get over it and take charge, make the most of life and it will work for you.

Complaining may not help, so get up and do something.

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