36 Meanings
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Girl Afraid Lyrics

Girl afraid
where does his intentions lay?
Or does he even have any?

She says:
"He never really looks at me
I give him every opportunity
in the room downstairs
he sat and stared
in the room downstairs
he sat and stared
I'll never make that mistake again!"

Boy afraid
prudence never pays
and everything she wants costs money

"But she doesn't even LIKE me!
and I know because she said so
in the room downstairs
she sat and stared
in the room downstairs
she sat and stared
I'll never make that mistake again!"
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36 Meanings

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Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

I think another interpretation of this song is that the mentioned girl is so preoccupied with fear over whether this boy likes her; her perceptions and interpretations of situations are so poignantly negative, that she is bringing about the feared rebuffing, as he perceives her fear as indifference towards him. Basically, it's a song about insecurity and muddled interpretations that, say, people with paranoia might experience.

Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

its just an observation of the confusion that comes from relating to the opposite sex, I love the way that he doesn't pass judgement he doesn't say oh if only she knew that... or he knew... instead he just plainly states that sometimes it just doesn't work - ah I know the situtaion so well. good bit of music too, unerrated.

Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

"prudence never pays and everything she wants costs money"

i like the double meaning of "prudence" in this song.

I never got that before- good catch!

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Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

Someone will come on here soon and say its about a girl who is afraid she is gay because in every single smiths and morrissey song someone always says that

Lol yes, let's get it over with -

"He's gay! He's in the room downstairs staring at all his gay porn all the time, and then she goes down and finds it and sits and stares at it, realizing he's gay and she'll never make the mistake of dating a gay dude again!"

Now, moving on...

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@mdeaves I aways thought it was about asexuality...

Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

I thought this song related really well to the situation I was in recently until I finally decided to say something to the girl I imagined was 'afraid' of her feelings for me. Turns out she wasn't even vaguelly interested and fancys her boss. Thanks a lot morrissey. It's a bit like when I quit my job because of the lyrics to 'working for the clampdown' by the clash. Fat lot of good that ever did me...

Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

Awesome song.

Also, a possible link from this song to another one, that I chanced upon -- there's an old song called Lily of Laguna, which features the line, 'I know she likes me, because she says so'. Is it possible that Morrissey was intentionally playing with this line when he wrote, 'But she doesn't even like me, and I know because she said so'?

I've never seen this mentioned before, and am interested to see what people think of it.

Oh, I later learned that the song 'Lily of Laguna' is featured in the film Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, a film referenced in other Smiths songs.

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Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

I just finished re-reading John Fowles' great early novel, The Collector, and I am convinced that this song is based on that novel. It is about a man who collects butterflies and when he wins a lottery, decides to buy a house in the country and "collect" a girl he's "in love with" (they made a film of it, too, which I believe Morrissey mentions in another song). The "collector" imprisons her in his basement ("in the room down there / she sat and stared") and claims to be in love with her. The novel explores both perspectives and we come to understand both of them on various psychological and social levels. The first part of the novel is told from his perspective and the second part is from the girl's perspective (girl afraid / boy afraid). It fits so well, and this song has to be one of the most succinct and insightful adaptation I've ever heard/read. He's summed the novel up in two stanzas and two verses while still remaining true to its essence. Brilliant!

Yeah , you´re right about the book reference, but it´s not only that. But despite the plot itself think about the paradox contained in relationships in modern western societies. Is spreaded among men the belief that women are bitches to men who are nice, and only care about money and status, therefore threat them like scoundrels , and is spreaded among women that men are naturally scoundrels, liars or deceivers to girls who are nice. This generalization is commonly reinforec by bad relationships.

and I believe that the general meaning of this song is point out the irony of this...

And it's that fear that assures nothing will change come the warm, sunny spring and all those beautiful, available, adoring fans the musicians face yearly. As for the winter months, the strong always survive and need no one. Nobody knows how to survive better. Good song. I hope everyone has a very good day with those whom they've chosen to love and share their lives with...

@annetteabma i just read the collector after seeing your comment months ago when i related to this song on a normal level (you know, not as a kidnapper). i picked up on the political aspects of the collector, but not the fact that it's a metaphor for relationships until coming back and rereading the lyrics. thanks for sharing

Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

One of The Smiths finest songs, lyrically and musically.

Think it's pretty obvious what it's about - a boy and a girl who obviously like each other but are too stubborn or shy to tell each other. They want the other to make the first move.

'Where do his intentions lay? Or does he even have any?' - she is thinking does the boy actually like her and is he going to do anything about it.

"He never really looks at me, I give him every opportunity" - she is trying to get his attention and make herself noticed but the boy just ignores her.

'And everything she wants costs money' - the boy is obviously worried that he isn't rich enough for her and he won't be able to give her everything she wants.

'But she doesn't even like me! And I know because she said so' - she has obviously denied her feelings for the boy and he believed her. Now he thinks that she doesn't like him.

'In the room downstairs he/she sat and stared' - they're in a room together but totally ignoring each other even though they both want each others attention. They're both waiting for the other to make the first move.

'I'll never make that mistake again!' - they'll never be together as they're both too stubborn to make the first move and they've both given up on each other.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

Pretty simple song to interpret. A girl and a boy have feeling for each other but they think the other one doesn't like them. She wonders what his intentions are or if he even has any and he thinks she's a golddigger. But in essence they do like each other it is just they don't know it.

Cover art for Girl Afraid lyrics by Smiths, The

Can't say I can relate to this song that much. I've never had a problem in the "room downstairs" if ya catch my drift. Oh Yeah! Givem the old Hoo Ha and Hey! No seriously. I'm just being an ass. I can totally relate to the lyrics and the guitar is so good.