No Need To Argue Lyrics
I gave all i could
But it left me so sore
And the thing that makes me mad
is the one thing that I had
You 'll always be special to me
Things we once shared
Watching TV movies on
the living room armchair
Was it all a waste of time
Cause I knew, I knew I'd loose you
You said I was on your mind
There 's no need to argue
No need to argue anymore
There 's no need to argue anymore

This song really helps people with breakups because the song is like funeral music. Except it's the death of a dear relationship. Because like the way you feel at a funeral of someone who you loved, it's the same with this song. She'll always cherish the moments and times with him. SHe has some regrets, but for the most part this song is about finally letting go. In this song she comes to face the facts; her relationship is done, let's just stop fighting. It makes her sad to think that so much effort was put into this relationship when in the back of her mind she sorta knew it wouldn't last forever. She remembers the good times and knows him and this relationship will always be special to her in her heart somewhere. She's slowly letting go.
halo748grl...i think u made the best explanation of the least that's how i feel about the song right now :(
halo748grl...i think u made the best explanation of the least that's how i feel about the song right now :(

At the very end if you listen closely you can hear her say "you're special". That always made me think that she hadn't completely gotten over the person in this song.

This song reminds me of's been 3months.. and i cant believe im still alive.. cant die from a broken soul..I miss the things about him.I gave everything.. :|
im so naive.
And I remember all the Things we once shared Watching TV movies on the living room armchair
But they say it will work out fine Was it all a waste of time Cause I knew, I knew I'd loose you
You 'll always be special to me

I can totally relate. I have an o going issue with trust and getting to the point where i can trust, right when i do, something happens, this a weird way..kinda...consoles me.

one of the most intimate songs...beautiful.

there's just no need to argue anymore ... she tried her best but she couldn't save her relationship

i thought it was about someone that was close to her, and then had died. actually, this song reminds me of my mothers boyfriend that died a few years ago because she lost him and all. (not that she knew she would). and i can relate to this song also, cause of him.

I think it is about a relationship that didn't work out. She gave all she could but it left her so sore because she gave so much but it still didn't work out. If it were death of the other I don't she would be sore about putting so much into the relationship. Also, she asks "was it all a waste of time?", if her significant other would have died I don't think she would consider it "a waste". She states "she knew" she would lose "you", unless he had some sort of terminal illness, she wouldn't know that. But it does give you something to think about that maybe they knew he was going to die. Just a thought.
I think you're right. The only thing that died is the relationship. Anyway I think this is one of the songs that explains in the best way how you feel after a break up...
I think you're right. The only thing that died is the relationship. Anyway I think this is one of the songs that explains in the best way how you feel after a break up...

What a beautiful voice.

I love how her voice just barely whispers this song..