Wake Up Lyrics
You like rain, but only if it's dry
No sentimental value to the rose that fell on your floor
No fundamental excuse for the granted I'm taken for
So much easier not to
And what goes around never comes around to you
You sit and you wait
To receive
There's an obvious attraction
To the path of least resistance
In your life
There's an obvious aversion
No amount of my insistence
Could make you try tonight
So much easier not to
And what goes around never comes around to you
To you
With his head in his hands
There's an underestimated and impatient little girl
Raising her hand
So much easier not to
And what goes around never comes around to you
To you
Get up, get up, get up off of it
Get out, get outta here
Enough already
Get up, get up, get up off of it
Wake up

This is a perfect example of some of the people who inhabit this world. They think they know how life is, they think they understand when life hasn't truly hasn't touched them. They like the idea of things until they're directly in it. The snow is nice unless you have feel to it's cold. The rain is enjoyable until you get wet. That rose is a the ground now, it's ruined, dirty now. There's no beauty to be seen in it, it might as well be a turd cause it sure as hell isn't wanted now. You take others for granted but will never admit it, never apologize. Talk of your "misery", love the attention you get from it as long as you're not going through it. You sit on your ass waiting for someone to do for you because your too lazy to do the work yourself. No matter what anyone says you refuse to try for anything. You use and use till there's nothing left and your host has crumbled at rock rock bottom. You don't care because caring is too hard. You believe in karma except you're the only one exempt from it. Why do they act that way? Because it's so much fuck'n easier to not be a decent being. Everybody is tired of your shit they seen enough of it. You need to get off of that B.S. and wake the fuck up.

It came time to vote around here recently... And one of my classmates told me he Doesn't Vote... and I got to thinking how much it's always easier NOT to do something. And then I remembered this song. I swear, Alanis knows what's up. Her lyrics are always creeping back somehow. It's amazing! ... And about the album comments, I think the extra "You Oughta Know" shoulda been THE one.. Cuz it has that awesome bassline.. But I guess she'd already released the first one? But I agree "Your House" as an a capella hidden track was genius. Like a hidden confession... (Though I read that all of her songs are true, EXCEPT that one hehe)

i love this woman to death, always writes the most perfect lyrics!!!

This song is about the interaction between two archetypes of people:
- Someone who could be described as having arrested development or "Peter Pan Syndrome." Some might recognize them as simply being very immature. This person is the focus of the song. I'll refer to this person as the AD for short.
- The speaker in the song is in some kind of a relationship with the AD and is stuck in the role of the Enabler. I'll call her the Enabler.
The AD is stuck in perpetual childhood and shies away from the tiniest bit of discomfort. Almost every action they take is to follow the path of least resistance, even if it's very bad for themselves in the long run. Only the most short term, comforting, easy, and / or familiar choices are made. They expect everyone to bring them whatever they want and do whatever they need. Although they can sometimes pass as normal, they are ultimately very child-like in an nearly innocent way to anyone that knows them well.
The Enabler cares very much for the AD, yet still plays their titular role. The AD cannot function as an AD without someone enabling them, so as soon as their current Enabler stops enabling them, they will seek out a new one.
The song is titled Wake Up because the Enabler has finally realized what they are doing to themselves and the AD by enabling them. They are building up the courage to cut the AD off by self-demanding that they need to Wake Up.
On a personal note, I have two people in my life that fit the description of the AD perfectly and I am their Enablers. I also used to fit the bill of the AD in my late teens through mid 20's. I know these archetypes intimately.

Some people want to take the easy way out in life, they have low tolerences, and won't be told anything. It may be because of low confidence, but in the end if they keep having the same outlook nothing will come to them in the end. Believe in yourself and you can do something.

someone who will take and take, but never give, a selfish outlook on things, everything has to be about themselves, and that if they continue to live like that, the things they deserve will come around to them

This is definitely the tune for anybody who has a green personality.

In all honesty, Jagged Little Pill could very well be the best album that's ever been put out by a female. This song should have ended the CD and it would have been perfect. The extra "You Oughta Know" track is useless and it makes this album sink somewhat. The end of this song is immediate and the album could have stopped in the CD player. If there is a reissue of this album, they should take my advice and end the album with this song and then add few seconds of silence and end it. Now, that would be artistic perfection.

No, I don't think so because ending the CD with the a capella version of your house is definitely a genius idea... but that is only my opinion; I really love "wake up", especially since I saw the end of the dvd "jagged little pill". The video fits the song perfectly, with these strange colors, pink, orange...

This song describes my ex perfectly, it probably describes Alanis's also.