Semi-OK Lyrics
What a tune. I used to love this when I was like 15 jus because it was catchy and all but really had no idea what it meant, or bothered to delve into it. Funny how sometimes things just hit ya when you're ready to hear them. Now I'm 24, sober off of drugs and alcohol for 2 years, taking a look at myself, trying to make sense of life. What a great tune.
So ya know, we're semi-OK. We're not really OK, we're glitched, life is messy, it doesn't work out the way we want it to. It hurts, we cry. We're not perfect, we make mistakes. We're confused. But despite all that, we're doing OK. We don't give up hope.
With this development, distressingly content. I said some things I shouldn't have said to a girl I like, she just told me she wants to take a week off to think over her and I. I don't like it, I wish I had never said that stuff, I wish I wasn't glitched like that. I wonder if she's gonna want to see me again. I'm sad. But yknow what, with this development, I'm distressingly content. I feel OK about it. Even... Content. Distressingly - it's like, where is this coming from? Back in the day this was the cause for self-destruction.
Great spirituality in this song. Love, love, love it. Take care all. :)