Even Hitler Had A Girlfriend Lyrics

I still haven't found a girlfriend, though I've tried a lot
So can you help me please, it's tougher that I thought
The odds are pretty good
But the goods are pretty odd
Though at this point I'd take anything you've got

You see this all the time, nice girls in love with jerks
What could they be thinking? Tell me how it works
Yes I've got some problems
Well I wouldn't be the first
But the ones I haven't, mine are even worse

And even Hitler had a girlfriend that he could always call
Who'd always be there for him despite of all his faults
He was the worst guy ever, vile and depised
Even Hitler had a girlfriend so why can't I? Why can't I?

Life is full of contradictions, hard to understand
And for every happy woman there's a lonely man
Nixon had his puppy
Charles Manson had his clan
But God forbid that I get a girlfriend

Even Hitler had a girlfriend that he could call his own
To sweeten the days of bitterness and feeling all alone
I'm not as bad as Hitler but it doesn't mean a thing
Since they'd rather be with Hitler more than me, I don't see
Why they'd rather be with Hitler more that me
23 Meanings
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despite the title this is a really touching song because i think we've all been a position where you feel you're doing something wrong to be putting girls off you. the bit about nice girls loving jerks too is true, because it always feel like you could treat them better. this so is too good

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this is such a good song! i agree with xpankfrisst, the lyrics make you think about why girls go out with jerks when they should be going out with you.

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maybe they dont go you with you cause you are a jerk? sorry. dont even know you.

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I think that this song holds true. It does make u think about why girls go out with jerks, it holds true for most people

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I all out agree with AcRush (hey ostrich). Why do chicks go out with jerks?

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why do chicks go out with jerks??? because the good ones are mostly taken, or we girls don't know that they're not. of course, the good guys go out with sluzzies, unfortunately.....poor bambi

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what a sad lonely song. sounds kind of like me.

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I will tell you all why girls go out with jerks. Girls are almost all a bunch of materialistic whores that think the hottest guy is the one with the biggest truck.

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I dont mean to generalize all girls like that, but that is the case in Brea as well as most of orange county.

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who hasn't felt like the last person in the world to find someone? well, i certainly have. i remember my hearing this song on the radio a long time ago and it totally stuck with me, even though i only heard it once. every time i here this songs it reminds me of good times.

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