11 Meanings
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Animal (Fuck Like a Beast) Lyrics

I got pictures of naked ladies
Lying on their beds
I whiff that smell and sweet convulsion
Starts a-Swelling inside my head
I'm making artificial lovers for free
I start to howl I'm in heat
I moan and growl and the hunt drives me crazy
I fuck like a Beast

I come round, round i come feel your love
Tie you down, down i come steal your love
I come round, round i come feel your love
Tie you down, down i come steal your love

I'm on the prowl and i watch you closely
I lie waiting for you
I'm the wolf with the sheepsskins clothing
I lick my chops and your tasting good
I do whatever i want to, to ya
I'll nail your ass to the sheets
A pelvic thrust and the sweat starts to sting ya
I fuck like a beast
I come round, round i come feel your love
Tie you down, down i come steal your love
I come round, round i come feel your love
Tie you down, down i come steal your love

Come ride, savage seduction
Ride, ride, ride
11 Meanings
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It's about pornography, sexual fantasies and masturbation.

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this song makes every beachparty so much better

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Song about kinky sex. Pretty hot when that's what you're into, lol.

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Great Song but am I the only one who thinks it's a song about rape? "Tie you down, down i come steal your love"

@CronoAeon Definitely. Add in "the hunt", "the prowl", "I lie waiting for you", "I do whatever I want to to ya", and he's obviously on about stalking and rape. (But damn, this song does rock, doesn't it?)

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actually, what I heard wMr.lawless say on how he came up with the song's title and the concept of this song is that," the late great sam kinison was still alive and ruling the strip in southern cali, blackie was friends withy sam.anyways sam was on stage killing it one night and blackie happen to be stage watching sam do his bit and then sam rolled into talking shit about his then.he started in about how his wife was a fuicking beast and how he had to go home and fuck her her.he said something to that affect any ways that's what inspired blackie to write that. maqn im a str8 music geek!

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pretty fucking obvious, a funny, yet pretty much meaningless song...it was on the PMRC's Filthy Fifteen (#5 i think?)

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I take back my last stat, I just saw it on the list as #4

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That was quite a blast for mid 80's =) Still loving it! =)

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Number 9...

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pretty easy to get- it is about abduction, torture and rape. there is a rumor that the line "pictures" of naked ladies, was originally "pieces" of naked ladies, but was discouraged due to it's graphic and disturbing nature. would make sense, as blackie used to have his girlfriend tied up naked on stage and would pretend to slice pieces off of her, and throw said pieces into the audience. of course it was only raw meat, and just a trick, but that dark sort of subject matter was the basis of most wasp songs.

@lnon It's not rape. It's sado-masochism. The narrator is referring to a submissive. Some have a darker idea of intimacy.

@PineapplePrince - OK, maybe a consensual non-consent roleplay, a negotiated abduction/ravishment scene, but on the surface you have to admit it does sound non-consensual.

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