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Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp Lyrics

ma jeunesse fout le camp
tout au long des poèmes
et d'une rime à l'autre
elle va bras balants
ma jeunesse fout le camp
a la morte fontaine
et les coupeurs d'osier
moissonent mes vingt ans

nous n'irons plus au bois
la chanson du poète
le refrain de deux sous
les vers de mirliton
qu'on chantait en rêvant
au garçon de la fête
j'en oublie jusqu'au nom
j'en oublie jusqu'au nom

nous n'irons plus au bois
chercher la violette
la pluie tombe aujourd'hui
qui efface nos pas
les enfants ont pourtant
des chansons plein la tête
mais je ne les sais pas
mais je ne les sais pas

ma jeunesse fout le camp
sur un air de guitare
elle sort de moi-même
en silence à pas lent
ma jeunesse fout le camp
elle a rompu l'amarre
elle a dans ses cheveux
les fleurs de mes vingt ans

nous n'irons plus au bois
voici venir l'automne
j'attendrai le printemps
en effeuillant l'ennui
il ne reviendra plus
et si mon coeur frissonne
c'est que descend la nuit
c'est que descend la nuit

nous n'irons plus au bois
nous n'irons plus ensemble
ma jeunesse fout le camp
au rythme de tes pas
si tu savais pourtant
comme elle te ressemble
mais tu ne le sait pas
mais tu ne le sait pas
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6 Meanings

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Cover art for Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp lyrics by Françoise Hardy

I found a ROUGH english translation

my youth is running away from me all through the poems from one rhyme to another she goes arms balancing my youth is running away from me at the dead fountain and the wicker cutters are harvesting my twenty years

we won't go to the woods again the poet's song the two cents' refrain the verses of mirliton (???) that we sang while dreaming to the boy's party I even forget the name I even forget the name

we won't go to the woods again search for the violet the rain is falling today it's erasing our footsteps though the children have their heads full of songs but I don't know them but I don't know them

my youth is running away from me on a guitar's song she's going out of me in silence at a slow pace my youth is running away from me she's cut the moor she has in her hair the flowers from my twenty years

we won't go to the woods again here comes Autumn I will wait for Spring while plucking off my boredom he won't be coming back and if my heart shudders it is because night is falling it is because night is falling

we won't go to the woods again we won't go together my youth is running away from me to the rhythm of your footsteps but if you only knew how much she looks like you but you don't know it but you don't know it

whoa, i knew it sounded sad

Cover art for Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp lyrics by Françoise Hardy

a mirliton is a music instrument, but here it is used in the expression "vers de mirliton", which means "bad verses".

Cover art for Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp lyrics by Françoise Hardy

I have no idea what she is singing but its so beautiful and sad at the same time...I wish these were translated lyrics :(

Cover art for Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp lyrics by Françoise Hardy

found a good translation at angelfire.com. see Favorite Songs from La Femme Nikita.

Cover art for Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp lyrics by Françoise Hardy

did some googling on mirliton. its a flute with no finger-holes and operates on the same principle as the kazoo.

Cover art for Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp lyrics by Françoise Hardy

or the notorious humma-comb.