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Today 4 U Lyrics

Mark & Collins:
Bustelo -- Marlboro
Banana by the bunch
A box of Captain Crunch will taste so good

And firewood

Look -- it's Santa Claus

Hold your applause

Oh hi

'Oh hi' after seven months?


This boy could use some Stoli

Collins, Mark & Roger:
Oh holy night

You struck gold at MIT?

They expelled me for my theory of Actual Reality
Which I'll soon impart
To the couch potatoes at New York University
Still haven't left the house?

I was waiting for you, don't you know?

Well, tonight's the night
Come to the Life Cafe after Maureen's show

No flow

Gentlemen, our benefactor on this Christmas Eve
Whose charity is only matched by talent, I believe
A new member of the Alphabet City avant-garde
Angel Dumott Schunard!

(Angel sashays in. He's gorgeously done up in Santa drag, with a fan of twenty-dollar bills in each hand)

Today for you -- tomorrow for me
Today for you -- tomorrow for me

And you should hear her beat!

You earned this on the street?

It was my lucky day today on Avenue A
When a lady in a limousine drove my way
She said, "Dahling -- be a dear -- haven't slept in a year
I need your help to make my neighbor's yappy dog disappear"
"This Akita-Evita just won't shut up
I believe if you play non-stop that pup
Will breathe its very last high-strung breath
I'm certain that cur will bark itself to death"
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
We agreed on a fee -- A thousand dollar guarantee
Tax-free -- and a bonus if I trim her tree
Now who could foretell that it would go so well
But sure as I am here that dog is now in doggy hell
After an hour -- Evita -- in all her glory
On the window ledge of that 23rd story
Like Thelma & Louise did when they got the blues
Swan dove into the courtyard of the Gracie Mews
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
Today for you -- tomorrow for me

Then back to the street where I met my sweet
Where he was moaning and groaning on the cold concrete
The nurse took him home for some mercurochrome
And I dressed his wounds and got him back on his feet
Sing it!
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
Today for you -- tomorrow for me
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Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

On CD, this is definitely not one of the better songs overall in Rent; actually, it's right up there with "Contact" in my least favorites list though. However, if the person playing Angel is good, it's perfect on stage, with all the dancing and everything. Casual listeners and new Rentheads could probably skip this one on the CDs, but on the stage it's funnier and it fits in perfectly.

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

People could skip it, because it doesn't really make sense if you don't listen to the words. But if you are listening to the words, don't skip this song. Because this song reveals thatAngel is the cause ofthe death of Benny's dog. So the whole "Akita-Evita" remark in "La Vie Bohem" doesn't make sense without this song.

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

laughs That "Akita-Evita" remark had me in hysterics.

Personally, I find this song hysterical, and I just get this image of him/her dancing and it makes me laugh every time.

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent


yeah i had been listening to the CD a lot.. and in la vie boheme i had been wondering why they said 'evita' and then like a week ago i actually listened to the lyrics in this song and was like "OHHH!!!" haha

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

Sawa! Surprised seeing you here...haha tis $arah...but yea anyway: This song is my favorite in RENT except for La Vie Boheme...they are even though. As said before the begginning of La Vie Boheme would definetly be confusing without this song which makes it funny if you think about it.

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent


Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

whoa jsut got that. thanks everyone above me! i lvoe this song any time it comes on when im listeining to the cd i HVAE to get up an dance. its funny i have the mental pic of angel in my head and all. this is definetely my happy song.

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

This was my first favorite RENT song, it's fun to listen to. Angel tells about how she was offered a thousand dollars to play the drumsticks around the apartment, this makes the Akita go insane enough to commit suicide, jumping out of the 23rd story window, onto the sidewalk of Avenue A. In La Boheme, the play it was based on, one of the characters is challenged to play until his parrot died. It's a great introduction for Angel, it's really fun to watch.

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

This is one of my favorite songs, this an La vie Boheme. It's so fun to sing with. Obviously it's about Angel killing of Ben's dog :]

Cover art for Today 4 U lyrics by Rent

I heard from a friend that Angel was referencing to male prostitution. After thinking about it, I think he's right. The "Avenue A," he said, it what gave it away. The dog is, of course, the innuendo of the "lady in the limousine's" lust. If you think about it and put your mind in the gutter for a minute, it's quite clear!