Diamonds on the Face of Evil Lyrics

She forgot to lay the eggs,
She forgot to lay the eggs,
sheshaw sheshaw.
Penny didn't have no whistle aww,
sheshaw sheshaw.
She forgot to lay the eggs,
sheshaw sheshaw.
Diamonds are in the horses stable aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
Diamonds in the horses stable aww,
The dancers didn't have their feet at all,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
Penny didn't have to whistle aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
She forgot to lay the eggs at all,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
Families in the graveyards diggin aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
She forgot to lay the eggs aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
Bones they say the weather's changing aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
Penny didn't have no whistle aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
The dancers didn't have their feet at all,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
The diamonds in the horses- sheshaw.
She forgot to lay the eggs aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
The dancers didn't have their feet at all,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
The dancers didn't have their feet at all,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
She forgot to lay the eggs aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
The families in the graveyards digging aww,
Sheshaw sheshaw.
She forgot how to use the law,
Sheshaw sheshaw
Song Info
Submitted by
prod On May 21, 2002
20 Meanings
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I think this is actually based off of "Ciuleandra," which is a Romanian folk song.

@pantsuit if you listen to the song Ciuleandra, it almost sounds like she says "she forgot to lay the eggs, sheshaw sheshaw"

@brian10000 Holy shit you're right!

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every time I listen to this song I get a mad urge to drag out my clarinet and play along.

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"I remember laughing when I first heard it and asking what all that shawshawshawshaw business was about," said Rutili. "Isaac told me that when he was a kid his mom had all these Lithuanian records and he used to play them all the time. He couldn't understand the words but they were the only music that was around and he loved to sing along. He'd just sing shawshawshaw with the records. I thought that was perfect. Things like that always leak in."

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The beat to this song always reminded me of a person, bound in chains, marching endlessly. He has somewhere to go, but cannot ever reach it, due to his bonds.

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x allison I think thats the point of this whole song. It doen't make sense and it doesn't go together and you can't really tell what they are saying and it sounds like someone talking/trying to sing or what someone would sound like if you only took their voice when they were singing along to something. And of course he is an artist so he puts things in there that he likes "she forgot to lay the eggs." A big problem with this site is everyone is always looking for a meaning in a song when the meaning might be that there is no meaning. or at least not in a lyrical sense but in a broader scope

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sha sha sha shaaaaaaaaaaa!! Best song on the album!

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about not reproducing, dying, and having no money or offsprings to take care of you when you die.

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I agree with all of you- best song on the album. Makes me stomp my feet with the beat everytime.

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It's also a dance.

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