Weird Friendless Kid Lyrics

Weird friendless kid
You don't know where you live
No one knows a thing about you
No one ever did
Weird friendless kid
You might be weird but you're not stupid
We’ve all seen the pictures you drew
We know what’s in your head
But you never seem to mind
Eating from your purple lunchbox
While we are talk about you
About you
It's alright to stay
Nobody gets away
Except you
Why you're like you are ?
Do you think you're a star
La la la la....
I sometimes think I'd like to speak to you
And find out who you are
Uninvited guest
You won't fitin withall the rest
Just a bubble in a perfect paintjob
Well we are talk about you
Talk about you
Talk about you
Just a bubble in a perfect paintjob
Brings everybody down
Yes you do
It's alright to stay
Nobody gets away
Except you
Why you're like you are ?
Do you think you're a star
La la la la....
Dipin’ fromyour purple lunchbox
It's alright you know
You can come as you are
La la la la....
And if it's like you say
You got a chance to move away
One bye, one, we'll knock on your door
Tell how we feel like
Or how we felt about you
Feel about you
Feel about you
Felt about you
Feel about you
Song Info
Submitted by
weezerific:cutlery On May 19, 2002
3 Meanings
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i love this song. especially the ending. it's the secret anthem of every high schooler i know. or at least it should be.

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ever heard a song that seems like someone watched you for about two weeks and then wrote a song about you? It's really strange to hear this song because it sums up what it is to be a weird friendless kid in a way that is.....erie. Something that can only possibly be written if you know what it's like to walk to your own pace and wonder what other people think of you.

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It could be my own morbidness but I think the "weird friendless kid" ends up committing suicide in the end.

"And if it's like you say You got a chance to move away One by one, we'll knock on your door Tell how we feel like - Or how we felt about you."

The other kids going to the wake/funeral. Now that the kid's dead they feel bad for talking about him/her, they visit the family, all that.

"No one knows a thing about you No one ever did."

Meaning nobody knew anything about the kid until he/she died.

"We've all seen the pictures you drew We know what's in your head."

Maybe the loner drew dark pictures or wrote really depressing poems. Could be that these other kids found them, but didn't feel like it was a big deal. They continued talking and gossiping.

"But you never seemed to mind Eating from your purple lunchbox While we all talk about you."

In the end, it really isn't their fault, but they still probably feel guilty.

"Just a bubble in a perfect paint job Brings everybody down Yes you do."

I think this is the "weird friendless kid" talking themselves down. Their inner monologue.

IDK. I twist a lot of songs into suicide, so it's probably not.

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