11 Meanings
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Incetardis Lyrics

so what comes now
run through the answers and you can feel the scratching
get down

this breed bring it against so coy
a levitated incubation
instincts with imprinted cryptic code
a dotted line hit return dash dash
if you took the time to unmask
retrace the mockers of intemperance

in with the herd
split poison ivy scratch rash
this calamine lotion made my skin feel good
right before me they sat
a snitch inaugurated
lets slip the hunger of these carnivores

this kin is a knock knock knocking on your door
is it welcome if it happens
heart sowed a trick-or-treat overture
with this promiscuous livestock
every day is November first in this Sodom and Gomorrah

get down
run through the answers and you can feel the scratching
get down

this cue was made up incognito (x3)

in with the herd
split poison ivy scratch rash
this calamine lotion made our skin feel good
right before me they sat
a snitch inaugurated
lets slip the hunger of these carnivores

get down
run through the answers and you can feel the scratching
get down

yeah yeah yeah

quartets from the heir to the throne (x3)
Song Info
Submitted by
black_cow_of_death On May 19, 2002
11 Meanings
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These are not the offical lyrics, I tried my best to figure them out but there are many lines I am not sure of. If you can think of somthing that would fit better please let me know.

Thanks to Iceman26947 for helping me with these lyrics

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I don't understand why nobody left any comments for this so accurate song it is not from the album, and I discovered it when I bought a magazine, it was given with the magazine this song is so good, and I swear to anybody you listen it 2 times to adore it

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Seriously, nice job with the lyrics.

AMAZING SONG. But I was wondering, is this from Alfaro Vive? Or is it just a song never really released?

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incetardis was released first on the one armed scissor single, i guess.

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At the Drive-In tend to sing about inhumane acts against minorities, specifically around the U.S. and Mexican border. This song may refer to Republican Ideologies, to those who are power hungry, creating consequences for the lives of the people they have control over. This song pictures them as 'carnivores,' creating a rash of sorts among societies.

The Biblical reference in 'Sodom and Gomorrah,' refers to two of many towns that were destroyed by God because of they're homosexual behaviour. Hence where the word 'Sodomy' originated. This song may suggest that everyday there are these 'Godlike' politicians, judges etc... who destroy a community or a minorities efforts towards a peaceful living. In recent news for example, all the controversy dealing with Gay marriage, or rights and opportunities for minorities such as Latinos.

'Quartets for the heir to the throne,' may refer to this inhumanity being projected in a continuing cycle. For example, President Bush's re-election, or the fact he is sort of a 'heir to the throne' in his father's eyes.

'Instincts with Imprinted Cryptic Code,' could be alluding to current gains certain powers are making on systematically organizing groups. Observing their 'instincts' in order to know what to advertise to them, or promise them in return for their subordination.

Just want to say, the re-electing of bush happened in 2004, and at this point ATDI had already split up. ROC came out in 2001, and this song came out before that album. Also you're theory about the "republican ideologies" is flawed. ATDI often sing about communism and issues relating to that. And Liberals and Democrats are generally the ones associated with approving Communism. Republicans do not try to beat down people, considering they're the ones who believe in freedom, life, and liberty. The total opposite of communism.

Anyway, not quite sure what this song means, but I just wanted...

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Good job, Lango84. Some very plausible theories there. Nice to see someone who has done their research making comments.

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6 COMMENTS!? this is seriously my favorite atd-i song. so fucking sick, the screaming on this song is mind-blowing.

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I think this song is pretty much just talkin about the KGB and communism in general. Just look at 300mhz, The One Armed Scissor, ad other songs, and they talk about communism. They didn't approve of Bush, but like I said this came out before he was really even elected. I don't think this song is directed towards our government. It's either about Jaurez's local governent (check out invalid litter dept) or commy government in general.

The part where it talks about the snitch inaugurated. Think about it, you snitch on your neighbor and you get blessed by the party.

The part about the trick or treat overture. Overture often refers to music, but it also refers to an agreement of sorts. "knock knock knockin at your door, this trick or treat overture". KGB knockin at your door making you agree with them. Simple as that.

In with the herd. Promiscuous live stock. That's how your looked at in a communist society. Just and animal.

The whole second section: This breed bring against it so coy, In this levitated incubation. Basically, it's talking about how from the moment they're born, they're put into a guarded situation, and they're shy towards the government. The imprinted cryptic code, and hit return dash dash part, just means that they're force fed and "programmed" how the government wants them to.

Basically, all these things point to communism IMO. Lots of other songs by them relate to it.

Btw, this was typed on my iPod so there are typos and whatnot. And I didn't touch on everything as much as I could have.

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I'm pretty sure that the last line of the second verse is...

"Every day is November First...in this shadow over Europe"

thanks for the lyrics though you did an awesome job.

And yeah...best ATD-I song. For sure.

You're all thinking too hard about this. "Cryptic codes" kind of gives it away. Anyway, INCETARDIS is an anagram for IRAN EDICTS. On November 1st, 2001, George Bush signed an Executive Order (13233) that changed Executive privilege to a "need-to-know" basis. If you're from Britain, think of it like an Order in Council. This Executive Order actually repealed a Reagan-era Executive Order that gave everyone free information to information about the pasts of the Presidents. So, we were supporting the Contra in Nicaragua back during Reagan's Presidency. They were a rebel group, attempting to overthrow the new Socialist government. At the time, Iran was holding...

  • kin = George W Bush, George HW Bush. GH Bush came into office after GHW Bush "with this promiscuous livestock, every day is November 1st in this Sodom and Gommorah" -November 1st, 2001 is the day GH Bush passed the Executive Order -this is an analogy. there are two meanings to the word promiscuous. on the first listen, the listener might think this is about sex. in actuality, he uses the word promiscuous as a "lack of standards." So, really it's an analogy.
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    Some comments bringing out my incetardic tendencies. Just pointing out that November 1st is 'All Saints Day', unequivocally. So yeah, I think "Sodom and Gomorrah" just makes sense taken in context.

    Also, I know this song is on the 'This Station is Non-Operational' compilation CD, as that is what I own.

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