Jimi Thing Lyrics
A remedy is what I'm seeking
I take a taste of what's below
Come away to something better
What I want is what I've not got
And what I need
Is all around me
Reaching searching never stop
And I'll say...
Just for a while
Till I get to the end of this tunnel Mommy
If you could keep me floating
Just for a while
I'll get back to you
I'd like to show you what's inside
And I shouldn't care
If you don't like it
Brother chaos rule all about
Sometimes I walk there
Well yes God knows sometimes I take a bus there
Shouldn't care shouldn't care
Bereaved as I'm feeling
I'm on my back
Staring up at the ceiling
U take a drink sit back relax
Smoke my mind make me feel
Better for a small time
What I want is what I've not got
And what I need Is all around me
Reaching searching never stop
And I'll say...
Just for a while
Till I get to the end of this tunnel Mommy
If you could keep me floating
Just for a while
I'll get back to you

Went to a Dave concert a few weeks ago. When he got to the line, "Smoke my mind/make me feel better for a small time," the whole crowd exploded in cheers - talk about an instant rush!

this has to be the ultimate DMB song. at least for me! pretty much what this song says is, "don't worry, be happy". there's no other way to say it. u might have bad days, and u might have good day, but if u really take a look at what's in front of u, u have everything you'll ever need.

dave is all about havin a great time and this def. shows it. do what you want now, worry about it later... great album (uttad) and great song

i love this song bc it explains who i am perfectly, i am about alllll the love and joy in the world, and would never want to hurt anyone, and no, its not all about drugs, yes dave smokes pot, hell i smoke pot, it makes more love in the world! but its not all about drugs..

I disagree with the interpretations that would suggest that the song is about God, God's grace, heaven and hell, mortality and divinity, etc.
Instead, I think, that it's simply a reflection on the human emotion of depression and the desire to find a remedy. I suppose the question we all want answered is what the hell is a "Jimi Thing". It's the remedy.
Beyond that, I don't think that the song needs to be dissected and analyzed to death. There's really no need to get that deep with contrived metaphors, analogies and symbolism. It can be what you want it to mean. Chill. Right?
I think that some of the stripped down live versions with Tim Reynolds are absolutely stellar. Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL.


this song just has such energy to it. The love is there...dave really knows how to present it in his songs. I love the part of "what I want is what ive not got and what i need is all around me".

As Dave puts it, Jimi Thing "is one of our two hippie songs..." It's one of several songs by DMB dealing with the usage of drugs, although Dave has said you can interpret it any way you want to.
and in one concert he said "jimi thing can be anything you want it to be...some people have a bigger jimi thing than others...mine is not as big as boyd's jimi thing" (true story)

As Dave puts it, Jimi Thing "is one of our two hippie songs..." It's one of several songs by DMB dealing with the usage of drugs, although Dave has said you can interpret it any way you want to.
and in one concert he said "jimi thing can be anything you want it to be...some people have a bigger jimi thing than others...mine is not as big as boyd's jimi thing" (true story)

This is a hippie song....this is a fantasy about drinking and not becoming a drag after 20 years....