2 Meanings
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Panoptikon Lyrics

For you who choose bondage, the world is a cage Paralyzed under their gaze These scraps of self, they're not enough But they're all that I could steal It's easier for you - you don't fucking feel Do you Subjugate our nightmares, bend them to their ends And they offer to share the dividends? A place in the shadow of the great guillotine And are you blessed, in these days of lifelessness? I'm choking on the rim of your righteousness Staring through the bars at the worlds we'll never know Lost in the city, the beaten crowds Those around you gagged and bound Smothered Caught Gasping in Panoptikon Defined by confines, condemned to live these lives No secrets safe from their eyes But what goes on in our minds goes on in your hearts Denied all creation, destruction is our bitter art We'll slip through the cracks, we're not afraid For every bent knee too shall break We'll dance in the shadow of the great guillotine That does its rhythmic work On each and every unbowed head One by one by one. Judgment Are you the sacred and the clean? One day we'll rise to mount the skies And tear your gods' towers down Freedom In the death rows (death throes) of this machine No freedom here, living in fear Until every wheel stops turning Until every channel goes dead Until every light goes out Until every city is burning Then we'll see some freedom!
2 Meanings
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In Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian

  1. PANOPTIKUM (muzej vo{tanih figura)

Za tebe koji si izabrao ropstvo, svijet je kavez Paraliziran od njihovog zurenja Ostaci tebe nisu dovoljni Ali to je sve {to sam mogao ukrasti Lak{e je za tebe – ne osje}a{ Da li Nadja~ava{ na{e more, vee{ ih za krajeve Dok se oni nude da podjele dobitak? Mjesto u sjeni veli~anstvene giljotine. Da li si blagoslovljen u ovim danima bezivotnosti? Gu{im se na rubu tvoje pravednosti

Gledam kroz re{etke u svijet koji ne}emo nikad spoznati Izgubljene u gradu, pretu~ene gomile Oko tebe zavezane i u{utkane Pomirene Uhva}ene Uzdi{u u Panoptikumu Definirani granicama, osu|eni na takve ivote Bez tajni sigurnih od njihovog pogleda Ali {to je u na{im mislima to je i u va{im srcima Poreknuto stvaranje, propast je na{a gorka umjetnost Skliznut }emo kroz pukotine, ne bojimo se Jer }e se svako pokleknu}e slomiti Plesat }emo u sjeni veli~anstvene giljotine Koja ritmi~ki radi Na svakoj nepokorenoj du{i ( nesavijenoj glavi) Jednoj Po jednoj Po jednoj. Presuda Da li si prosve}en i ~Ist? Jednoga dana uzdi}i {}emo se da osvojimo nebo I rastrgamo tvr|ave tvojih bogova Sloboda U redovima smrti ove ma{ine Nema slobode,ivot u strahu Dok se poslednji kota~i} ne prestane okretati Dok poslednji kanal ne odumre Dok se poslednje svijetlo ne ugasi Dok poslednji grad ne izgori Tek tada }emo vidjeti slobodu!

(‘on dolazi! On dolazi!” kao mlado`enja iz svoje sobe dolazi heroj iz svojeg zatvora na gubili{te i svoju propast)

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For you who choose bondage, the world is a cage Paralyzed under their gaze These scraps of self, they're not enough But they're all that I could steal It's easier for you - you don't fucking feel ! Do you Subjugate our nightmares, bend them to their ends And they offer to share the dividends? A place in the shadow of the great guillotine And are you blessed, in these days of lifelessness? I'm choking on the rim of your righteousness Staring through the bars at the worlds we'll never know Lost in the city, the beaten crowds Those around you gagged and bound Smothered Caught Gasping In Panoptikon Defined by confines, condemned to live these lives No secrets safe from their eyes But what goes on in our minds goes on in your hearts Denied all creation, destruction is our bitter art We'll slip through the cracks, we're not afraid For every bent knee too shall break We'll dance in the shadow of the great guillotine That does its rhythmic work On each and every unbowed head One by one by one. Judgment Are you the sacred and the clean? One day we'll rise to mount the skies And tear your gods' towers down Freedom In the death rows (death throes) of this machine No freedom here, living in fear Until every wheel stops turning Until every channel goes dead Until every light goes out Until every city is burning Then we'll see some freedom!

(“he is coming! he is coming!” like a bridegroom from his room come the hero from his prison to the scaffold and his doom)

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