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Broadcast – America's Boy Lyrics 17 years ago
Am I the only person who believes the lyrical sentiment toward America in this song is fairly ambivalent? There's really nothing here to make me believe it's supposed to be anti-American, even if that is all the rage these days. Trish is a smarter lyricist than that.

Botch – Saint Matthew Returns to the Womb Lyrics 18 years ago
Dave Verellen has said in an interview that the song is about when he or some other member of the band was attending some camp as a child -- one of the camp counselors insisted on holding "confession" at the camp despite the secular nature of the camp.

The Get Up Kids – Anne Arbour Lyrics 19 years ago
Everyone knows Anne Arbore is in Connecticut. Sheesh.

The Get Up Kids – Anne Arbour Lyrics 19 years ago
Everyone knows Anne Arbore is in Connecticut. Sheesh.

The Get Up Kids – Anne Arbour Lyrics 19 years ago
Everyone knows Anne Arbore is in Connecticut. Sheesh.

Portishead – Wandering Star Lyrics 19 years ago
Hey guys, you know what's cool? Being offended that someone's interpretation of this song is laden with religious conotations, thereby assuming that person is pushing his or her beliefs on you. Nevermind the clear verse reference.

Converge – Eagles Become Vultures Lyrics 20 years ago
On a broader level, it seems to me like this song is about how over time, our ambitions end up becoming what eat away at our well-being -- using the literal reference of a John Doe who moves to Hollywood with the goal of becoming a movie star, only to end up in the gutter with a broken dream.

Dredg – Penguins In The Desert Lyrics 22 years ago
The lyric "We live like penguins in the desert, why can't we live like tribes" is actually a lyric from the song Triangle.

Dredg – Of The Room Lyrics 22 years ago
Bravo iNclet, for ripping the Leitmotif review from

Dredg – Lechium Lyrics 22 years ago
To really understand the song's lyrics, it's absolutely necessary to read the story which accompanies Leitmotif.

Dredg – Scissor Lock Lyrics 22 years ago
I hate to call you wrong, since I understand the concept of taking your own interpretation of the song, but the lyrics for Scissor Lock are almost undeniably about sleep paralysis. Much of the theme of the album is sleep paralysis, as if you look through the liner notes, rather than having lyrics, they have letters written about SP experiences. But the lyrics like "I think I'm awake...I am sinking into my bed," "Buzzing white noise, sounds like 100 bees," "I too once thought the radio played," and obviously, "Let's act like children while we sleep paralyzed" are undeniably taken from descriptions of SP accounts that people have had. Many people claim that during SP experiences, they hear static, feel as though they are being pulled into their beds, and are unable to wake themselves from the experience. This might seem outlandish if you've never had the experience, but it is fairly common, some ratio of like 1/5 people has had at least one SP experience, and those who have had it tend to agree that it is among the most frightening of experiences they've ever had - This link might give you a better idea of what Gavin is singing about:

Soundgarden – The Day I Tried to Live Lyrics 22 years ago
Fools! It's basically their song that says how disgusted they are with the rest of the human race; how corrupt everyone is deep down - But in a first person, sarcastic tone. I really wish more people could put sarcasm meaningfully into a song like this. The day he "tried to live" is the day that Chris decided he would try to fit in with everyone else; and by doing so, he gave up all moral integrity for the purpose of just getting along and doing well, unfortunately.

Soundgarden – Flower Lyrics 22 years ago
What a great early Soundgarden tune this was - Just looking at the lyrics, they seem pretty straight forward; and the "flower" the song speaks about seems to have a double meaning - About how this girl grew and blossomed into a young lady, and eventually wilted and died, but also referring to the flowers on her grave, obviously. I'm convinced Chris paid attention in English class - He also uses the homonyms "vein" and "vain" - Sort of interesting, for early Soundgarden.

Soundgarden – Room a Thousand Years Wide Lyrics 22 years ago
No. Go away.

Soundgarden – Burden in My Hand Lyrics 22 years ago
Lost his girl because of his alcoholism? Are you on crack? I'm sure alcoholism would be part of a theme of the song, but OBVIOUSLY it's about a very abusive relationship that doesn't necessarily stem from alcoholism. "Crack a smile, cut your mouth, and drown in alcohol" - Many people (Though I don't condone it), when depressed, feel the best thing is to go drink. It's not necessarily alcoholism, it's pretty commonplace.

Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun Lyrics 22 years ago
To whoever said Soundgarden split up because Ben Sheppard threw his bass at Chris Cornell:

Dunno where you heard that, but they just decided to break up because they were at the peak of their fame, and didn't want to pull a Metallica, and stick around while their fame dwindled and turned to crap.

Soundgarden – Jesus Christ Pose Lyrics 22 years ago
I just wanted to say that Chris Cornell's vocal range, particularly in this song, is unbelieveably impressive - I can't even falsetta that scream he does at the end by singing with a NORMAL singing voice (as opposed to falsetta). That's INCREDIBLE.

Zao – 5 Year Winter Lyrics 22 years ago
You know, after reading through a lot of these comments, I'm fairly disgusted with some of the people on this site, for several reasons:

1) I don't see the point in starting off a message about how you love this song with, "I'm not a Christian, BUT..." - Do you say this about bands you like that are atheist? "I'm not an atheist, BUT..." - Saying something like this only leaves the door open for people to start fighting

2) Though the Bible might say things like "If you don't already believe in God, you're going to Hell" - It also says a lot of things that denominations of Christianity tend to ignore. It's open for interpretation, and if it were all taken word-for-word, we'd all be 7th Day Adventists and believe that the universe began EXACTLY as it was written in the Bible. Is there anything wrong with that? No, but even as a Catholic, during the 13 years (k-12) I was taught in Catholic school, I was taught that the creation story was meant to be taken as a metaphor.

3) Muslims are NOT supposed to kill non-believers. That's a misinterpretation of the Koran, and inherently, the Christian God and Allah are the same god. I think when people actually read the Koran and read the opening lines, "This book is for the believers' eyes only, anyone who reads this as a nonbeliever will have a special punishment waiting for him," they tend to be a little put off by that (understandably).

4) Getting in religious arguements are stupid. You cannot possibly prove someone "wrong" in these cases. The key thing is to keep an open mind, and try to at least understand that for the most part, everyone else just wants to get along. Who are you to tell someone if he doesn't believe in God he's going to hell? What about virtuous atheists - Ones who go out of their way to help others, ones who have a conscience, etcetera - Are they wrong? And what about (though, I haven't seen anybody like this on here YET) atheists who feel the NEED to get into an arguement with anyone who is a theist about how they feel having beliefs like that is foolish? That's just plain ignorant (Believe me, I hate tossing that word around, but it's true; they're ignoring the whole idea of what being a Christian is, and just pointing out what they feel is wrong with Christianity). No offense to anyone, but the few atheists I know tend to be a lot more decisive and narrow-minded than anyone else I've ever MET!

5) Stick to the song. This is, RIGHT? And hell, this song isn't even about Christianity, so get a grip, grab a cold drink, read up on the lyrics, and RELAX.

Meshuggah – The Mouth Licking What You've Bled Lyrics 22 years ago
Well, an interesting fact is that the cover art for "The True Human Design" actually inspired the title of that CD (The spikes, etcetera) - Perhaps Jens Kidman is a misanthrope?

Meshuggah – New Millennium Cyanide Christ Lyrics 22 years ago
I love Meshuggah - For me, (and it's hard for me to say because I'm Catholic) this song is about how religious figures such as Christ gradually become less and less "human" and moreso "divine" over time through distortion of fact as the legend is passed down by word of mouth.

Dredg – Is Not Everything Lyrics 22 years ago
This isn't even all the lyrics to the song though! I'm not even listening to the song right now and I can remember a part where Gavin says "...the end of life now fills the life of the living"

Candiria – Constant Velocity Is As Natural As Being At Rest Lyrics 22 years ago
Such a great song. Probably one of my favorites by Candiria besides Pull....

Glassjaw – Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence Lyrics 22 years ago
I never understood the Glassjaw/Deftones comparisons - then again, when I said to a person who compared those two bands that Relative Ash is a total Adrenaline-era Deftones rip-off, she went ballistic and said "They sound NOTHING alike" - So I dunno.

Glassjaw – Lovebites And Razorlines Lyrics 22 years ago
Originally the song was called "Snakebites and Razorblades"

Glassjaw – Convectuoso Lyrics 22 years ago
They're not mysoginist lyrics; Daryl doesn't "hate" women, per se - He has issues with them. Last I checked, he was in a relationship at the time, but he's been fucked over by a lot of women.

Glassjaw – Cosmopolitan Bloodloss Lyrics 22 years ago
He killed them in the original version; I guess the cut it from the CD too. This version is kinda lame, he just gives them a dirty look. lol

Portishead – Roads Lyrics 22 years ago
This is probably my favorite Portishead song; so beautiful.

Botch – C. Thomas Howell as the "Soul Man" Lyrics 23 years ago
Hands down, THE best Botch song ever, in my humble opinion =)

If anyone was unaware, this song is about bands that use "messages" as a gimmick to gain fans. You know, like how Strife was straightedge, but now they've dropped it because they're a bunch of hypocrites. Specifically though, this song is referring to a band from Chicago called "Race Traitor" whose whole schtick is that everything in our society is inherently racist, but it's to such a point that it's just absurd. If you don't believe me, there's a popular newspaper in Seattle that did an interview with them where they said this (Sorry, I forgot the name of the paper). Hope I could help =)

Disturbed – Down with the Sickness Lyrics 23 years ago
That's okay, I'd rather not keep my "bitch" comments to myself . Disturbed sucks, get over it.

Tool – 4 Degrees Lyrics 23 years ago
I would assume it's a reference to the dungeon of a castle, as it says "Locked up inside you"

Disturbed – Down with the Sickness Lyrics 23 years ago
You guys have it all wrong; this song is about how Disturbed is a horrible nu metal band derivative of every other nu metal band on the planet. Believe it or not, the monkey noises David Draiman makes have ABSOLUTELY NO significance.

Botch – To Our Friends In The Great White North Lyrics 23 years ago
I get the impression this song is supposed to be about a friend who is a trendhopper - Always changing his appearances, the music he listens to, etcetera; I especially get that impression from the lines "You're not what you seem, always different, always changing," "Always on your attire, silences what you think, and now you're wearing eyeliner," and "Where's the first you that I knew?"

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 23 years ago
Well, I definitely think that the title is a poke at dance/electronic/etcetera music - But I definitely think that it's more than a "joke" song, because I think a band like Radiohead doesn't write "joke songs" - When I first looked at the lyrics, I first thought "nuclear war", but that's just my impression.

And whoever it was that said "This is what it would be like if the Cuban Missile Crisis actually happened" - Uh, it DID happen, the US was on alert for about a week back in the late '60s - The missles were moved out after negotiation.

Candiria – Three Times Again Lyrics 23 years ago
Is there anyone who can figure out the spoken word section in the middle of this song?

Coheed and Cambria – God Send Conspirator Lyrics 23 years ago
"Coheed and Cambria are NOT emo. They are pure ROCK. In fact, they are the revival of MELODIC rock. THey are just amazing. Of you think their lyrics are good, go listen to them. The guy can sing like no other. His range is rediculous. I love these guys. AMAZING. "

Sorry, someone went through and posted this on every other song, so I figured I would for this one.

Coheed and Cambria – Devil in Jersey City Lyrics 23 years ago
Well, this is a pretty emo song, whether or not you think this band is emo. Good song, good band, nonetheless.

Converge – Phoenix in Flight Lyrics 23 years ago
Ahhhh, it makes more sense now, I never really thought of it as a concept album...but it ties the lyrics from the title track much better.

Converge – Dead Lyrics 23 years ago
I love this song because Jake Bannon's singing is so horribly offkey in the beginning ;)

Zao – Trash Can Hands Lyrics 23 years ago
It be about internet trash talking! What the person who wrote the lyrics to this didn't include was the subtitled "Keyboard Cowards" =)

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Sandbox Magician Lyrics 23 years ago
I get the impression that the lyrics to this song are about how spontaneous children are in terms of judgement - One day they might want to befriend another child, but the next day, might not even want to associate with that other child.

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Destro's Secret Lyrics 23 years ago
I get the impression that Dimitri wanted to imply a rape with the lyrics, but I'm never sure; he's not in the band anymore anyway =P

But seriously, the terrible irony of the lines "I've come to cut cupid's heart out; I've come to take your breath away," if they were in reference to rape, would be absolutely perfect.

At the Drive-In – One Armed Scissor Lyrics 23 years ago
But the Mars Volta (band with afro-guys Omar and Cedric) are even better than Sparta =)

At the Drive-In – 198d Lyrics 23 years ago
This song is about one of the member's (I think it was Paul) mother's grave - Her gravestone was destroyed by vandals and the only way that her family could identify which grave was hers was by the graveyard marker "198D" - ATDI doesn't write BS lyrics =)

Portishead – Mysterons Lyrics 23 years ago
I read somewhere that this song title comes from a premise of an old '60s sci-fi television show that was cancelled because of the content, or something to that effect.

Emotep – Swim Lyrics 23 years ago
Ahh, I surprised to find Emotep on here; a label needs to pick them up soon - Betty is one of the nicest people I've ever met =)

KoЯn – Blind Lyrics 23 years ago
Korn has been around for a decade now, and regardless of what anyone says, are the one of the most influential bands in the creation of the "nu-metal" genre. When Machinehead's first few albums (Burn My Eyes, etc...) came out, they didn't even play in a nu-metal style - Rather they were a thrash band that later sold out to jump on the nu-metal train with The Burning Red and Supercharger.

Candiria – Pull Lyrics 23 years ago
Just to clarify, "Method of Expression" is the rap song which follows Pull on Process of Self-Development - These are the lyrics to "Pull," not "Method of Expression."

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