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Alanis Morissette – Ironic Lyrics 3 years ago
Many of Morissette's examples are inaccurately called 'not ironic' when in actual fact they are. Go on any forum and you will see people say the examples are not irony when they actually are; it's just that irony can be subtle when people are looking for striking examples one sees in Shakespeare plays. I think 'irony' must be one of the most misunderstood terms in the English language.

So 'rain on your wedding day' is irony because one expects the latter to be sunshine. Likewise, 'traffic jam when you're already late' is also ironic in that one expects late people to be driving hard and in a rush and not sitting stalled. Or the one about dying the day after winning the lotto is clear irony as one expects life to change for the better after such an event yet this guy's life ends. Or the 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife is also ironic as your automatic reaction of seeing an abundance of cutlery is that you'll get at least one of everything somewhere. The 'good advice' is also of an ironic nature in that we expect people and even ourselves to follow good advice but the reality is often not so in that taking good advice, even when we know is in our best interests, is something many of us choose to ignore for immediate pleasure. Eg- look how many people smoke, drink, overeat, take drugs, etc when the ''good advice'' of avoiding it is often ignored and is only considered when we see the nasty consequences.

The Chardonnay reference is also misunderstood irony as the latter is an expensive upmarket drink one connects to fortune and class like expensive Champagne yet the dirty fly getting into the glass taints this perfection as flies are dirty and common and not connected to the nice things in life and so this perfect moment of sipping the fine wine is not as expected. We'd connect a fly getting into a drink more like at a cheap picnic and not in the upmarket hotel sipping our expensive drink.

As is meeting the man of your dreams which is associated with getting together and having a happy life together but again the beautiful wife he has stops this. Because so many of us are lead to believe that one day we will meet the right one we really like which is what does happen in many cases but the cruel irony is often that the feeling is not returned and there is no ''happily ever after'' ending that we are lead to believe as children from stories, movies, and society. The reality of 'Love/marriage' is often divorced[excuse the pun] from the expectations we have of it in that the ''man of your dreams'' is often far from what people settle for. So the irony in her song is clearly all about how our expectations in life are often not met and because of this, it's irony.

Kraftwerk – The Model Lyrics 5 years ago
I think it's about the about the vanity and superficiality of society and our obsession with physical aesthetics and society's fascination with the beautiful in the world. The song is half satirising/half giving very valid social commentary on how people are so obsessed with physical appearance and good looks and look at those who posess it as being like Gods/Godesses.
The model is a mere metaphor for the attractive male or female you see walking around the bar and 'checking all the men...playing her game'- ie. she/he always checks to see are they being looked at, afterall they need to know they are being admired yet they pretend to be oblivious to it all. It's all part of 'the 'game'.
'She plays hard to get, she smiles from time to time'- the attractive person flirts with many but knows they are in high demand so has the ability to be picky, it's almost cliche to watch the scenario in action... you can see the pretty girl/guy being approached and having small talk then rejecting the many admirers.
'For beauty we will pay'- this works on a few levels, the attractive person gets so much attention that others will be falling over to pay for them or it could be non fiancial and 'pay' attention to them-we as a society always pay attention to beauty. Then there's the element of marketing and how companies will use attractive people to sell their products and how beautiful people will sacrifice any morals they have for a camera 'only takes a camera to change her mind.'
It then goes on to say about her becoming 'a big success, I want to to meet her again' after he 'saw her on the cover of a magazine' taps into the culture of how the beautiful rise to the top and become celebrities and we see them and consequently find their beauty so appealing that we want to see more of them...

Travis – Side Lyrics 6 years ago
Song is giving a pretty universal message- that we are all the same basically and we are all fighting the same battles and all living that thing called life which is imperfect. Ofcourse it is human nature to look at 'the other side' ie. other people and envy what they have be it better looking, better career, better bank account, more friends, younger, more intelligent etc. We imagine that them people are perfectly happy and have it all or if we had that 1 thing they have we'd be complete.

Ofcourse the truth is though that no matter how much better we may think others have it than us alot of it is a delusion and we are not seeing the whole picture. As the saying goes envy looks through a microscope. We envy others because we just see the blessings they have that we desire when infact even with their blessings they still have their whole lives along with that and it is not perfect nor as blissful as we imagine. They still have their problems, fears, insecurities etc and their limited time just like us and too will age and die. The 'side' he sings of in the song is the 1 side we are all on together, the 'other side' where we imagine the 'grass is always greener' is all a fantasy, there is no such thing really.

ABBA – Money, Money, Money Lyrics 7 years ago
@[asher27:25448] meh i'd say this song could relate to any woman [or man] of any age-the theme is universal in it-the desire for plenty of money.

ABBA – Money, Money, Money Lyrics 7 years ago
@[asher27:25447] meh i'd say this song could relate to any woman [or man] of any age-the theme is universal in it-the desire for plenty of money.

Fool's Garden – Lemon Tree Lyrics 7 years ago
@[deralex:25373] I don't think it is unrequited love, I think it is about general despair, hopelessness and depression. When he sings to 'you' it is possibly a friend or the 'you' could even be hope personified,

Foreigner – I Want To Know What Love Is Lyrics 7 years ago
I once heard somebody say ''you learn that there is much more to love than physical attraction, that's what growing up is about.''

That's what the song is about imho, he doesn't seem to understand what love is. Rather he has an unrealistic infantile view of it like say he thinks love is something on the surface like attractiveness and he eventually sees that this is not love and is left disillusioned by it all. He wants to actually experience love and be able to experience real, mature ,adult love in all its dimensions.

Five for Fighting – Superman (It's Not Easy) Lyrics 7 years ago
i think the song is about people everybody looks up to and have high popularity[possible celeb]. The song is saying about anybody we admire.envy or highly respect that they too are just like the rest of us and are not as invincible as people think and are as insecure, damaged and feel pain just like everybody else.

The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition Lyrics 7 years ago
I think the song can be interpreted in a couple of ways, 1 is obviously young love and that magic intensity that really only the young can feel.

Another one though is that it's about the early stages of a relationship if you are madly in love with somebody regardless of your age, he's singing about the love been young and not the people really so when he says 'our blood's still young', he means the love and passion within him.

Pink – Funhouse Lyrics 7 years ago
Could be about any situation really [drugs, a job, a relationship of any kind....]- it used to be fun, positive and good but overtime has become sour,toxic and tainted and she wants to escape it.

Fairground Attraction – Perfect Lyrics 7 years ago
@[missme:23999] yea but the sad thing is life is also too short to wait forever for the 'perfect' one and in reality it often never comes which is why in the end alot of people are forced to ''settle for 2nd best''.

The Days – No Ties Lyrics 7 years ago
thing he's criticising the normal person/lifestyle- the only thing so many people do is go to work and come home and their lives are quite boring and ordinary, he wants to escape and go have a better life and not get stuck in the trap of work and relationships

Hard-Fi – Cash Machine Lyrics 7 years ago
@[SymbolicMyth:20558] not necassarily working class, even middle class jobs like teachers can be skint because of the high cost of living

The Mock Turtles – Can You Dig It ? Lyrics 7 years ago
Song about an emotionally abusive relationship and the guy is now finally standing up to her 'you won't ever get me down '' i think he's telling someone who use to dominate and intimate him that he's no longer afraid of them[most likely a girlfriend] and he can do it anymore by himself as he's had a realization of his own greatness 'someone turned a light on...see how big and strong ive come''. He's asking the girl 'can you dig it' in that can you handle the fact you can no longer control and dominate me? She tries to get her power back through sex but it no longer work 'one little kiss isn't anything.''

It's a song about regaining confidence in oneself and not been reliant on others.

The Saturdays – Higher Lyrics 7 years ago
i think the song is about declaring yourself as an independent person who can make their own decisions but feels that another person [a friend or lover] keeps trying to dominate them but the singer is saying the need space and can do things on their own. The 'higher' is a reference to how they can make their life better and successful.

DJ Snake – Let Me Love You (feat. Justin Bieber) Lyrics 7 years ago
song about a broken relationship or even situation that he's trying to fix, it seems hopeless but he's not going to give up. The ''darkest of days'' explains that feeling you have when you are in a tough, draining situation be it in a job you hate or in a relationship and go through every day stressed but you know you have to keep going and things hoping that things can get better.

X-Press 2 – LAZY Lyrics 8 years ago
think it's a song about his depression and complete despair with life, he seems to have given up and lost all motivation/hope, the fact that he's lazy with everything suggests that he doesn't care-a classic sign of depression and he's just going through the daily motions with no effort or enjoyment.

ABBA – Money, Money, Money Lyrics 8 years ago
@[drek01:10953] no this song is pretty literate, it's not exploring any stereotype-it's commentating on the common unhappy worker who spends so much of their life working and paying bills in a mundane job but never having the cash to be able to live their dreams as the money all goes on food/rent/gas bills... The song is just reflecting on the dreams of so many people of landing a windfall and being able to escape the working life and be rich.

Christopher Cross – Best That You Can Do (Arthur's Theme) Lyrics 9 years ago
i think the song is about finding the love of your life that can only happen ''once in your life'', the image of been caught 'between the moon and New York city' is a surreal ''crazy'' image but it's supposed to show how crazy a time it is when we meet that special person -our emotions are all over the place, and when it happens we must grab the opportunity as ''the best that you can do is fall in love''.

Simply Red – Money's Too Tight (To Mention) Lyrics 9 years ago
yep the song is pretty self explanatory and sadly a situation all too many people understand- it's about being low in cash and low in job prospects, it's a vicious cycle.

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Hjwo15:4344] excellent interpretation , i have also interpreted it as homosexual love also in a repressed world

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 9 years ago
@[monkey4eva:4343] i actually thought the song was about a gay couple too- the interpretation is very valid with the lines ''i don't want the world to see me cos i don't think that they'd understand, when everything's made to be broken i just want you to know who i am.'' I read the song as a closeted gay man who can't come out but has to live his life as straight and he meets another guy he deeply loves but they can never be together because of his fear of how the world would react to it.

James Bay – Hold Back The River Lyrics 9 years ago
wooo- i thought this board would be fill of comments-- anyway it appears he is singing to somebody that was once very close to him [could be a lover or a childhood friend ''dear friend....we rode our bikes into the sky'].

Anyway he has tried to keep their relationship strong but because of life's general circumstances which can distance even the closest relationships their relationship is no longer close and they have grown apart. Now he is asking this person to reconcile with him and to destroy this barrier that has formed between them 'hold back the river'. I read the river as a metaphor for the barrier that keeps them seperate and they way he says 'hold back the river, let me look in your eyes' connects the river to tears so he is sad that this relationship has deteriorated.

Robert Tepper – No Easy Way Out Lyrics 9 years ago
the song to me speaks of one having to have extreme perseverance and hard work in the face of exhaustion, temptation and adversity. Obviously it's an appropriate song for rocky as it play along wonderfully to the mountain rocky has to climb-training hard and dieting hard for his next challenge. But this song speaks to all of us- it's about having goals/dreams and reaching them and knowing that to achieve them we have to work very hard and dedicate ourselves as 'there's no easy way out'. That goals can be anything from raising our children properly and working hard to support them even though you have no time for yourself, dieting and training and having to sacrifice your favourite foods or studying to pass your exams at school... It's generally a song about applying ourselves to our dreams and goals whatever they may be and not losing focus but to work hard to achieve them no matter how much it stresses us because only then success happens.

Barenaked Ladies – Told You So Lyrics 10 years ago
@[Bobo:1864] Bob but cancel is not a viral infection plus

Culture Club – Karma Chameleon Lyrics 10 years ago
@[TheAntiPoser:1858] the movie did not come out until 11 years after the song though,

Mr. Mister – Broken Wings Lyrics 10 years ago
i read somewhere once this song was about the singer's battle with cocaine addiction, eitherway it is clear the singer is going through some sort of inner turmoil and is in a very bad place 'broken wings' but realises that through this woman[or even man] in his life things can get better and there is hope 'learn to fly again' with the help of his lover.

Semisonic – Secret Smile Lyrics 11 years ago
it's probably wind

Semisonic – Secret Smile Lyrics 11 years ago
i think the song is about his love for a misunderstood person[a man or a woman i dunno].This person with the 'secret smile' is generally a cold cruel person and not liked by people but he sees the hidden compassion and warmth beneath the cold veneer. ''I know there's something sacred and free reserved
And received by me only''.

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 11 years ago
i agree, i always thought the song was about homosexuality too

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 11 years ago
i kinda got that too, i always thought the song was about homosexuality and not been able to come out.

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 11 years ago
haha no don't ruin it, it's such a romantic song, that just takes away from it

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 11 years ago
Dunno if this interpretation has been stated before but i always thought the song was about a secret homosexual relationship between two men. The singer is struggling to come to terms with his true sexuality but this guy he meets in secret is the only truthful thing in his life of lies 'the moment of truth in your lies'. The singer is a troubled sort of guy with issues and he doesn't want to come out to anyone 'I don't want the world to see me because I don't think that they'd understand'. The singer is deeply in love with this other man and wants to reveal his true self to the other guy 'I just want you to know who I am'.

Garth Brooks – The Dance Lyrics 11 years ago
for all you people claiming it's about jfk etc-well this is only garth brooks interpretation of it. He only sang the song, he DID NOT write it so no unless the songwriter clarifies this which he has'nt it's just another interpretation.

Garth Brooks – The Dance Lyrics 11 years ago
not at all since garth did not write the song , that is just his interpretation which is as valid as ours. For me personally, i like to think that the song is about the love gone bad. The only person that can truly clarify the intended interpretation is the songwriter.

Charlene – I've Never Been To Me Lyrics 12 years ago
exactly,its a song for those many people who sit at home thinking of the 'better life' somewhere else.The singer is saying that we make our own happinness wherever we are and all the ideas of the 'high life' are just a silly fantasy that will never give happiness

Joe Jackson – Is She Really Going Out With Him? Lyrics 13 years ago
why do so many of you think its about a hot brainless guy getting a girl? listen to the lyrics

''But if looks could kill
There's a man there who's more down as dead.''

It's pretty that he's singing about an unattractive guy pulling a hot girl and yes it's jealously but it's also hitting the singers pride/confidence hard.The song's kinda ambigious whether the singer is hot or not though it does appear he has self esteem issues ''I kid myself I look real smooth''.Anyway it can work both ways as the singers goodlooking he is bummed that less attractive guys can pull chicks,if he's normal looking or unattractive it still works as he's bummed that a guy who's even uglier than him still can get chicks.

Joe Jackson – Is She Really Going Out With Him? Lyrics 13 years ago
The correct lyrics are: "They say looks don't count for much, and so there goes your proof"
He means, your proof has gone right out the window, obviously the looks count because the only thing that any woman could possibly find attractive about these "gorillas" is their body.
This one really isn't that hard, guys.''

Wwll if that is so then why does he say?
''But if looks could kill
There's a man there who's more down as dead.''

Muse – Starlight Lyrics 13 years ago
omg drugs is a very interesting intake of it,i never thought of it from that angle but the more i hear it then it makes sense.

Muse – Starlight Lyrics 13 years ago
i think the songs about unrequited life,he has been pursuing her/him for a long time but realises it just leads to a 'blackhole', the 'starlight' is his dream of them being together but he realises this isnt going to happen and all it leads to is his misery 'i dont know if its worth it anymore'.

Gotye – Somebody That I Used To Know Lyrics 13 years ago
Actually what the op says is right,if some1 you love or went through alot with just walks out on you severing all ties in an instance it is devesating as it puts a massive question mark on everything they ever felt towards you. It can be like a death of a loved 1,it's a fast closure you did'nt see coming and you can't get answers. I see your point too but trust me if you ever experience this you will understand what the male is singing about and understand his perspective.

Gotye – Somebody That I Used To Know Lyrics 13 years ago
''As she tells us, now and then she thinks off all the time he screwed her over. Times he went to see the ex-girlfriend. The one he still thought of, even though it was doomed, and did end. This woman realizes that, while she wants him, he was still hung up on another girl. Still thought of her. Missed her. Maybe even compared the two. Her and the last girl. She and somebody that he used to know. So she has this sadness with her. And he sees that this relationship is doomed. But he still can't stop dwelling on the ex-girlfriend. So what does she do? She dumps him. She doesn't want to see him at all. Doesn't want to hear from him. Has friends pick up her stuff. Just like the last girl did.''

i don't get why people keep referring to the singers fixation with another ex girlfriend,the 'somebody i used to know' is the ex girlfriend who ignores him,theres no 3rd party,its all based on two people and no other relationship.

Foreigner – I Want To Know What Love Is Lyrics 13 years ago
''It is a classic love song for those who have tasted the bitterness of not finding true love--or of having it and losing it . . . ''

it cant be bout losing love as the singer has never been in love and realises it now and wants to feel it

Madonna – Take A Bow Lyrics 13 years ago
AGREED 100 percent,the song is always overlooked for madonna's other work but i think this is her best. It captures brillantly the heartbreak 1 feels when the person they loved walks out on them.The song describes how she has lost a man she knows she can never ever replace again

Natalie Imbruglia – Torn Lyrics 13 years ago
i got religious symbolism from this song too yet i still think it's about a woman being deeply hurt by a man-not jesus and mary magdalen but excellent observation

Natalie Imbruglia – Torn Lyrics 13 years ago
i think she met a guy who she was mad for,she compares him to jesus --'a man brought to life(the resurrection)'holy light'. Now she finds he isn't all that great as she first thought and it's rocked her world,she's pure heartbroken and has lost all 'faith' in ever finding love again.

Cher – If I Could Turn Back Time Lyrics 13 years ago
why you say that?

Adele – Someone Like You Lyrics 13 years ago
cos maybe 1 of the guys were bi,trust me it does happen,i was with a boy who left me for a girl

Adele – Someone Like You Lyrics 13 years ago
dreampop,excellent interpretation,you have basically summed up the last yeear of my life-that's my exact experience

Adele – Someone Like You Lyrics 13 years ago
please keep the stalkerish word away from this!ha im sorry but every single love song interpretation today is interpreted by some1 as being stalkerish,guess what love makes us all do crazy things and i guess at some times in all our lives we have done stalkerish stuff

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