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Marilyn Manson – Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon Lyrics 16 years ago
Ah, America...You make me laugh.

Jeffree Star – We want cunt Lyrics 16 years ago
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you...


Epic win.

Jeffree Star – Lollipop Luxury Lyrics 16 years ago
"You can choos​e,​ eithe​r way you will end up on the news
(​Just like you wante​d,​ right​?​)​"

/relative to the meaning

Jeffree Star – I Hate Music Lyrics 16 years ago
Ah, the biz...

Jeffree Star – Plastic Surgery Slumber Party Lyrics 16 years ago
Behold, Jeffree Star's only goth fan.

I do think this song's about all the fake stuff in Hollywood, and image over personality, and stuff like that. I kind of like the image it gives, though. Glamour, glamour, glamour...

Rush – Tom Sawyer Lyrics 16 years ago
Everyon has their own opinions, guys. If you're gonna fight, fight in the pit, please...

I know that it has something to do with mankind and how we se the world. Like, how we interact with eachother and our minds and stuff like that..This song makes me feel introspective. XD

...Thank you.

Marilyn Manson – The Red Carpet Grave Lyrics 16 years ago
To me, the title sounds like it has something to do with Celebritarianism...

But yeah, the Dita explanation makes more sense.

Marilyn Manson – Disassociative Lyrics 16 years ago
Nevermind. XP

Marilyn Manson – Disassociative Lyrics 16 years ago
It's something you'd have to experience to understand...

Marilyn Manson – I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me) Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm so horrible at this...

"We're rehabbed and we're ready
For our 15 minutes of shame."

Star gets busted for drugs, goes on TV (like Oprah) and cries and talks about how they're so helpless and need rehab, new star comes along in same position, etc.

...Something like that.

Marilyn Manson – Mutilation Is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery Lyrics 16 years ago
Geeze, you people all like to name-drop alot, don't you?

I think it's just about people who are so original that they have to rip off other people. It's that simple.

Marilyn Manson – Antichrist Superstar Lyrics 16 years ago
Also, succesful troll was succesful.

Marilyn Manson – Para-Noir Lyrics 16 years ago
I.M.O. It's about relationships, and how so many people are in them for any reason BUT love.

I think...

Marilyn Manson – Devil in My Lunchbox Lyrics 16 years ago
I've never heard this before...Lunchbox references are always epic, though....

Mindless Self Indulgence – You'll Rebel to Anything (As Long as It's Not Challenging) Lyrics 16 years ago
This song makes me think...And if you think about it, he's singing about us just as much as he's singing about anyone else. Everything is so fucking tangled...But yeah, everyone else nailed the song's meaning.

Flyleaf – Cassie Lyrics 16 years ago
I think, when you get down to it, that this song is just about sticking to what you believe nomatter what the situation is.

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 16 years ago
"When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
And I have become comfortably numb "

Damn...Just damn. I totally know what that's about, even if it's only in my own way. I can't put it into words, though...

The Birthday Massacre – Holiday Lyrics 16 years ago
I think it's about wishing everything was like it used to be.

Jack Off Jill – Boygrinder Lyrics 16 years ago
"A pile of extra shit
Shit" sounds like it says something about a highschool dancefloor...Or is that just me?

Marilyn Manson – User Friendly Lyrics 16 years ago
" It's almost the standard in today's times for sex not to mean anything. Friends with benefits is the ultimate relationship. You get a cool person to hang with and talk to, you get ass, and you don't get stuck dealing with all the emotional aspects that come with relationships. There's nothing wrong with it as long as everyone is operating on the same level. "

Stole the words right from my brain.

Marilyn Manson – mOBSCENE Lyrics 16 years ago
Censorship causes blindness. The people want it unedited, so let them have it.

And if I'm wrong, my second guess is what sl8734 said.

Marilyn Manson – Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes Lyrics 16 years ago
People always eat the hand that bleeds..

I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with violence on TV and how we're sucked in and want to see more of it. We talk about getting rid of all that stuff and that it's bad, but then we turn on the news and the cycle repeats, I guess. I don't know...

Marilyn Manson – Antichrist Superstar Lyrics 16 years ago
you threw your money in the pissing well
you do just what they tell you


I'm not sure about the rest of the song, but I think I know what this means. It says that they do/believe what they do not because it's what they believe, but because it's what the bible says. "God says it's right, so I'll just follow mindlessly and agree..."

Marilyn Manson – Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag Lyrics 16 years ago
I...I can't find any meaning behind the words.

...What the fuck, batman? Has everything really gotten that souless?

Marilyn Manson – This Is The New Shit Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, I think he's mocking those fans that listen because it's so "anti-everything." They like it because it sounds "rebellious" and that it makes Christians piss themselves or whatever. They don't get the meaning behind the words.

Tl;Dr, don't take lyrics at face value.

Marilyn Manson – Dancing With The One-Legged... Lyrics 16 years ago
Parent: Music is dangerous.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day.

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