Plastic Surgery Slumber Party Lyrics
and fake eyelashes
Blue eye shadow
everything perfectly matches
and see what happens
I'm hiding from the world
behind Chanel sunglasses
Knife thin - can you see us?
Crushed diamonds dollar bills
In my purse is every pill
Pretty Porsche and Fendi facelifts
Plastic noses, mannequin poses
Expensive clothes, my face is froze
broken hearts
scalpel please
Let's have a sexy party
Nose jobs and champagne
Sounds like a fuckin' party
Perfection is - tucks and nips
Collagen pumps and lipo-ed hips
Hollywood glamour lipgloss tricks
Botox, amusement parks
Pageant parade, suicide past
Beauty will never last
Just fix me. [x5]
Sounds like a LA party
Rockstars are so lame
Sounds like I'll hate that party

omg i totally love jeffree star i wanna be just like him. :D
so yeauhhh.
I think imma go buy some stilletos.

"Knife thin - can you see us?"
He uses the word "us" so im pretty sure he means him and all the scene people and what they've become ect. but idk. :)

Behold, Jeffree Star's only goth fan.
I do think this song's about all the fake stuff in Hollywood, and image over personality, and stuff like that. I kind of like the image it gives, though. Glamour, glamour, glamour...
you arent the only one:)
you arent the only one:)
not all all love. im here with ya
not all all love. im here with ya

gosh darnit i effin love how jeffree can be deep without people even realizing it.

i fuckin love this song!! haha it's totally obvious what he's talkin about

OBVIOUSLY, he is talking about all the fake-ass shit that goes on in high Hollywood/L.A. circles. I think that he's absolutely right, the striving for beauty is getting disgusting...

I love it. She definitly hits this obsession with beauty that we americans are so into. Its ridiculous that we all fall into it.

Totally agree with Technophobia!

jeffree star is my fucking life.

ArsenicMassacre, I don't know for sure but I don't think Jeffree Star has has any actual plastic surgery other than a sex change. But even if he has, I read " image has taken a big step in controlling everyone and everything… talent is put below beauty and vanity wins over intelligence in the marketing world. You can be a good band with a great record but if you don't have a hot singer, it seems you can't get as far." There IS a different in someone who just gets plastic surgery like it's nothing like the person/persons described in this song and someone like Jeffree Star who realizes appearance isn't the most important thing. He has said many times that image is 2nd best next to personality. haha yeah, that's my input. :]