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Les Savy Fav – We've Got Boxes Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is about how they have boxes.

No Doubt – Spiderwebs Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is about how Gwen Stefani is old and has a landline phone and doesn't get "the kids with their cellular doodads".

Hum – Puppets Lyrics 15 years ago
This song and Boy With Stick are two of Hums best songs altogether, both non-album, sadly, so they require some hunting to find. Highly rec'd!

Hum – Sundress Lyrics 15 years ago
I always thought it was "loving arms bring me down".
This is a good song in a we-haven't-made-Stars-yet kinda way.

King Missile – Despair Lyrics 15 years ago
The ending of this song is so good. The extreme shift in moods is incredible. From depressing heroin overdose to uppity 60's psychedelia. It's a great song, to boot.

The Postal Service – This Place Is a Prison Lyrics 15 years ago
I wish all of their songs had been like this one so that nobody would have paid them any attention and years later after only one album I wouldn't have to keep hearing about how great the Postal Service is when no, they're really not.

Eddy Grant – ROMANCING THE STONE Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is about how he is romancing the stone.
And I should know because I made a 56 minute long remix of this song.

The Appleseed Cast – A Dream For Us Lyrics 15 years ago
If I had a boyfriend we'd both be fags. Also, emo, cry, and fart.

Minus the Bear – I Lost All My Money at the Cock Fights Lyrics 16 years ago
By "it did something to me" he means "it gave me a boner" har har.
My retardation aside, this is a great song, even if it is just about picking up a chick at a bar.

Minus the Bear – Lotus Lyrics 16 years ago
MtB crafts the stoner rock epic!
I am really happy to see that the comments of other people on this song are analytical rather than "I think these are the lyrics". I had been starting to piece together little snippets of the dark nature of the lyrics, but seeing it in print definitely spells it out pretty plainly.
Yeah, I too believe now that this is a political song about private interests waging insane wars at everybody elses expense and all that jazz.

Minus the Bear – Knights Lyrics 16 years ago
God the guitar in this song is totally wicked, almost metal in a way, and I love that line "is it really a sin, if we both come out even?"

Minus the Bear – Andy Wolff Lyrics 16 years ago
Andy Capp.

Minus the Bear – Burying Luck Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with nemt, I identify this song as sort of a follow up to Memphis and 53rd. Perhaps Memphis was the premonition and this is the actual occurrence of something dreadful.

Minus the Bear – White Mystery Lyrics 16 years ago
I can't believe all you people actually like this song. It's so godawful. It's so contrived, and I get fed up with the MtB singerman boasting about what a great and noble lover he is. Puke-tastic.

Shiner – The Arrangement Lyrics 16 years ago
I think the opening lines of this heavily relate to flash-in-the-pan bands, be they indie or mainstream.
Tons of bands come out, everyone raves about them, and two years later they're nowhere to be found. So it's really not worth taking the time noticing who today's big thing is, because tomorrow they won't be remembered by their fickle listener-base.

The singer then wonders if he's guilty of trying to cash in in a similar way. Concrete skin I think is a way of depicting stubbornness, not changing his position in spite of his conscience.

The chorus of "one for all/all for us" is simple enough.
When promoting a band, especially larger acts (think American Idol), they're virtually marketed on their agreeability, to appeal to the broadest audience they can, and all that effort and promotion is really only for the benefit of a handful of people.

The verses then return to the critical spectator who stated the opening lines, with the singer conveying his agreement towards the critic. It's likely that this person he's singing to is someone he's involved with.

I used to think this was a love song solely due to the last couple lines here, "angels arranged make up for some old sin". That is still possible, but keeping to the theme, this could be in reference to the way entertainers and public figures often hold god or godly forces accountable for their success. You hear it at the end of every sports game, you hear it every other time someone wins a Grammy, Academy Award or almost any other sort of award.

Katy Perry – I Kissed a Girl Lyrics 16 years ago
Shouldn't this be called I Kissed a Girl 2?

Jawbox – Iodine Lyrics 16 years ago
Such a great song. Seems to involve rocky relationships. Most Jawbox songs are way too cryptic to write full-out interpretations on, that's as good as I can get.

King Missile – The Adventures of Planky Lyrics 16 years ago
A wonderful wonderful song! Many times I have played this for people, and many times it has been well received!

Cave-In – Crambone Lyrics 16 years ago
I know there are more lyrics to this.
Does anybody else think that this is a tongue in cheek parody on Metallica? I can't believe for a minute that Cave-In did this seriously, it sounds so funny and over-the-top.
My WinAmp used to bring this up randomly all the time, it's how I got to know it. We have a history, this song and I.

Cave-In – Breath Of Water Lyrics 16 years ago
I'd say there's more than a hint that it's about someone who drowned, BEING AS IT'S CALLED BREATH OF WATER.
I think though, that the whole drowning issue of the song could just as easily be describing what it takes, what goes through a persons head when they do something to harm themselves, believing that they might be able to pull it off and come out okay.
"allow yourself this one"
There's something to this song, and it's a really great one.

Talking Heads – Air Lyrics 17 years ago
Shloogorgh\'s right on. I hear this song as the concerns of a very worried terrified person.
On a side note, when my cat was a kitten, the first time I took her outside I could notice her being frightened by the way a slight breeze blew over her, something I would not have otherwise noticed, but she was experiencing for the first time.

Failure – Undone Lyrics 17 years ago
Now that I look at the tracks on the album, yeah, it comes directly before Wet Gravity. That had to have been planned.

Failure – Undone Lyrics 17 years ago
Definitely about people leaving themselves open to being preyed upon and taken advantage of sexually. Could be a prelude to Wet Gravity!

Failure – Submission Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh come on, no comments? Granted this is a fairly self-explanatory song, but it's a great'n!

I have "they work hard, they sell things" as an away message that I commonly put up whenever I go to work.

And yeah, it's just a song about people acting like mindless drones and doing all they know how to do, which is submit. Some keen insite I just gave.

Taxidermy Recital – Morgantown2000 Lyrics 17 years ago
Is this song about Morgan Spurlock?
Or Morgan Freeman?

Filter – Gerbil Lyrics 17 years ago
So keen of you to point out the similarities of the character described here in this song and the voice on the recording in spent! All those years ago I was convinced tnat half the songs on this album were just about how they guy in Filter's friends are all drug addicted screw-ups, and that the answering machine message was there to help illustrate that.

Filter – Take Another Lyrics 17 years ago
Hey jerkwad, these are the lyrics to Take Another, not Take a Picture. Two totally different songs altogether.

Filter – Take A Picture Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about how Filter destroyed themselves, betrayed their original listeners, and lost all their credibility as serious musicians in six minutes flat.
I'm not one of those people who hates when bands change directions, and for Filter at least they picked a direction in which to deteriorate completely and stuck with it, but I really would like to go back and talk to the band right at the recording of this song and ask "really, how do you go from Hey Man Nice Shot to THIS?".

Filter – Consider This Lyrics 17 years ago
Probably my favorite from Short Bus. Has anyone considered the phrasing, though? "I think you'd be better off if you were dead", in a word for word sense, it's quite different from saying "I think we'd be better off" or "the world would be better off without you". It almost makes it seem as though it's directed to someone who is so completely down on themselves, maybe the speaker is saying "since you're so miserable, maybe you'd be better off dead".
Or it could be (and other Filter songs make it seem that this is the case) a very mobster way of putting things. Like, "you know what I think, pally. I think you'd be better off if you was dead", or "maybe a nap with the fishes might do ya some good".

Filter – The Best Things Lyrics 17 years ago
The saving grace of Filters post-Short Bus years!

Joseph Arthur – You've Been Loved Lyrics 17 years ago
Everyone should hear this song when they are dying. What could be more reassuring?

Joseph Arthur – Evidence Lyrics 17 years ago
What?! How could this have no comments?! This is the first Joseph Arthur song I ever heard! Okay so maybe I'm not presenting an interpretation, but this song is incredible! It's so infectious and loveable, it's the one song on Redemptions Son I would play everybody if I had the chance! (not that I wouldn't play other songs for select people but this one seems to have the most universal appeal. It hooked me!)

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead – Heart in the Hand of the Matter Lyrics 17 years ago
Does anybody else think the vocals sound like "Under the Milky Way Tonight" in parts of this song?

Eddy Grant – Electric Avenue Lyrics 18 years ago
Actually, despite the first posters uh.... whathaveyou... a friend of mine and I grew up with this song, and it's my karaoke favorite, if it's in the books.
I did a really weak cover of this and a different friend of mine told me "yeah you really brought out how dark it was". The darkness was already there!
This is a very intelligent song, gloomy, yet catchy. It's too bad Eddy Grant pretty much rested on his laurels as a proto-typical reggae act through most of his other material, he could have ushered in a new sound if he'd kept this up.
Romancing the Stone has a similar sound, but the lyrics are trite and repetitive, and War Party is gloomy and political, but it's not as energized.
There's nothing better than doing this song in front of a bar full of 45+ drunks who, themselves, sing nothing but country, and having them go wild for it.

The Avalanches – Tonight Lyrics 18 years ago
This song means that tonight may have to last me all my life.

The Avalanches – Diners Only Lyrics 18 years ago
This is my least favorite song, but I thought I'd at least throw in and say it's DEFINITELY sparklin' and bubbley.
'The hell is bockily?

Talking Heads – Once In A Lifetime Lyrics 18 years ago
One day, years ago, I started singing this song out loud obnoxiously, thinking it was funny. After I kept it up for a minute I said "hey, the Talking Heads. They're actually pretty good, aren't they?" and it's been love ever since.

Failure – Stuck On You Lyrics 18 years ago
Sometimes you rock out so hard that you're in slow motion,
other times you get stabbed in the face by a pair of breasts.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Pastichio Medley Lyrics 18 years ago
My friends and I were in the bar of a bowling alley, we noticed that the single with this song was in the jukebox. We knew what it was. We speculated over what big assholes we'd be if we queued it up. We didn't do it. A few minutes later, we see that we didn't have to. Somebody else dropped a quarter for 23 minutes of music.
So it plays through and my friend and I are jamming out on all the coolest parts and weedling along to the guitar parts vocally, nobody else seems to care. We wonder who put this on, who would've been that cool, and it gets to Die.
And Die plays
for several minutes.
Eventually an aggitated drinker gets up and shakes the jukebox, he specify's to everyone around him "it's skipping". Another guy approaches saying "don't worry about it, it's almost over" (obviously the guy who put in to hear it.) and the aggitated guy gives it another rough shake, actually causing the jukebox to give up and skip to the next one.
It's obvious why it would've frustrated people, seriously who wants to listen to those three drawn out notes for almost ten minutes? And by that point all the most enjoyable parts have been long over so we didn't mind the guy displaying his impatience, it made for good show. We found it very amusing.

Say Anything – Admit It!!! Lyrics 18 years ago
A friend of mine put this onto a mix CD that she made me. This is a very weak "attack" on any sort of trend. It makes me angry to hear this song, not because any of it applies to me (I am a totally normal guy, I do not believe in emulating a particular style), but because the guy just sounds like an elitist ass. How do you attempt to knock people off of their elitist pedastal while still behaving elitist yourself? And the "accusations" he makes sound totally insincere! The part where he mockingly talks about worrying wether or not his album will get him laid, his gimmicky voice hardly makes him sound like he's truly above any of that. Music=sex. I admit this, the best of people admit this, but inherently through the demeanor of this song, this guy himself denies this.

Does this band call themselves Say Anthing so that they don't have to?

You want a good hyperactive, panicy sounding band, try Les Savy Fav. At the very least they don't fill their choruses with "woah".

The Appleseed Cast – Confession Lyrics 18 years ago
Well I like it, that\'s why I posted the rather empty lyrics page for it. The guitar part is so relaxing but then the track drifts off into a sort of Twilight Zone. Then there\'s that one sudden piano key, it almost announces your departure from the world you knew, showing you into a new, much stranger reality. The guitar part comes back trying to break through a wall of sound. It\'s a tough track to get into but there\'s plenty about it to love.
I\'d like to figure out what all the samples are saying. Probably the only one I can fully decipher is what sounds like a little boy saying \"A rough time, a real rough time\". I am absolutely certain this is a sample from Roger & Me, the first film by Michael Moore. There\'s a scene where a guy is getting evicted from his house and a neighborhood boy says this quote exactly, in the same pitch, with the same accent to it. Points to the Appleseed Cast for making this song before the Michael Moore rennaissance spurred by Bowling for Columbine even happened. Plus they would have had to sample from a VHS copy or some other format, as it wasn\'t on DVD until a couple years after Low Level Owl was made.
Now to the headphones...

The Appleseed Cast – Steps And Numbers Lyrics 18 years ago
I have no idea when the new Anal Cunt album is coming out, personally.

This song is Appleseed Cast at their most sing-songy. It's awesome having seen them play live, realizing that I was standing there, just listening, then they played this song and me and my friend sang along, and then they played the rest of their set and we stood there just listening. There is no way to just listen to this song. Even if you don't know the real lyrics, which I really don't despite years of listening to it.

The Dismemberment Plan – One Too Many Blows To The Head Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is more about having to go through some sort of routine which is not very enjoyable. I don't think it's so much that life is beating the subject down and he shakes it off, it's more about the opponent being such an impossible challenge. The whole "one too many blows to the head" alluding, of course, to brain damage. To explain why the subject keeps finding himself in this same impossible situation over and over again.

I have definitely used this on a mix CD for a girl I have found myself in a constant state of going out and breaking up with. It's an impossible cycle, I know I shouldn't go back, but I feel like these gloves are glued to my knuckles.

I love the line "And then he turns to me and says, and I quote, 'BOOOOOOOOOY!!!!!'"

The Dismemberment Plan – Rusty Lyrics 18 years ago
This was such a beautiful song from !. The lyrics appear to be about a general loss of innocence, the world becoming a darker, more forboding place than it once was in our childhood. The question of can murder be done with grace and style later followed by the statement 'my big experiment failed' makes it sound, though, that the loss of the subjects innocence has not totally been the doing of some outside source.
Could face down in the yard be his position at the time of arrest?
Such a lovely, reminiscent sounding song with such ominous open ended lyrics, there really is no straight interpretation of this.

Talking Heads – Artists Only Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, at the risk of sounding a bit uh... insensitive...
I love how David Byrne sings like a retard throughout this song. I wish I had been around when the Talking Heads were just putting out their albums, just so I could see how people reacted to their unconventionality.

Juno – The Great Salt Lake/Into the Lavender Crevices of Evening the Otters Have Been Pushed Lyrics 18 years ago
I know it's a different band, but earlier tonight I wrote my thoughts on Kevin Is Gone by Shiner (fellow DeSoto band!). That song seems to be about somebody who is ditching his life, setting out for the great beyond. This song... or it's not exactly a song... this narrative seems to be Kevin, a year or so later. He had a crazy party life before, but he did away with it because he was sick of living like a college student. "He's alone at last"; he had to distance himself from everybody he knew in order to grow up, mature, or become a responsible adult. But he doesn't seem to be doing so hot. He worries a lot, he's completely alone. Is he proud of his isolation? He has accepted it, but it may not be everything he'd hoped it would be. If this is Kevin, this is a defeated Kevin. He set off to be the best person he could be on his own, but maybe the best person he's capable of being he is incapable of being on his own.

Juno – When I Was In _____ Lyrics 18 years ago
Does anyone know how to speak this title out loud? "when I was in"? "when I was in blank"? "when I was in line"?
DeSoto Records put this up as the preview track to the album. A much better choice for unfamiliar listeners than Rodeo Programmers was for their first album, which made me think they may have been some shoutty Scottish bards. Not that that was a bad song, just not very defining of Juno's sounds and style. This, however, is a shining example of their excellency.

You can stop being broken up now, please.

The Dismemberment Plan – Soon To Be Ex-Quaker Lyrics 18 years ago
This is one of the Plans oddest tracks from their first album. Those bizzarro chimes going everywhere seem to indicate the Plan's desire to be a bit more electronic, yet they're nothing like the later keyboard work that would surface on the next album and define them by the album after that.

Shiner – Kevin Is Gone Lyrics 18 years ago
This song seems to be the recurrant fantasy of ditching town, pulling up roots, and setting off into the unknown. Kevin's checking of the rearview mirror is quite evidently looking back into his past to see if there is anyone worth staying for. It seems to indicate social displeasure, the realization that ones friends aren't really all that great, and the only way to set out for a better life is to completely get rid of the one you've got.
Perhaps the song implies suicide? It doesn't feel like that dark of a tune. I think it's just about a guy who's ready to move on from a life he's known for a long time in order to make his own mark as an individual, and if it means beaking off friendships because they're holding him back, that's just the price he has to pay.

Shiner – The Egg Lyrics 18 years ago
What is the Egg?
Crack the egg and you will find the key to the whole album, more than likely.
What is this song?
Eppley counts back from five to one throughout the chorus, but why? Who drives a five wheeled car? Where does one find such a beast?
This song doesn't seem to have a specifically assigned context. It seems generally to be about one mans obsession with a cherrished long lost posession of some sort. Perhaps a girl? Perhaps a girl.
Are these a mans last thoughts as he is dying under unexpected circumstances?
Do you have an Egg?

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