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Sevendust – Beautiful Lyrics 16 years ago
"with the weight of the world on my shoulders/slow down, kamikaze's off" that's what it sounds like to me lol.

Sevendust – Broken Down Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this is about meeting someone new after going through a bad relationship. The person isn't healed yet but knows it takes time.
"if i can feel again will you tell me now or wait til i'm broken down again" He is numb and is asking about the other person's feelings and intentions. "save me down i'm broken"
Love this song.

Sum 41 – Walking Disaster Lyrics 16 years ago
This is about growing up not knowing your father and living with a single mom "sorry mom but i dont miss you, father's no name you deserve". I can relate to every word in this song. I too grew up the same way and I can totally understand what he is trying to express because I went to all of that. Even at the end when I just decided to mellow out and started to talk to my mom.

Default – Wasting My Time Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this song means.. girl likes boy.. boy sorta likes girl but he's too messed up. "I don't want to see you waiting I've already gone too far away". He doesn't want to see her waiting cause he knows he's just wasting time with her. It's not for real.. he's just in it for the sex "I just hit the floor don't ask for more". "Can't yous top the feeling, there is no reason". He doesn't want her to feel anything for him because he doesn't want to hurt her.

Basically it goes on with them pretending but eventually it start to deteriorate.. she's still into him but he knows there is no future. He's too afraid to feel, too afraid to commit. She ends up being lonely but he just wants her to move on.

Linkin Park – What I've Done Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about saying goodbye to the old you. The part of you you can't forgive because of the lies and horrible things you've done to hurt yourself and others. It's about having hope, forgiving that part of you and wanting to change for the better. It's an awesome song.

Econoline Crush – You Don't Know What It's Like Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about the singer not knowing what rejection is like and is the main reason he does it. The verses seem to be mocking the rejected. And the girl is telling him he doesn't know what it's like in the chorus. Tight song.

"I feel like nothing at all, cause you don't know what it's like."

Linkin Park – Crawling Lyrics 17 years ago
Yep, it is POPular. So what.. AS far as the "bullshit" rhymes go, I don't know how they can be when so many people can relate to them. They sold what.. over 10 millio records. You telling me all those people didn't find meaning in the song. So what if they are simple, sometimes simple works. In my opinion the words you spew is bullshit. You have what, 2 hate posts. It makes me wonder, what's your goal really? Do you need attention? Anyways, let's see you write songs that millions of people will listen and relate to. Quit talking out of your ass.

We are all entitled to our opinion etc. etc.. But last I checked this place is about song meanings.. not what you think of it.

P.S. Don't be a smartass and tell me I'm doing the same thing, I wont be typing this if I didn't read your crap.

Three Days Grace – Pain Lyrics 17 years ago
Forget the "it's" lol.

Three Days Grace – Pain Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't think it's whiney at all. He's not whining about feeling pain, he's saying he'd rather feel pain.
And a correction..

It's you're sick of feeling NUMB
You're not the only one

Linkin Park – Hit The Floor Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about one day just "snapping" and killing this shit talker that's been stepping on you for a while now. You try to be nice and to be this guy's friend but he talks shit when you're not around. Then you just had it with his lies about you and being all high and mighty. So you make his heart stop, kill him before he hits the floor, now it's all gone for him. But you're going to jail.. lol

Linkin Park – Lying from You Lyrics 18 years ago
IMO this song is almost like Points of Authority's meaning. Having this condescending person in your life, so you lie away from them. You pretend to be like the person they want you to be, just for the sake of avoiding conflict. But then you realize you can't be that person, so you try and get away. Being alone is better than being with this person.

Chester Bennington – State of the Art w/DJ Lethal Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song's meaning goes on the same line as crawling. Not being comfortable of who you are. Your insecurities force you to live a lie, but later on you realize it and you hate yourself. You hate what you've done/become. You try to "run" from yourself but you always hear that inner demon inside your head. "You cannot fight what's in you, This will not be denied"

Kelly Clarkson – Walk Away Lyrics 18 years ago
I was driving home when I heard this song and It made me a bit insecure. It almost felt like every girl I've let down was singing to me. "I want a man by my side not a boy who runs and hides". That line really struck me. What I feel when a relationship gets to a point where it's a little serious, I panick and I try to do things to make it go wrong, like say ignoring her. It's not really about not loving her anymore, more about being scared and not being "man" enough to face the fear.

Closure – Look Out Below Lyrics 18 years ago
I like the lyrics. I can relate, but I'm sure anyone can.

About the song, IMO his fear is not dying alone but being in a relationship and experiencing pain from someone he really care for. Sometimes it feels like being alone is better than taking risk of falling. So he builds up a shell rejecting anyone that tries to get close to him. But then this one girl manages to "shake his ground" and he can't help it. He gets a natural high (aka "in love") with the girl and actually thinks this might be what he needs but has doubts. He can't help but feel like something is going to go wrong cause of his past experiences. He decides to just let it all go. Hence, "look out below". :)

Linkin Park – Crawling Lyrics 18 years ago
Whoa.. lots of idiots posted here. Anyways.. just my opintion. I like linkin park because I DO. I love listening to their music. It entertains me.. I don't give a shit if you think the shit you listen to is better. I don't see how some people think they're "the shit" for liking certain bands. Eeasy dumbasses. They may be cool to your eyes, other people might think so. Your band may be cool, but just cause you listen to them you, it doesn't mean you are too. A loser is a loser, regardless of what he listens to. It's what he does that makes him a winner. And going on boards flaming bands you hate really makes you a loser. For you to generalize every linkin park fan as a rich kid emo probably means it's alright for me to generalize all heavy metal/punk rock fans or whatever the fuck you haters like. Here goes.. they are stinky(get a shower will you), pimple faced nerds (wash your ugly face wil you. Ugly is ok if it's clean) who think they're better than everyone else. Let it go crybabies.. some people will like different things than you.. just let it go...

Switchfoot – The Beautiful Letdown Lyrics 18 years ago
This is one of my favorite switchfoot songs. To me, it's about realizing what you are after what you have been through and being ok with it. You might not belong, but you accept yourself anyway.

Survivor – Eye of the Tiger Lyrics 18 years ago
God I loved this song when I was a kid. A time when I felt invincible way before I got put in my place. Anyways this song is basically just saying you'll take on anything life throws at you, cause you (think :/) you have the eye of the tiger.. (before you get a blackeye)

Linkin Park – Part Of Me Lyrics 18 years ago
This is probably one of my favorite lyrics in a song. Basically the song just describes that inner demon we all have. The voice that makes you insecure, doubtful and afraid. You want to let it go but at the same time you feel like it's a part of you.

I Mother Earth – One More Astronaut Lyrics 18 years ago
rofl..good one. Awesome catchy song tho, great when you're speeding on the highway.

Chester Bennington – The Morning After Lyrics 18 years ago
It's kinda like wanting to escape reality til it gets better somehow. Good song.

Christina Aguilera – Can't Hold Us Down (feat. Lil' Kim) Lyrics 18 years ago
IMO what ticks off girls is not the fact that they get called whores for sleeping around, it's the fact that guys don't see them as a life partner material, just a sex thing. If guys sleep around.. they are seen as experienced.. because that's what most girls want. I bet you, a guy who thinks a girl is a virgin, will be turned on.. A girl who thinks a boy is a virgin will turned off. Just understand it. Also this is a hypocritical song. Making fun of guys' "thing" when they bitch when their small tits or asses aren't loved. This song is stupid. Christina is stupid.

Fort Minor – Red To Black Lyrics 18 years ago
Really I thought Red meant the pain like blood and Black is death.. "He's trying to get away" basically suicide.. pretty heavy lol.

Fort Minor – Red To Black Lyrics 18 years ago
More like Korn's Lead singer. Especially after Mike's Verse.

Fort Minor – Feel Like Home Lyrics 18 years ago
Correction to the correction.. lol

Overcomming the doubt that had control for so long
Put it all behind me cause life still goes on
Now I'm much stronger and know where I stand
While lost souls search over and over again

Fort Minor – Slip Out The Back Lyrics 18 years ago
Well.. I think it's about Mike leaving a loved one to "protect" them from himself. So he "slips out the back" so it's less painful.

Fort Minor – Where'd You Go? Lyrics 18 years ago
Damn i can't stand this song.. it's so cheesy.

Fort Minor – Be Somebody Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is about following your dreams regardless of what naysayers say.

Fort Minor – Feel Like Home Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is justs going through like a "winter" state of mind where everything seems grey (depression, doubt etc.) and trying to "Feel Like Home" as in a positive happy state.Tak's verse is freaking ill.
Few corrections tho I think it's "Overcomming the doubt that had control for so long/ Now I'm much stronger, I know where I stand/While lost souls search over and over again."

Chester Bennington – Let Down Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, this song gets sappy after a few listen but the first listen was emotional for me. Maybe I'm just emotionally retarded.. anyway.. This song is just basically not wanting anything in life that will let you down and how you want to break the cycle. In this one I think it's a relationship with Chester's wife.

Fort Minor – Believe Me Lyrics 18 years ago
Cool song. This song is basically a break up song with a self destructive girl. I can relate, specially on Ryu and Mike's verses. Sweet song catchy hook.

Linkin Park – And One Lyrics 19 years ago
this totally describes my emotions towards my mom. for most of my childhood she was never around and i felt abandoned. plus never meeting my dad didn't help me feel any better. "no-one to hear me, to heal my ill heart" I never talk to her except when we're fighting. "keep it locked up inside, keep my distance from your lies" I do not trust my own mom and I have very little faith in the world and the people around me. This song is unbelievably good. Nice for venting emotions.

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