Muse – Resistance Lyrics | 15 years ago |
So I have to wonder: What the hell is wrong with all of you? I mean, we are talking about art, here. Art. How arrogant are you to think that you have the One True Interpretation? Matthew Bellamy described how he came to his inspiration for the lyrics. His statements do not mean that there is no ambiguity or room for personal insight within his lyrics. If he wanted to write unambiguous lyrics, he would have called the characters by name and titled the song, "The Love Story Between Winston And Julia Within The George Orwell Book 1984." I think that Matthew Bellamy is a brilliant lyricist, and this song reaffirms that belief. He left the story open to varying interpretations, which makes the song more meaningful. Good job to you who thought it was based on 1984 before Matthew Bellamy said anything either way. I like the interpretation that this story is about two homosexual lovers. Of either sex, really. We can say that it's easier to imagine the focus on two men, as Matthew Bellamy is male, but it's left ambiguous enough for either case to be valid. I also like the interpretation that it's a retelling of Romeo & Juliet. I've always had a fancy for that story. Noah |
Ben Folds – Kylie From Connecticut Lyrics | 15 years ago |
The "meaning" as Ben explains it reminds me of the short story "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" by Katherine Anne Porter. The woman who's only thinking about the pain in her past even to her last moment. Granny Weatherall is a lot more angry and embittered than this protagonist, but I still feel there's a connection between the two characters. I don't know if Ben meant it, but I see it. Noah |
Divinity Destroyed – Forever and Never Lyrics | 17 years ago |
Good call, BigCheese. I think you've nailed it. Noah |
Chimaira – Needle Lyrics | 17 years ago |
I love the perspective of the drug. Beautiful. And the deliberate, slow, driving pace of the last chorus after the build-up creates, as I see it, one of the best moments on the record. Noah |
Dream Evil – The Book of Heavy Metal (March of the Metallians) Lyrics | 19 years ago |
heh This song is amazing. \m/ Has a very excellent "Manowar" feel about it, especially in that line 'the goods put down there feet,". Obviously, this song is about ascending to the pantheon of the Heavy Metal Gods, and having your name written in The Book Of Heavy Metal. To do so, though, requires you to sell your soul, give up yourself, do everything in your power to gain such a privilage. \m/ \m/ Noah, Duke of West Chester |
Dream Theater – The Silent Man Lyrics | 19 years ago |
haha While YtseJam links to an excellent essay, I must agree wtih f15x28, just for comical reasons. :-P Noah |
Dream Theater – Instrumedley Lyrics | 19 years ago |
I'm pretty sure this is spot on: 00:00 Dance of Eternity (Scenes from a Memory) 01:35 Metropolis Pt. 1 (Images and Words) 01:59 Erotomania (Awake) 03:37 Dance of Eternity (Scenes from a Memory) 04:22 Metropolis Pt. 1 (Images and Words) 05:18 A Change of Seasons (A Change of Seasons) 06:29 The Ytse Jam (When Dream and Day Unite) 07:45 Dance of Eternity (Scenes from a Memory) 08:30 Paradigm Shift (Liquid Tension Experiment 1) 09:32 Universal Minds (Liquid Tension Experiment 1) 10:18 Dance of Eternity (Scenes from a Memory) 10:59 Hell’s Kitchen (Falling Into Infinity) Noah |
Dream Theater – Blind Faith Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Miek, you slack-jawed junkslut, ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity; and yet you seem to be full up on both. doomsoldier makes some excellent points, and I agree that it is an underrated song. I'd go step by step on it, but it's late, and he pegged most of my points. Maybe tomorrow. Noah, Duke of West Chester |
Ben Folds – The Luckiest Lyrics | 19 years ago |
my sister told me that he wrote this while watching his wife give birth. i'm not sure if that's true, but i like the thought. noah |
Divinity Destroyed – Divinity Destroyed Lyrics | 19 years ago |
I agree with atomsplitter on some level, but the song is more complex then that. November is from the POV of Judas, talking about how he betrayed Jesus, "standing by" his faith, knowing the whole time what he was doing. And the last line is his killing himself. December seems to be about a follower of Jesus who becomes disillusioned, while still yearning to believe. Transubstantiation is from a someone who isn't quite a follower of Jesus, but is entertaining the idea, while struggling with his doubts. And finally, The Sun, The Moon, The Earth, And The Rain is a rehashing of November, but from the perspective of a Roman soldier who gains, and loses, his faith in the instant of the death of Jesus. The last bit, with the overlapping voices is painting a picture of the differnet perspectives of this incident, the first being Jesus, the second being the Roman Soldier, and the third being the disillusioned follower. Well, that's my take on it, anyways. Feel free to rip me apart. :-P Noah |
The Fall of Troy – F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. Lyrics | 19 years ago |
This version carries with it an urgency that I think the original lacks. That being said, both are quite good, and the story is quite sad. This reminds me of Brick by Ben Folds, but instead of sadness, rage is prime here. Just my thoughts. noah, duke of west chester |
Opeth – Blackwater Park Lyrics | 19 years ago |
I always saw Blackwater Park as a morgue/funeral home, and the narrator, a mortician/undertaker/funeral director. I just had the idea of this guy, watching the world around him slowly dying, "documenting" death, while not close to his own death. Just my two cents. noah, duke of west chester |
Cake – Friend Is A Four Letter Word Lyrics | 19 years ago |
I must agree with misscaramel. I don't think this is about a break up, but of unrequited love. He's hoping that she'll like him back at some point. *tear* It's pretty sad. Noah, Duke of West Chester |
Chimaira – Lazarus Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Oh shit, just realized some more stuff. In this story, Lazarus get's sick, dies. Same as the Bible story. (Duh.) But I thought it was suicide. Now I'm not so sure. Looking back over the lyrics, it seems to be that the unnamed character was sick, dies, and the narrator hears of the death at 6:30 am, on the 8th of Nov, '94. Then, the funeral is 12 hours later...? I'm not sure. It might also be drugs. I mean, for me, the image of "Woke up panicked, sweating, with a mouth full of vomit" makes me think drugs or alcohol. He says it's a sickness, but how does someone end someone else's life thru an illness? I don't know. It's late, and I'm tired. I'll think about this more tomorrow morning... Noah |
Chimaira – Lazarus Lyrics | 19 years ago |
This song is obviously about a suicide, namely Lazarus'. For those who don't know, Lazarus was someone in the Bible who was close to Jesus, became ill and died. Jesus shows up, and raises him from the dead, the story goes. So to name the man character Lazarus is like a wish for him to come back, to be raised from the dead. It's a nice metaphor, I quite enjoyed it. Brilliant song, regardless of lyrics. Noah |
Trivium – Ascendancy Lyrics | 19 years ago |
I agree with The clairvoyant. It seems to be about rising above betrayal, and being stabbed in the back. The writers mentioning Judas pretty much secures this assertion. Some good imagery with the pheonix, and the viel of deception. All in all, a good song. 2nd only to Pull Harder. Noah |
Slipknot – Scissors Lyrics | 20 years ago |
I'm pretty sure he says: She said don't hesitate Just do what you want and I don't mind! yeah, i have no clue what it means, but if the above helps anyone, woo. noah |
AFI – This Time Imperfect Lyrics | 21 years ago |
ack, this is a long post... enjoy, if you feel like reading it all. this song, IMO, is about suicide. from the perspective of the commiter, and the person close to him/her. i'm going to say that the suicidal is a girl, and the lover is a boy. note: when i say "here he's blah..." i'm talking about davey havok, the singer. after that, i'll talk about him as the actual person in the song. as a he or she. *I cannot leave here, I cannot stay *Forever haunted, more than afraid *Asphyxiate on words I would say *I'm drawn to a blackened sky *As I turn blue here he's someone close to the suicide. most likely an old friend, or lost lover. in the first line, he's feeling the sudden panic and gripping sadness of hearing about it. like time stops. shocked and frozen. the "forever haunted" is him being followed around by the thoughs of 'could i haven helped? could i have done something?' the last lines are him not being about to tell her how he cares, because she's dead. *There are no flowers *No, not this time *There will be no angels *Gracing the lines *Just these stark words I find *I'd show a smile *But I'm too weak *I'd share with you *Could I only speak *Just how much this hurts me here he is the suicidal. the first 5 lines, she's talking about the funeral, and how it's empty. no one knows her, no one cares. the last lines are her talking to the person she cared about, and how she wished they recipercated. the very last line is her pain from their coldness. *I cannot stay here, I cannot leave *Just like all I loved, I'm make-believe *Imagined heart, I disappear *Seems no one will appear here *And make me real this verse is still the suicidal, but before she's dead. she's just talking about how alone, and make-believe she feels. especially when you look at this and the above/below together. the line "seems no one will appear here and make me real" is her wanting that someone, but not getting them. *There are no flowers *No, not this time *There'll be no angels *Gracing the lines *Just these stark words I find *I'd show a smile *But I'm too weak *I'd share with you *Could I only speak *Just how much this hurts me again, this is him as the suicidal person. look above for my whole comment. *I'd tell you how it haunts me *I'd tell you how it haunts me *Cuts through my day *And sinks into my dreams *I'd tell you how it haunts me *Cuts through my day *And sinks into my dreams *You don't care that it haunts me back to the lover. he's become distant from the suicidal, and not really noticed how deeply she's sunk into her depression. until she dies. then, as seen in this bridge, he's struck by remorse and sadness. the rest of his life, he's followed by the momory of her, and the what-if's. ties back to the first verse. *There are no flowers *No, not this time *There'll be no angels *Gracing the lines *Just these stark words I find *I'd show a smile *But I'm too weak *I'd share with you *Could I only speak *Just how much this hurts me *Just how much this hurts me *Just how much you... same as the above, but with a difference. here, she say's the same thing, with the "just how much this hurts me", the "this" being his coldness and is distance. but, in the last line, she kills herself, her last waking thought being "just how much you...", or, i love you, but i can't take the pain anymore. it's a terribly sad song. but hey, it's AFI. this isn't britney spears, or justin timberlake. anyways, please comment. i'd like some feedback. noah |
Metallica – No Leaf Clover Lyrics | 22 years ago |
I just wanted to add that when someone is on the edge of death, they see a light at the end of the tunnel, and this song is saying, IMHO, that occationaly, life will deal you a "No Leaf Clover" or bad luck. In this case, its a frieght train, bringing you/him back to life in a horrible way. Just my opinion. Noah |
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