Blind Faith Lyrics
Asking why I even bother
Tell me, how you
Live from day to day
Is this utopia you've found
The suffering and we just carry on
Isn't it time we care and lose the hate
Understand our fears
Justify the means to and end
Sorry you must excuse me
I've painted my own Mona Lisa
She's fixed everything
Now I'm spoiled beyond my wildest dreams
Which direction do we choose
Our system works for whom I ask
Yeah I have it all
The bigger house
An iron fence to keep you out
So come Messiah show us how how
Our human spirit drowns
Don't thing you hear me now
No sign of you around
What is it you hope to see
Which direction do we choose
Give us something we can use
Cause you've done all you can do
With or without you
We've got to carry on
Our will, will guide us to
A place where we belong
Know there lies the truth
I am the believer who gives purpose on to you
So come Messiah show us how how
Throw us a pure lifeline
I hope that you hear me
Too proud to be around
There's more to us than we see now
Which direction do we choose
Self ignorance, abuse
Cause you've done all you can do

My interpretation of this song is that, near the beginning, the speaker is questioning whether or not a person's material posessions can really make them happy, and also what the point is in living a useless life only centered around material things. As the song progresses, however, the speaker is also questioning the true usefulness and truthfulness of the christian faith, which is, in reality, very vague and unproven. He is asking why a Messiah with so much power and goodness cannot simply show himself to us and prove his existance, as that would most likely be the key to solving humanity's many deficiencies. Nearer the end he is stating that to find true peace, one must look to themselves for guidance, and that without people to worship and believe in God, God cannot exist. Overall, I think it's a very underated song, and very well thought out lyrically. Of course it has some great instrumentals too, but then again, that's Dream Theater.

I totally agree with shidesha, seeing as how people will go to church, wear a cross, but not act out their faith.
Also, the line I've painted my own Mona Lisa i believe talks of how he has made his own utopia, or everything perfect, since the Mona Lisa is considered to be the best piece of art painted, thus saying that he has achieved a perfect state, or his own happy place
As for religion bashing...why? I mean heck go read 1 Corinthians 9-11....that is what christianity is all about, so go and eduacte yourselves first.

Faith is the Belief in things unseen, and being sure of what you hope for. Faith is knowing that God has proven His character to us in the past, and will fulfill His promises to us. Sometimes you just have to trust Him without understanding, but that doesn't mean that it's without reason.
I really appreciated this song, because it really paints a picture of the intense struggle it is to allow ourselves to humbly accept the simplicity of what God has done for us.
We've painted our own Mona Lisa's, our own picture of what we want reality to be, what we want God to be to us. But we neglect what He's already done for us. We want him to come down and fix things for us, but because of our pride, we forget that He already has, but he places the responsiblity of choosing to do what He tells us to do on our shoulders.
We want to rely on that 'blind faith' so we don't have to think about how much responsiblity is actually entrusted to us. God has called us to be His servant, his Children, and His friend. He calls us to understand Him through his Word, and make sure that you're not the only one who understands. It's a lot of responsibility, and you face a lot of hardship and scorn from others because of it. =)
Often times I have created that Glass Prison myself, so that I could show my Blind Faith off without truly understanding that my faith is internal and humble, not a showcase to others. It's God who is on display, not my on piety.
heh... I'm not sure how I found this page, but ya.
Long live DT.

well said doomsoldier, i totally agree, and i'm sure many others do, nothing else can be added
\m/ definately a very underated song

Its about the Stupid Christians in Christianity. There are 2 types of Christians Stupid ones and smart ones, I am a smart one, this one is about the stupid ones which give you answers to questions such as "Trust in God" which isnt really an answer at all it is more of a order or command. There are smart people amung us Christians though.

nah they're all stupid like you

nah they're all stupid like you

Miek, you slack-jawed junkslut, ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity; and yet you seem to be full up on both.
doomsoldier makes some excellent points, and I agree that it is an underrated song. I'd go step by step on it, but it's late, and he pegged most of my points. Maybe tomorrow.
Noah, Duke of West Chester

true, but religion is an excuse for stupidity

idiot. I LOVE people who jump on the popular band wagon of paying out religion simply because they dont understand it and have no desire to. sarcasm These songs could teach you alot with the correct references.