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Ani DiFranco – Pulse Lyrics 11 years ago
"We lie in our beds, in our graves
Unable to save ourselves
From the quaint tragedies we invent and undo
From the stupid circumstances we slalom through."

At the end of the day, we're all the same. We wake up each morning, dodge various obstacles in this monotonous existence we call life; Everything seems so urgent and large at the time, when really we can't do anything about it, and it's actually all so small.

And of course, the love and all of that. The potentially dangerous, potentially grand, all-being-encompassing sort of love.

I adore this song, and the lyrics as well.

Ani DiFranco – Dilate Lyrics 11 years ago
This song always sounded like an eyeroll and a smile to me; The general apathy and resentment for someone you really shouldn't love in the first place, but somehow do, more than anything.

I also think there's a lot of objectivity in the lyrics themselves. It lays everything out on the table plain and simple, for what it actually is. (Every song has a you/A you that the singer sings to/And you're it this time, baby you're it this time.)

For me, at least, it's loving someone that really doesn't deserve it. They just repeatedly disappoint you; Not because of what they do, but because of what they don't do. You build them up to be this grandiose thing that they really aren't, and then feel let down when they fail to live up to that image of them you've created. You slowly give pieces of yourself up for them, expecting them to one day become what you think them to be, until you're "left with nothing," and forced to work with less. (Same idea in 'Done Wrong': "It just all slips away so slowly/You don't even notice 'til you've lost a lot/Been like one of those zombies in Vegas/Pouring quarters into a slot.")

And whenever you see that person you love so much, your heart skips a beat. Suddenly you have so much to say and completely come to life. You see them, and you dilate.

But the constant tug-of-war between the two involved easily leads to the belief that you're "better off alone."

I picked this album out of the bargain bin at a record fair when I first began what was to be a tumultuous, first-love, three year relationship; This album narrated the it in entirety from start to finish. It means a LOT to me personally, as well as thousands of other people.

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