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Tom Waits – Hell Broke Luce Lyrics 6 years ago
@[JerrBerr:26217] i love this song. after i saw the few comments that mentioned Jeff Lucey I found the NPR story where his parents are talking about his last days, devastating. Makes the song that much more intense

Hozier – Take Me to Church Lyrics 9 years ago
The first time I heard the song was when Hozier was the musical guest on SNL. My initial thought, other than "this is amazing!!!" was that he was just speaking of the baseline sexuality of human nature.

"We were born sick, you heard them say it" and "born sick but I love it" is just a response to the long standing Christian view that everyone is born a sinner and needs religious salvation to be clean in the eyes of the lord. "born sick, but I love it" is wanting to f*** whenever you want, not just within the confines of marriage and being okay with that urge.

I think its just an acceptance of sexual desires and recognizing it as beautiful as is. Referring to his lover as a goddess, and speaking as their sex as making him "human" and "clean" is regarding it as an intense and spiritual experience. And come on, who doesn't want a sex life that passionate??

All of the religious symbolism is really clever and spoke to me as a former Southern Baptist. It's interesting how organized religion has a preoccupation with regulating people's sexual behaviors and I believe this song offers a witty perspective on the whole thing.

When I saw the video finally, I recognized how it can be interpreted to be about the church's rejection of homosexuality. Anything that adds a voice to support equal rights is good in my book.

Either way, it's a fantastic song all around, the beat, the lyrics and his voice are all perfect.

Sunset Rubdown – You Go On Ahead (Trumpet, Trumpet II) Lyrics 11 years ago
Honestly it doesn't really matter nailing down an exact specific meaning because deriving your own meaning from it makes the song personal and relatable to you. With that being said... this song is catchy as hell and so damned fun to listen to. Its hard to stay in a bad mood when ya hear this little gem. Kudos, Mr. Krug.

Lana Del Rey – Ride Lyrics 11 years ago
I don't have any meaning to add because it has been well covered. I just think this song incredibly sexy in a vulnerable sort of way... kind of keeping yourself from being held accountable for reckless behavior, sleeping around and such. Its sort of endearing in a way... perhaps liberating? Just a thought. Nice video too.

Lana Del Rey – Driving in Cars with Boys Lyrics 11 years ago
I really love this song, kind of describes a rebellious teenage streak a lot of us had. Takes me back :-)

Bright Eyes – Pull My Hair Lyrics 11 years ago
It is as simple as the love has gone a little stale so do a little something extra to spice up the sex like be a little rough... really get the blood flowing. It is seriously the simplest song he has ever written.

and damn is it sexy...

Rodriguez – I Wonder Lyrics 11 years ago
While listening through the Cold Fact album this one gave me a cheeky smile :-) Neat little song.

Rodriguez – Sugar Man Lyrics 11 years ago
Every other song on Cold Fact is just as good as this one, I'd recommend a full listen to the album, it is spectacular. Sugar Man just happens to be the catchiest.

Rodriguez – Hate Street Dialogue Lyrics 11 years ago
I can't contribute anything as far as interpretation to the lyrics other than what may be obvious. I was given the Cold Fact album to listen to a few weeks ago and after a full listen I determined this was my favorite song from the list. I just love the prosody and rhythm of the chorus.

Macklemore – Same Love Lyrics 11 years ago
I cried the first time I saw this video/ heard this song. It really resonates with me. I'm proud of artists who take a stand for equality, we need more people to do that. Someday, perhaps love will overcome hate and kids wouldn't "rather die than be who they are". "No freedom till we're equal, damn right I support it." Beautiful song.

Tim McGraw – Red Ragtop Lyrics 11 years ago
I was pretty shocked the first time I heard this song, which was probably in middle school, because I had always known country music to be largely conservative in subject matter. I've always loved the melody though, no question. Now that I'm in my early twenties I really appreciate this song because I think its pretty damn brave to address issues with your art, even if you're just acknowledging its existence and not necessarily taking a side. This will probably always be one of my favorite country tunes. Good for you, Tim.

The Avett Brothers – Through My Prayers Lyrics 11 years ago
Wow, perfect little song that I can relate to, and so can many others I imagine. Really simply written but also honest. Not one word or note out of place. This is one of my new favorites :-)

Cotton Jones – I Am The Changer Lyrics 12 years ago
I think this one might have been an iTunes freebie or something b/c I can't remember how I found it. I've heard no other songs by these guys. The youtube video for this song done live is far superior to the studio version. Reminds me of a very lonely, desolate feeling. Really touching.

Death Cab for Cutie – Your New Twin Sized Bed Lyrics 12 years ago
I found this song the summer before I went to college. At the time I liked to think that (contrary to the lyrics) the twin sized bed signified me moving into a dorm with twin and leaving the comfort of my full sized mattress at home. The slow melody also spoke to my apprehension to moving to a new city. Now it reminds me of how bright eyed and innocent I used to be ;-)

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